Mentorship FAQ

Mentorship Program Frequently asked Questions

Q: What is the time commitment for a mentor?

A: Typical time commitment is ~2 hours per month. Mentors agree to participate in the mentorship program for an academic year (Fall and Spring semesters). Mentoring relationships can last longer than that, in fact, it's a good sign if they do! We encourage successful mentorship groups to continue in the program for each individuals' full time at CU Boulder. Mentors are also required to attend a mentor training session before the kick-off event at the start of the Fall semester.

Q: If I do not currently intend to pursue a physics degree may I still participate in this program?

A: The program is geared towards being most useful to students in the physics, astrophysics, and engineering physics departments. But since the goal is not to teach physics but more generally to build community and convey experiences, the program might be useful to you.  Please contact us to discuss your particular situation.

Q: How often do mentorship groups meet?

A: We strongly recommend that mentorship groups meet at least once a month. Beyond that, each group decides on its own timing and schedule. More than once a month is fine! A group's meeting frequency can change throughout the year as needed.

Q: What do mentorship groups talk about?

A: Groups discuss a wide variety of things depending on the interests and needs of the people in the group. Typical topics include the research going on at CU Boulder (and how to get involved), what classes and other career-related opportunities to sign up for, study skills and academic resources on campus, as well as cool physics ideas, hobbies, and non-physics related interests! 

Q: Can the CU-Prime mentorship program help me with my homework?

A: No. The CU-Prime mentorship program is specifically not a tutoring program. However, there are several other places and programs that offer tutoring and homework help, and we'd be happy to direct and support students in finding the assistance they need!

Q: How are mentorship groups formed?

A: Program organizers organize participants into clusters of ~10 mentors and mentees based on the information provided in the application form. Clusters get to know each other at the kick-off event at the beginning of the Fall semester, and then vote on who they would like in their mentorship group. Organizers then form groups of 2-4 based on those votes, striving to honor participants' preferences as much as possible.

Q: When are mentorship groups formed?

A: Mentors are introduced at our Fall and Spring kick-off events. Mentees are almost entirely assigned at this time, but are also assigned on a rolling basis.