Quarter 2

See Subpages below for specific information

Federal Government (OP 4)

• Students will understand and be able to explain the principles, functions, and organization of the federal

government of the United States.

State Government (OP 5)

• Students will understand and be able to explain the principles, functions, and organization of the state government of Florida, focusing on the interdependence

and interactions with various levels of government and the obligations and services provided to its citizenry.

Local Government (OP 6)

• Students will understand and be able to explain the principles, functions, and organization of local forms of government as well as federal and state, focusing on the interdependence and interactions with various levels of government and the obligations and services provided to its citizenry.

Foundations of American Government (OP 7)

• Students will understand the political, social, religious, and economic influences and beliefs that led to the Declaration of Independence and be able to support the argument for independence and the development of an American democracy.