Highly Qualified Teacher Information (HQT)

UPDATE: The Highly Qualified Teacher Website is now available for verification of your HQT status for the 2018-19 school year.


**The deadline for teachers to submit HQT status via http://sis2.cpsboe.k12.oh.us is October 31.

This only applies to teachers of core academic subjects. Core academic subjects, as defined in Section 9101 of NCLB, include English, language arts, reading, science, mathematics, arts (includes music, visual arts, dance and drama), foreign language, government and civics, history, economics and geography. All other teachers may ignore these instructions (an example of excluded courses would be physical education and preschool courses.)

Teachers who are not the teacher of record for any course in Power School but assist with the education of core academic subjects will need to complete the appropriate paper form in the HQT Tool kit that can be found on the HQT website. This should be returned to their building principal. Remember this is for teachers in core academic areas only. Examples of teachers who fall into this category are:

1. Intervention Specialist (There are two forms. One is for grades K-6 and the other for grades 7-12)

2. Gifted Teachers teaching Enrichment classes or providing other gifted services.

3. Reading Specialist

4. Auxiliary Service Teachers (Non-Public)

5. Satellite Teachers (WRC Step, Talbert House etc.)

6. Tutors (if providing services in core academic areas)

All teachers of core academic subjects must meet the Highly Qualified Teacher requirement.

There are three parts to meet the HQT requirement:

    • Teachers must hold at least a Bachelor's Degree

    • Teachers must have a certificate/license that is appropriate to the grade and subject they are teaching; AND

    • Teachers must be able to demonstrate subject area expertise in the core academic subject(s) they teach.

If any part is missing, then a teacher can not be an HQT.

Login to determine eligibility for HQT status, click the following link: http://sis2/hqts2006/

As aligned with the state standards, Cincinnati Public Schools will continue to require highly qualified teachers in core academic subjects as dictated by current state legislation, report card requirements and the state equity plan. The department will continue to work with stakeholders to redefine teacher qualifications in Ohio. For more information regarding the HQT process, standards and forms, please visit http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/School-Improvement/Federal-Programs/Elementary-and-Secondary-Education-Act/Highly-Qualified-Teacher-HQT-Toolkit