Welcome to Mrs. Caruso's Social Studies Class

Classroom Behavior Expectations for all courses:

Failure to comply with the policies may result in parent/ guardian phone call/ conferences and/or Administrative referral.

    • Be prompt. Being late for class will not be tolerated. You will be marked tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings. The Jinks tardy policy will be enforced.

    • Be prepared. Have a pencil, pen, notebook, and textbook ready to go when class starts.

    • Be polite. Students should be courteous and respectful to both the teacher and fellow students. Everyone will be respected and be respectful. We will value each other’s differences, cultures, and languages. If you have something appropriate to share, please feel free to do so.

    • Participate. All students are required to participate during the class.

    • Be positive. In order to succeed in this class or any class, a positive outlook is needed.

    • Food and beverages, to include candy and chewing gum, are not allowed in the classrooms unless authorized by the teacher


    • Students will be expected to model HORNET behaviors at all times.


    • Technology: Students at Jinks MS are assigned Chromebooks. During the school day, students are expected to use the technology assigned to them by the school. The exception to this may be during lunch or breakfast and will be announced by the supervising administrator. At no time should technologies be used while moving from class to class or in the restrooms.

Group Expectations:

    • You are responsible for your own work and behavior.

    • You must be willing to help any group member who asks.

Evaluation for all courses:

A: 90-100 Outstanding Progress

B: 80-89 Above Average Progress

C: 70-79 Average Progress

D: 60-69 Lowest Acceptable Progress

F: 59-0 Failure

I: Incomplete – insufficient evidence available at this time

Grade Breakdown in Focus:

95%= Summative

5%= Formative

0%= Diagnostic/Documentation