1 Credit
Grades 9 - 12
This course will consist of math terminology, the solution of equation and inequalities, work with irrational numbers, graphing and a few selected topics. Algebra is needed and used almost daily by everybody even though it is not thought of as being algebra.
Prerequisite: Must have completed 8th grade Math, and have the recommendation of their current math instructor.
1 Credit
Grades 9 – 12
This course is for students who have had one year of Linear Algebra. The topics will bridge the gap between Linear Algebra and Algebra II.
Prerequisite: Linear Algebra
1 Credit
Grades 10 -12
This course will be a continuation of Algebra I but will deal with the solution of more difficult equations and inequalities and will be used in practical word problems. Students will translate between real-world situations and mathematical models using graphs, matrices, data tables and/or spreadsheets, verbal descriptions and algebraic expressions. They will also generalize patterns and build mathematical models to deal with situations that are linear, periodic and exponential growth/decay.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Intermediate Algebra with a grade "C" or better for both semesters and has the Instructor’s recommendation. Exceptions will be made by the Math Department in special cases. All students are required to have a scientific calculator.
1 Credit
Grades 9 - 12
This course is designed to develop the student's thinking ability logically so that problems can be systematically set up and solved. Work will be done with everyday objects around us such as triangles, circles, polygons, angles, etc. Area and volume problems will be dealt with. Students will model geometric structures; analyze characteristics of shape, size and space, use geometric properties to justify reasoning in a logical argument and much more. In every phase of life geometry is used even though it very seldom is thought of as being geometry. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I with a grade “C” or better for both semesters and the recommendation of the Algebra I instructor. 1st semester Geometry must be completed with a passing grade to continue on to 2nd semester Geometry. Scientific calculator is required.
1 Credit
Grades 11 -12
This is a year-long course for students who have not taken Algebra II and do not plan to go to a four-year college or university. This course teaches topics included in the required MCA test administered in the 11th grade. Standards covered in this course include: solving equations and inequalities, graphing on a coordinate system, probability and statistics, right triangle trigonometry, and geometric relationships in two and three dimensional shapes.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra I and their current Instructor’s approval/recommendation.
1 Credit
Grades 11 - 12
This course will begin by reinforcing the concepts learned in Algebra II. The remainder of the course will include the exploration, investigation and application of the following topics: relations, functions and graphs, trigonometry, advanced functions and graphs, discrete mathematics, and an introduction to calculus. A course that all college-bound students interested in science or math should take.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra II with a C or better for both semesters and has Algebra II instructor’s approval/recommendation. Students are required to have a scientific calculator. A graphing calculator is strongly encouraged.
1 Credit
Grade 12
This class will offer an in-depth study of limits, derivatives and integrals and their application to real world problems. This class will also prepare the student for the Advanced Placement Calculus AB test. It is an excellent preparatory class for college calculus. Students planning a career in math or math related field should take this course.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Introduction to Analysis and has the Analysis instructor’s approval/recommendation. All students are required to have a graphing calculator.
1/2 Credit
Grades 12
The goal of this class is to introduce the topics usually found in a college-level algebra course. It is an excellent refresher course for the student planning to attend college, who has completed Algebra II, or beyond, and does not have a math class scheduled for their senior year. The course will begin with a streamlined review of introductory algebra topics and provide an early introduction to functions and graphing, creating a foundation for discussion of intermediate topics and a wide variety of problems involving graphing and functions.
Prerequisite: Open to 12th grade students only who have completed Algebra II or beyond. Algebra II or Analysis instructor’s approval/recommendation is required to register.