Laser Cut Keychain


To see the process of making this keychain, watch my YouTube video here:


Obtain picture

Obtain picture of desired design online

Right-click on the picture and go Save Image

Save it under a name you’ll remember

Inkscape setup

Go File> Document Properties

Change everything (Display units, size of page, etc) to inches

Make the size of the page 2 x 2 inches (this is the size of the keychain)

At the top of the popup, click the tab labeled “Grid”

Under Creation, click New to make a new grid

Change the grid units to inches

Make both the spacing X and Y .25

Make a major grid line every 4 (so that there’s a major grid line every inch on the grid)

Close the document properties popup

Inkscape tracing

In the top bar, go File>Import

Search for your file and Open it

Scale its size by dragging the corner or entering its dimensions in the top bar

Right-click on the image and go Trace Bitmap

A popup will come up, change the settings to clarify your image

Brightness cutoff worked the best for me, change the threshold to sharpen your image

Make sure to keep pressing “Update” to see how your setting changes have changed the image

When satisfied, press “OK”

Your new image will be on top of the old image, so click on your image and drag away (the new, clearer image should come away with your mouse)

Delete the old image

Laser cutter

Preparing the file

Find your design on Google Drive

Drag and drop it into Corel Draw

Set the page size to 20 x 16 inches

Select the design, right click, and press Ungroup

If some objects are still stuck together, select these objects, right click, and choose Unlock. You should be able to edit the objects and move them around independently.

Select all the objects in the drawing and go to the top bar

In the center of the bar, there will be a pulldown bar that controls the thickness of the border. Click on the pulldown bar and choose Hairline.

Check: If you click out of the design and the thickness keeps changing and not staying as hairline, your objects may still be locked/grouped. The design must be unlocked and ungrouped for the laser cutter to read and print it.

Move the design to the desired location on the page

Printing Settings

Go Control+P to print

Make sure your design appears on the print preview

If it is not there, change the page settings to landscape (it may be on portrait)

Click Preferences, next to the printer selection

Make sure that the piece size is set to 2 x 2 inches (the size of the keychain)

Choose Center-Engraving

Choose Auto Focus and Vector Grid with a thickness of .13 inches

The job type should be Raster, and set the raster settings at:

Speed: 100%

Power: 50%

Frequency: 50

for the cardboard runthrough

Press OK

Press Apply on the original printing page, then Print to send the design to the laser cutter

Printing on cardboard

Place cardboard in the laser cutter’s tray

Use the up and down arrows on the right side of the control panel to go to Jog

Use the stick to move the cutter’s initial position around. Use the red light to orient yourself. The design will center around that red dot

Press down on the stick to set that as the starting point. The screen should say “Setting…” with a loading bar below that

Once again use the up and down arrows and return it to Job when satisfied with the location

Press Go to start the printing process

If/Once the design looks like it is the right size, stop the printing

Reset it to the starting place to set up for the leather printing

Printing on leather: Settings

Go back to the printer and go Control+P

Click Preferences

Set the same preferences as the last printing, except:

Offset: .13

Speed: Around 50%

Power: Around 100%, depending on how dark you want your design to be

Frequency: 50

Press OK

On the original printing page, press Apply and then Print

Printing on leather

Place the leather keychain on top of the cardboard (This is why the offset was .13)

Center the keychain to the red dot

Press Go on the control panel

When finished, examine the keychain but keep it in its position. If you want a darker design, you may reprint

When satisfied, remove the keychain from under the laser and reset the cutter


Use Q-tips and/or leather cleaner to improve the appearance of the keychain

Use the hardware given and a hammer to affix the ring to the piece of leather