
Islamic Council of NSW

The Islamic Council of NSW (ICNSW) is a peak umbrella body representing Australian Muslims of diverse ethnic backgrounds, established in 1976 to cater to the diverse needs of Australian Muslims. The Council has facilitated the integration of Australian Muslims by providing settlement support programs that enhance the participation and integration of Muslims in Australia through policy development and advice and faith based programs. Membership is open to all Muslim organisations on a local and regional basis in the state of New South Wales. There are 20 member organisations from various multicultural backgrounds, such as Turkish, Arabic, Bosnian, Bangladeshi, Indonesian, Kurdish and others affiliated to the Council.

Driving the Council is the aim of advocating, supporting, assisting and developing Muslim communities of NSW. The Council has identified and responded to issues affecting the settlement of Muslims into mainstream society and has actively promoted the effective participation and integration of Australian Muslims into the diverse and rich culture of Australian society.

In response to the countless local and global events impacting on the development of the Muslim community in New South Wales, the Council works in collaborative partnerships through community education, interaction and dialogue between all stakeholders in the community, with a view to enhance, cultivate and facilitate the coordination of vital programs and services that respond to the diverse and changing needs of the Australian Muslim community.


The Islamic Council of NSW aims and objectives are to:

    • Contribute to the social good of our communities and make representation on their behalf to all levels of government;

    • Advocate, support, assist and develop the Muslim communities of NSW;

    • Organise, and coordinate, humanitarian relief efforts;

    • Foster, promote and engage in inter-faith dialogue and cooperation between Muslims and non-Muslims;

    • Promote peace, understanding and good relations amongst all people;

    • Develop skills and capacity building through training and other means in organisations to enable them to advocate on areas of importance to their community;

    • Provide support and assistance and resources to member societies and organisations in NSW and in regional communities to achieve their goals;

    • Develop effective partnerships across all levels of government and other community and corporate sectors at national and international level to achieve best outcomes;

    • Identify opportunities for Council/government partnerships and engagement on issues of significance;

    • Influence public policy and strengthen Council’s capacity to engage with government;

    • Improve government/community consultative mechanism with our communities.

Currently the Council works closely with Muslim organisations, community and government agencies to address emerging needs and to provide support and advice to government on issues that impact Australian Muslims on a local, state and national level. The Council also manages the NSW Islamic Special Religious Education Program (ISRE) delivered to over 300 public schools and the Islamic Chaplaincy Service providing pastoral care in hospitals and correctional centres in NSW.

Contact Details

Street Address unit 2, 14 French Ave, Bankstown, NSW, 2190

Postal Address PO Box 425, Greenacre, 2190 NSW

Phone 02 9742 5752


ICNSW Prison Chaplaincy Service

Service Overview

The Council commenced the provision of chaplaincy services in correctional centres in the mid-1980s.

Authorisation of Prison Chaplains

The Council implements the following the procedure in the recruitment/selection process when seeking to employ a Chaplain. These are:

    • An advertisement for the position is prepared and advertised outlining the position criteria that candidates need to address to be considered for the position.

    • Applications received are culled to meet the position criteria. This is then followed by meeting organised by the Council Corrective Services Coordinating Chaplain and a senior representative from the NSW Corrective Services are invited to attend in the interview process.

    • NSW Corrective services undertakes an internal clearances of applicants.

    • Once applicants are cleared they are then invited to attend interviews.

    • Interviews are conducted with suitable candidates according the requirements for the position.

    • Applicants are notified of the outcome of interviews and advised of the relevant requirements and training they must observe.

ICNSW Hospital Chaplaincy Service

Service Overview

Islamic Hospital Chaplaincy Service employs chaplains to provide pastoral care (religious and spiritual care) to Muslim patients.

Authorisation of Hospital Chaplains

The Council has adopted the following process in the recruitment and overseeing the work performed by Muslim Chaplains in Hospitals.

    • Positions are advertised in the papers;

    • Suitable candidates are selected for interviews;

    • Candidates interviewed;

    • Candidates advised following meeting of the committee;

    • Candidates commence employment

    • Regular meetings are undertaken and as required with Chaplains

    • Regular reporting provided to the Council.


All Chaplains and staff are accountable to the Chairman and executive committee of the Islamic Council of NSW. The Council has also delegated an executive member to represent the organisation on the CCAC.