Charlie Bevis - What's going on at the bottom? Visualizing the nano-scale with lensless microscopy

Post date: Dec 03, 2017 4:45:45 AM

How to Catch a Particle

Have you ever wondered what's going on when things get very small? Well, when you're talking about the nano-scale that's not such an easy question to answer, and even harder to visualize. To resolve such small objects we need to use very short wavelength light, such as X-rays. Unfortunately, we can't make lenses for this kind of light. Which leads to the interesting problem: how do you form an image without a lens? The answer is, of course, computers. Come hear about this exciting field and learn about the fundamentals of lensless nano-imaging!

Charlie Bevis

Wednesday, December 6th at 5pm

Gamow Tower, 11th floor,

Commons Room

Free Pizza