2012 Bond: Construction

1/4 of the $12.7 million bond is for construction; the focus is on getting rid of portable classrooms at Kane, minor projects at the other five elementary schools, and scaled-back fixes at Custer Stadium

Most of the construction projects in this bond are small and the focus is on needs at the six elementary schools. The large project, 80% of the construction budget, is an Early Childhood Center at Kane to replace old portable classrooms. The various elementary school construction projects total $2.78 million, or 22% of the overall bond funding.

$430,000, which is 3.4% of the bond funds, would go to improvements at Custer Stadium. These are scaled back from what was originally proposed in February 2012 and do NOT include a new press box.

The 6-12 grade configuration is still being studied and will be the focus of a bond issue in 2013 or later. The projects in this bond have no impact on secondary grade school configuration now or in the future.