Graduation Requirements for CFHS
Communications 9 1 credit
Language Arts 10 1 credit
Media Studies .5 credit
In addition, choose .5 literature, .5 writing and .5 additional English class of their choice for a total of 1.5 credits.
Literature Block
Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition (AP Lit)
Honors Humanities: Modern or Classical World
Literature Workshop
Drama: Literature and Presentation
Science Fiction Literature (Sci-Fi Lit)
Writing Block
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition (AP Comp)
Practical English
Creative Composition
College Writing
Fitness, Recreational Games, and 1 more PE 1.5 credits
Health 9/10 by end of 10th grade year .5 credit
3. MATH 3 credits
4. SCIENCE 3 credits
5. SOCIAL STUDIES 4 credits
Civics 9 1 credit
U.S. History 10 1 credit
World History 1 credit
Economics .5 credit
Human Geography of Global Issues - .5 credit OR AP Government – 1.0 credit
6. FINE ARTS 1 credit
7. PERSONAL FINANCE (after 9th grade) .5 credit
8. ELECTIVES - ANY 6.5 credits
Graduation requirements equal 24 credits total needed for a CFHS diploma.
9. Successful completion of Ramp Up to Readiness.
One credit equals one full year of study. All students must take a minimum of (six) 6 academic classes each semester.