Nico Hernandez Charpak - Solving Nanoscale Puzzles: Probing and Understanding Nanoscale Thermal Transport

Post date: Jan 26, 2016 4:57:48 AM

Solving Nanoscale Puzzles: Probing and Understanding Nanoscale Thermal Transport

Modern nanofabrication techniques can synthesize single atomic layer films and nanostructures less than 100 atoms wide or tall, and you can carry a billion of those in your pocket! But the models that we use to understand thermal transport fail at these length scales. This talk will discuss the development of the next generation of measurement tools using new types of lasers that allow us to explore new surprising behaviors and go where fundamental understanding and technological development intersect.

Nico Hernandez Charpak

Kapteyn-Murnane Group

Wednesday, Jan. 27th at

5:00 pm

Gamow Tower, 11th floor,

Commons Room

Free Pizza