Human Resources Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the Human Resource office hours of operation and location?A: Human Resource Technicians are available Monday-Friday, 8:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m. We are located on the first floor of the Cincinnati Public Schools Board of Education, 2651 Burnet Avenue.

Q: How do I apply for vacant positions in Cincinnati Public Schools?

A: When applying for position vacancies within Cincinnati Public Schools, applicants should complete an application on Applitrak. CPS will no longer accept paper applications or resumes. If you previously submitted a paper application or resume and are interested in current or future career opportunities, you are asked to resubmit it through the online application system. Additionally, CPS is not affiliated with The Greater Cincinnati School Application Consortium. However, applicants are able to import their information from the Consortium Applitrak application into the Cincinnati Public School Applitrak application. To view vacancies, click on the following link:

CPS Vacancies (Internal and External)

Q: I've been hired by Cincinnati Public Schools...what's next?

A: We offer New Hire Orientation presentations for all positions. Consult Talent Onboarding (New Hires) or HR/Benefits Calendar for times, dates and details about the process.

Q: How do I get a Background Check and CPS Security Badge?

A: In Hamilton County, background checks are conducted at the Justice Center, 1000 Sycamore Street, Downtown Cincinnati, Ph. 946-6600. You need to have an official picture identification, such as a state ID or driver's license. Prices are subject to change. To obtain a CPS Security Badge, bring the results of your local background check or the receipt from your Level 2 or 3 background check to the CPS Security Office, located on the first floor of the CPS Board of Education Center, 2651 Burnet Avenue. Our office is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 am.m-2:30 p.m. Visit for more information.

**Please note that all CPS employees, consultants, coaches and volunteers are required to get a badge. Also, background checks obtained online are not acceptable.

Background Checks at CPS Board of Education

PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT - go to, click on Our District, click in the Information column on Departments, click on Security Services, click on Make an appointment to schedule a Background Check, schedule on the calendar.

Background checks are available in the Employee Care Center at the Education Center for current and new employees of CPS, as well as CPS volunteers. Hours to obtain BCI and FBI information are Monday through Friday 9:30 AM-12:30 PM, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM. (Contact Saryna Faulkner at 363-0153 or CPS issues BCII and FBI only - 48 hours for results. Cash only -Exact cash - for BCII and FBI - $50, for BCII only - $25, for FBI only - $30.

For renewals, only the FBI is needed if you have continually lived in Ohio for the past five years. New employees and non-Ohio residents need both.

Not sure if you need a background check? Check your SAFE account at ODE. Also, those with expiring background checks should have been notified by Business Plus/Sungard. For more questions, call or email Saryna Faulkner: 363-0153 or

Q: How do I access the Ohio Department of Education to find specific topics?

A: Some of the links to specific topics, such as eTPES, Aide Permits, Licensure information and OPES, for example, can be accessed through the respective tabs found under the sidebar on the left side of this screen. For other information, please visit

Q: What is the IRN number and how do I get it?

A: The Informational Retrieval Number is assigned to each school district in the state of Ohio. The IRN # for Cincinnati Public Schools is 043752. The IRN # for LPDC is 014500. When dealing with any type of licensure matters, these are the two numbers requested.

Q: How do I set up a SAFE account?

A: All CPS employees who are required to have a license, Aide Permit or Pupil Activities License are required to have a SAFE Account for renewal purposes. For step-by-step instructions on how to establish a SAFE account, visit:

If you have an established account, log in or through our Employee Login Center (link at the bottom of the page.)

Q: Do I need a license to become a substitute?

A: No. Candidates must have a Bachelors Degree from an accredited university/college. When becoming a Long-Term Substitute, candidates must apply for a 1 or 5 year license at The school district is Cincinnati City. IRN# 043752. You must work 21-35 consecutive days in the same assignment to qualify for Long-Term Substitute salary.