Exercises for Module 4

Module 4: Where are we now?

Constellation Tool: Self Assessment

Exercise 1. Learning from Geoff's experience

"You must know how to facilitate the Self Assessment, but, more importantly, you must know how to facilitate the community discussion."

Geoff's story describes a powerful discussion that he witnessed during a Self Assessment. Reflect on a time when you were part of such a discussion and what impact it had on you.

Share your thoughts with your triad colleagues on the Forum.

Exercise 2 Reflect on the other readings

In the reading for this module, you will find lessons from Constellation coaches as they used the Self Assessment with groups. One consistent message is that the Self Assessment becomes powerful when it brings together a diverse group who have an open conversation. Can you remember a time when you witnessed such a conversation or were part of one?

Share your thoughts with your triad colleagues on the Forum.

Exercise 3. Learn-and-share with your triad: Do your Self Assessment

Come together as a triad and complete a Self Assessment based on the shared practises that you created for your shared dream.

Exercise 4 Reflect on the SALT visit:

Reflect on your experience on the SALT visit where you work with your group as they complete their Self Assessment. Share your thoughts on the forum.