
                                                            All about CU-Prime

Our Mission...

CU-Prime is a student-run organization aimed at increasing inclusion in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields through mentorship and community building. We are especially interested in fostering an open culture in STEM for those from typically underrepresented populations. We organize biweekly seminars which are accessible by physics students at a beginning undergraduate level, and we are always looking for opportunities to engage our community in new ways.

Our Goals...

Our History...

CU-Prime was started in the summer of 2013 by a group of graduate students in the Physics Department at CU Boulder. Inspired by the Berkeley Compass Project (another member of our parent organization, the Access Network), we began to run biweekly seminars as a starting point for community building. Our seminar series started in Fall 2013 and has grown into a regular event which benefits attendees of all levels, including the speaker! Over the years we have developed more projects and community events, including a mentorship program, a 1-credit course, and a diversity workshop program, to foster an inclusive and positive Physics learning environment.


Since 2013, CU-Prime hosts engaging talks (and pizza!) for the physics community.  Our presenters are mostly all graduate students themselves who have offered their time and expertise on a volunteer basis (though we have also showcased postdocs and undergraduate presenters who are involved with research). Our events emphasize interactive discussion among the audience and with the presenter and allow plenty of time for informal interactions.


CU-Prime also runs a one-credit elective course called "PHYS 1400: Fundamentals of Scientific Inquiry." The course was first offered in the Fall of 2014 and has been offered every Fall semester since then. It is aimed at introductory physics and physics-interested students, and is led by graduate student and upper-level undergraduate instructors. If you're interested in taking PHYS 1400 next Fall, read more here!


The third program run by  CU-Prime is our Mentorship Program, which started as a pilot program in Spring 2014 and officially launched for the Fall 2015 semester. The program was restarted in Fall 2018 after a break in AY 2017-18, and we are hoping to restart the program again after the current break in AY 2023-24.

Designed as a low-commitment way to participate in CU-Prime and get connected in the Physics Department, the Mentorship Program aims to build a lasting community between students at different levels of study within physics and STEM. For more information, and to sign up as a mentor or mentee for next (academic) year, head on over to the Mentorship page.

Our Future...

We are currently looking to the future and are excited to expand our efforts into new programs and opportunities. Our group is constantly growing and evolving, and we welcome new faces and ideas. Get in touch if you think you have something to offer!

Our Funding...

CU-Prime gratefully receives support and/or funding in the past and/or present from the following sources: