Message from the Class of '95 Officers

Post date: Jun 10, 2019 1:37:17 AM

Hello Brown Class of 1995!

We hope this message finds you well. Crazy to think that we are one year and one month (give or take) away from our 25th reunion! Yes, that makes us officially OLD...though I'm willing to bet that none of us look a day over 26! Hopefully we can all put that theory to the test next May 22-24 on College Hill!

Throughout the next year you will be hearing more from us -- your Class Officers -- regarding reunion planning, local events around the country, and other ways to get involved with Brown in general, and our class specifically. If you have ideas for reunion, or personal updates to share with the class, please let us know (!

As part of our effort to create a memorable 25th reunion, we are thrilled to welcome Joelle Murchison to Brown '95's Class Officers. Joelle will partner with us to ensure that all members of our class are able to choose to access and fully engage in the activities connected with our class reunion without barrier. She will bring different perspectives, voices and experiences from the Brown community to the planning process in support of an inclusive reunion experience.

As always, we will be sharing up-to-date info about our reunion on our class website (BE SURE TO BOOKMARK IT!), as well as on our class Facebook Page.

Hope to see you all next May!


Your Class Officers

Mark Tracy, President

Alexandra Mandis, Vice President

Stephen Gilheeney, Treasurer

Joelle Murchison, Inclusion Officer

Denielle Bertarelli-Webb, Communications

Banjot Chanana, Webmaster