Ben Pollard - Model While You Measure: Using Science to Teach a Better Physics Lab

Post date: Apr 16, 2018 6:32:40 PM

Model While You Measure: Using Science to Teach a Better Physics Lab

Wednesday, February 28th at 5pm

Gamow Tower, 11th floor,

Commons Room

Free Pizza

The field of physics, and science in general, is rooted in experimental evidence. Understanding measurement systems, comparing measured results to models, and using data to refine those models are essential skills for physics students to learn. However, these experimental practices are sometimes not emphasized in undergraduate lab courses or taught in an authentic context. My colleagues and I research how students learn experimental science, and use our findings to improve laboratory teaching. I will describe our ongoing process to develop a research-based assessment of scientific modeling in experimental physics, and how we use insights from our research to improve laboratory courses at CU Boulder.

Ben Pollard