Jamie Principato - It Came From Outer Space: Catching Cosmic Rays in the Stratosphere

Post date: Oct 02, 2017 8:12:20 PM

It Came From Outer Space: Catching Cosmic Rays in the Stratosphere

As students and scientists, we rely on observation to make sense of the world around us. But how can we observe things that are too small, fast and far away to be seen or felt? You may have heard astronomers say that light is information, and this is hard to deny. We rely on light to see everything around us, even into the far reaches of the known universe, but there is more to light than meets the eye. In this talk, we'll explore how light and optics can be used to indirectly observe cosmic rays as they bombard Earth's atmosphere from light years beyond our solar system. 

Jamie Principato

Wednesday, September 20th at 5pm

Gamow Tower, 11th floor,

Commons Room

Free Pizza