Operating Principle 1: Thinking like a Historian

Students will be introduced to research and inquiry skills to analyze American History using primary and secondary sources.

Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) Benchmark Alignment:

U.S. History (Mastery):

SS.8.A.1.2 – Analyze charts, graphs, maps, photographs and timelines; analyze political cartoons; determine cause and effect.

U.S. History (Embedded):

SS.8.A.1.3 – Analyze current events relevant to American History topics through a variety of electronic and print media sources.

SS.8.A.1.5 – Identify, within both primary and secondary sources, the author, audience, format, and purpose of significant historical documents.

SS.8.A.1.7 – View historic events through the eyes of those who were there as shown in their art, writings, music, and artifacts.

SS.8.A.1.1 – Provide supporting details for an answer from text, interview for oral history, check validity of information from research/text, and identify strong vs. weak arguments.

SS.8.A.1.4 – Differentiate fact from opinion, utilize appropriate historical research and fiction/nonfiction support materials.

SS.8.A.1.6 – Compare interpretations of key events and issues throughout American History.

SHEG (Stanford History Educational Group)


    1. Lunchroom Fight (Primary & Secondary sources)

    2. Evaluating Sources (Primary & Secondary sources)

National Archives



    1. Document Analysis Worksheets (Photographs, Maps, Political Cartoons, Artifacts, etc.)