NBH 25 Expectations

25 Expectations for Student Behavior

BHCA, Inc. schools offer a first-class education for students with an emphasis on building good character and cultivating strong values. This is accomplished through the collective efforts of all adult stakeholders at each of the schools. As stated in BHCA, Inc.’s Gold Standards of Excellence: The Basics, adults are expected to “Be consistent, be prepared, and be fair, equitable and compassionate. Demand and expect the best from all students and adults in the organization.” As active participants in the development of each student, parents, teachers, staff, and administration shall hold all students to the following standards of behavior.

All adults (Parents and Staff) will do their best to ensure that each student will:

1. Wear their uniform with pride and adhere to the uniform policy according to the student handbook.

2. Be involved- attend meetings and after school events, be part of our clubs- this is your school.

3. Study for tests, complete assigned work and do his/ her homework.

4. Be on time each and every day- “15 Minute Rule.”

5. Get the planner signed every day.

6. Come to school clean daily.

7. Clean up after him/ herself and help keep our school clean both inside and out.

8. Accept consequences for his/her actions.

9. Adhere immediately to “give me five” call for silence.

10. Keep hands and feet to him/ herself.

11. Walk on the right side of the hallway in a quiet, calm manner while moving around campus.

12. Not use inappropriate language.

13. Say “please” and “thank you” and will write a “thank you note” when appropriate

14. Say “ma’am” and “sir” when responding to any adult.

15. Hold open doors for others.

16. Offer to help others by asking them “may I help you?”

17. Say “good morning” each day to the adults in the building.

18. Not walk between adults who are speaking.

19. Listen while someone else is talking, and give the person speaking eye contact.

20. Say “I’m sorry” when my actions hurt others and do not do it again.

21. Not spread, start rumors or engage in gossip.

22. Use kind words by being respectful each and every day.

23. Not argue with adults – do what he/she is told.

24. Be respectful during the pledge of allegiance and the moment of silence.

25. Show character and be a leader at all times!

High Expectations High Achievement