Business Education


1/2 Credit

Grades 10 -12                                                                                    

This course is recommended for students who want to pursue a fundamental understanding of accounting for college and for a career.  You will learn the procedures necessary to complete the accounting cycle for a service business and begin to study merchandising businesses also. Topics of study will include using a general journal, subsidiary ledgers, and special journals, and writing financial reports. In the process of completing several simulations, you will also learn how to use a computerized accounting program. Accounting is a basic requirement for college business majors. This course will give you a good introduction to accounting principles and practices either for further study or for personal use.

Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Pre-Algebra or Algebra


1/2 Credit

Grades 10 -12                                                                    

Students will study criminal and civil actions, law enforcement, and our court systems through a variety of activities including a simulation and knowledgeable speakers from the community. The legal aspects of contracts will be studied, including contracts for housing, employment, and insurance. This course teaches you about your legal rights and responsibilities as a citizen in the U.S. through practical examples and actual court cases.

Prerequisite: None

Students interested in college credit are encouraged to take the CLEP Business Law test at the college of your choice.




1/2 Credit

Grades 10 - 12                                                           

Do you know how to manage your money so that you can live on your own? This course covers topics necessary for life in today’s world. Students will discover the importance of budgeting and managing a checking account. Use of both Excel and Quicken will be integrated into the course so that you can use money management software to pay bills and keep your checking account straight. This course also explores housing alternatives, all types of insurance, investing your money, taking out a loan and using credit cards, and doing your own income taxes. This course is important for all students who don’t plan on living at home forever.

Prerequisite: None





1/2 Credit

Grades 9 -12                                                   

Design your own class by picking four computer applications that you want to learn more about. Choose to work on your keyboarding skills, learn to format various word processing documents, or increase your knowledge of Excel. Learn more about PowerPoint, become a proficient user of the database Access, or use a web text-editor to increase your knowledge in making web pages. This is a work-on-your-own course to learn more about the software you were introduced to in Tech Apps in middle school. You choose the four units you want to work on, and complete projects and simulations in each area you choose for 4-5 weeks.

Prerequisite: None


1/2 Credit

Grades 10 - 12                                                                   

This course is a continuation of Accounting I and is geared for those students planning to go to college in the business field who need an entire year of accounting on their high school transcript. The course will be a learn-on-your-own experience, done through reading and following both the textbook and written instructions given through COOL. You will continue your use of accounting software as you work through several simulations.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Accounting I and instructor approval.

*Articulated college credit may be available.




1/2 Credit

Grades 9-12

General Business is a business class covering basic economic information, different types of businesses, marketing functions, and entrepreneurship. An existing business will be examined in depth to see what makes it successful. Students will then test their entrepreneurial skills by developing a small business of their own on paper. If you have ever thought about owning your own business, join this class and see if you can make it in the real world as an entrepreneur!

Prerequisite: None




1/2 Credit

Grades 10 - 12                                                                   

This course is a continuation of General Business and will introduce you to principles of being a manager, whether you work for someone else or own your own business. In this class, you will create your own business as a part of a team, and each person will work in a different job to make this business successful. Each team member will take a turn being the manager of the business and being in charge of the other workers as they rotate through the various jobs needed to make the business function well. It sounds like playing office, but you will be surprised at all you can learn from this activity!

Prerequisite: None required, but General Business recommended.


1/2 Credit

Grades 10 -12                                                                             


The student in Computer Multimedia will use the computer to do creative work in several different media. Students will create web pages of their own using straight HTML programming language. Web 2.0 tools will be researched and used in order to create cartoons and drawings. Students will also create newsletters, advertisements, and other printed material using desktop publishing software. Adobe PhotoShop will be an integral part of this class. This is a good course for anyone who likes to be creative and work independently on a computer. 

Prerequisite: None

This course is a combination of Desktop Publishing and Internet which were taught previously. If you have taken one of these courses but not the other, please check with the instructor to make sure you really want to take this course.