
Steps for using the %childhoodbppct macro:

1. Download quantreg_coef.txt, ht_zscore.txt, ht_zscore.inf.txt from the web site.

2. Download program from the web site.

3. Make sure the input data has the following variables

(see proceed for each field):

id, sex, age, height, sysbp, diask5.

Among them:

sex with value: 1 for male; 2 for female.

age is in years.

height is in CENTIMETERS.

Note: The records may (a) list the above variables in any order;

and (b) contain missing data for

either sysbp or diask5;

and (c) contain other variables.

The percentiles for systolic and diastolic(?) are

provided as integer in the new variable names:

syspct and diaspct.

4. This program calculates BP percentiles for children ages 0-17.99 years of age.

5. Syntax for calling the program:

%include "";

/* call the macro as follows: */




Note: ageflg=1: assuming the age from the input data is integer

in years, and will be converted to months using

formula---> agemon=round(age*12,1.0)+6.5;

ageflg=2: assuming the age from the input data is

float number in years, and will be converted

to months using formula --->
