
%cluswilcoxpower( ipnlst =n1, n2..., etc. Indicates that there are n1 clusters of size 1, n2 clusters of size 2 ..., etc in the active group of the new proposed study. ipmlst =m1, m2..., etc. Indicates that there are m1 clusters of size 1, m2 clusters of size 2 ..., etc in the control group of the new proposed study. est_mu =Y if mu is estimated from a previous sample data set dsn. N if mu is pre-specified est_rho =Y if rho is estimated from a previous sample data set dsn. N if rho is pre-specified dsn =dsn_name means that a previous sample dataset called dsn_name is available to estimates. if there is no previous sample dataset then specify dsn=, . varn =outcome variable in dsn to be compared between the control and active groups. varn should be left blank if there is no dsn. grp =variable in dsn to indicate group status. where 1=control,2=active. grp should be left blank if there is no dsn. alpha =2-sided type I error (default=0.05 if not specified) mu =xx if user specified value of mu, =blank otherwise rho =xx if user specified value of rho,=blank otherwise igmin =minimum cluster size in new proposed study if leave blank then minimum cluster size in dsn is used instead igmax =maximum cluster size in new proposed study if leave blank then minimum cluster size in dsn is used instead );