Fusion 360: Phone Case

The schematics of my phone case

Fusion 360 - Designing A Phone Case

We all followed this slideshow to make our phone cases.


Early on in the process, around slide 24 and 25, do not mess around with the shape of the case too much. Though this did not happen to me personally, some people altered the shape of their phone cases too drastically. Later in the process, when they were cutting out space for the intermediate/actual phone, their phone was too wide or too thick to actually cut things out. They had to restart their form. So, do exactly as the slides say, and do not change the shape too much, as cool as it might seem.

I had a lot of difficulty on the slides following slide 66, and I later discovered that it was because I completely disregarded slide 66 itself. Then, I couldn’t do what I needed to in later slides because I had created my sketch on the wrong plane. When you get to this step, make sure to create the new sketch on the face of the phone case, and not on the intermediate itself. The next slides will ask you to Project onto a sketch. Obviously, you cannot Project lines onto the lines themselves. It defies the concept of the project tool.

I definitely feel like I learned a lot about various tools in Fusion 360 through the building of this case. Though I had to restart my case because I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong, I still think that I understand what I was doing (at least the second time around). This project was very helpful in advancing my skills in Fusion 360.