1-Photomontage Challenge

Digital Photography

Photomontage Challenge

Definition: a photomontage is similar to a collage, however it involves the manipulation of photographic image and is as old a practice as photography itself.

The goal of this challenges is to have students construct a photomontage using one of the following suggested themes:

    • A hobby or a sport

    • Landscape, still life or portrait

    • Good vs. Evil

    • An awareness to a particular event, occurrence, environmental issue, health issue, war, peace, or invention.


    1. Choose a theme and begin to collect visuals (images, objects, colors and textures) that relate to the theme. Consider finding larger photos to use for environments or colors for a “base” to place smaller objects.

    2. Begin to carefully cut out images considering composition (placement or arrangement of visual elements).

    3. Gather enough pieces to cover the whole entire paper. Once all pieces have been collected and carefully cut out, then begin gluing down to base- background first, small pieces last.


    • Content: Avoid text. Rely on visual imagery to tell the story.

    • Craftsmanship/mechanics: Cut carefully and glue neatly. Avoid jagged or haphazard edges, glue on front of pieces.

    • Activate entire page, no white paper showing. Overlap imagery.

    • Juxtapose (place close together for contrasting effect) objects, colors and textures in an interesting and well-planned way.

Things to consider:

A strong photomontage is eye-catching and holds the viewer’s attention. The theme should be evident, clearly recognized and understood. Imaginative approaches are encouraged.

History of Photomontage