OP 8 The Constitution

Organizing Principle 8: Constitution

Students will understand and be able to explain the origin, purpose, structure, and function of the United States government as established by the Constitution and be able to the analyze the political, social, religious, and economic influences that led to the development of the U.S. Constitution.

BAD ROMANCE..............


SS.7.C.1.5: Identify how the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation led to the writing of the Constitution.

SS.7.C.1.8: Explain the viewpoints of the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists regarding the ratification of the Constitution and inclusion of a bill of rights.

SS.7.C.3.5: Explain the Constitutional amendment process.

SS.7.C.3.13: Compare the constitutions of the United States and Florida.

Please review the Escambia School District Civics site that was created in collaboration with the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship. http://www.ecsd-fl.schoolloop.com/civics

It includes:

  • Student Review Reading for each standard

  • Three types of test questions that very in complexity

  • Vocabulary games

  • Additional resources that will help in learning the content for each standard assessed

Wondering What to Study?????


Remy,Richard C, etl. Florida Civics, Economics and Geography. Bothell,WA: McGraw-Hill, 2013. Print

Chapter & Lesson:

 SS.7.C.1.5: Chapter 5, Lesson 1 pgs. 116 – 121

o Workbook pgs. 62 – 65

 SS.7.C.1.8: Chapter 5, Lesson 2 pgs. 122 – 129

o Workbook pgs. 66 - 70

 SS.7.C.3.5: Chapter 5, Lesson 3 pgs. 130 – 135

o Workbook pgs. 71 – 74

 SS.7.C.3.13: Chapter 13, Lesson 1 pgs. 358-361

o Workbook pgs. 190 – 195


SS.7.C.1.5: Articles of Confederation; confederation, Constitutional Convention, debt, Shays's Rebellion

SS.7.C.1.8: Anti- Federalists, Bill of Rights, Federalists, Federalist Papers, ratification

SS.7.C.3.5: amendment, caucus, ratify, rescind,

SS.7.C.3.13: abridge, amendment, article, authority, cession, constitution, deprive, Florida Declaration of Rights, preamble, prohibit, revenue