Exercises for Module 3

Module 3: Where do we want to be?

Constellation Tool: Building the Dream

Exercise 1. Reflect on Rituu's story

Here are two sections taken from Rituu's story that have had an impact on us:

"Without dreams, we can see the world only as it is and we are blind to how it can be. Dreams give us a vision of a better future and the hope to work for it."


"We dream together and each other's words feed our minds and stimulate our thought and action."

Reflect on Rituu's story: make links between Rituu's story and your own experience and begin to draw your own lessons.

Share your thoughts with your triad colleagues on the Forum.

Exercise 2 Reflect on the other readings

In Section 2 of the readings you read of the experience of Guyana Life Competence as they build their dream and define the practises that they think that they will need to build their dream.

Reflect on your dream for this programme and when you have defined that dream define the practises that you think that you will need to achieve your dream.

Share you dream and your practises with your colleagues on the forum.

Exercise 3. Learn-and-share with your triad: Build your dream for this programme

Come together as a triad in order to create a shared dream for the programme.

Start by sharing your individual dreams and from those individual dreams work to create a shared dream.

And the final step is to compare your practises. What are the practises that you will need to create your shared dream? Are there practises that you had in common? Compare you individual list of practises and then come up with a shared list that you will need to reach your dream for the programme.

Exercise 4 Reflect on the SALT visit:

Reflect on your experience on the SALT visit where you work with your group to define a shared dream and a set of practises to reach that dream. Share your thoughts on the forum.