Mental Health Resources

The Barneveld School District understands how important mental wellness is to the success of the whole child. In recent years Barneveld School, along with many schools, have put more emphasis on mental health. At each staff meeting, we have dedicated time to mental health best practices, many of our staff members have attended training such as Youth Mental Health First Aid, QPR Suicide Prevention Training, SAFE Training and held awareness nights at various sporting events. Additionally, there are many things we do on a daily basis that support students mental wellness such as weekly check-ins at homeroom, healthy choices lessons in elementary guidance classes and a partnership with Oregon Mental Health Services LLC.

Below are some resources that may be helpful for families. Please contact Mrs. Schulting (School Counselor) or Mrs. Eslinger (Principal) for additional resources.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Mental Illness From the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

How to Talk to you Children about a Suicide Attempt from the US Department of Veterans Affairs

Knowing the Warning Signs fromNAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Mental Health Clinics in Grant and Iowa Counties provided by Unified Community Services

Nami National Alliance on Mental Illness