Talent Onboarding

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Ohio law requires all individuals to have a baseline Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) and a FBI criminal background check upon employment with Cincinnati Public School district. For Certificated and Civil Service staff, individuals should have their checks completed upon applying for their educator license, certificate or permit. The FBI and BCI checks must not be older than one year (365 days) at the time in which they are used for initial licensure. Cincinnati Public Schools follows the Ohio Department of Education standards regarding all licensure policies and procedures. Other points of reference to consider:

  • If an individual continuously resides in Ohio, he/she doesn't need to update the BCI background check, but does need to obtain a FBI criminal background check once every five years.

  • If an individual resides outside of Ohio at any time during the five years after obtaining the BCI check, then both background checks need to be updated.

  • These policies apply to all individuals holding a state of Ohio educator license, certificate or permit, including a non-tax certificate (no expiration), a permanent certificate (no expiration date) and an eight-year professional certificate.

  • It is the responsibility of the educators holding ODE licenses, certificates or permits, as well as their employers, to ensure the law is followed with regard to obtaining required updated background checks within a five-year time frame as mandated by law, even if the expiration of a background check does not always coincide with the expiration of the license.

For more information about the licensing process in the state of Ohio, visit http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Licensure/Additional-Information/Background-Check-FAQs

UPDATE: Background Checks at CPS Board of Education

Background checks are available in the Employee Care Center at the Education Center for current and new employees of CPS, as well as CPS volunteers. Hours to obtain BCI and FBI information are Monday through Friday 9:30 AM-12:30 PM, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM. (Contact Saryna Faulkner at 363-0153 or faulksa@cps-k12.org). CPS issues BCII and FBI only - 48 hours for results. Cash only -Exact cash - for BCII and FBI - $50, for BCII only - $25, for FBI only - $30.

For renewals, only the FBI is needed if you have continually lived in Ohio for the past five years. New employees and non-Ohio residents need both.

Not sure if you need a background check? Check your SAFE account at ODE. Also, those with expiring background checks should have been notified by Business Plus/Sungard. For more questions, call or email Saryna Faulkner: 363-0153 or faulksa@cps-k12.org