100 Smart Idioms

Using idiomatic expressions appropriately can enhance your speaking fluency and make your language sound more natural. This can positively impact your score in the IELTS Speaking section. 

1. Beyond Me

This machine is beyond me.

2. Blessing in Disguise

Being sacked from the job is a blessing in disguised. Now I am a successful business person.

3. Born with Silver Spoon

I am a self-made person, but my son born with silver spoon 

4. Fat Chance

Will you attend the party? Fat Chance!

5. Golden Opportunity

You must avail this golden opportunity to work with the eminent scientist, Stephen Hawking. 

6. It's a deal

I will definitely come to visit your place next Saturday. It's a deal.

7. it's on me

Feel free to order whatever you want. It's on me to pay the bill.

8. Let me know

Stay within the budget. However, if things go wrong let me know.

9. Not in my books

You think that this theory is flawless but not in my books.

10. Not my cup of tea

My friends were insisting me to dance in front of public. But, dancing is not my cup of tea.

11. On the ball

She is really on the ball. Don't think that her decision of selling property is wrong.

12. Once in a blue moon

I go to see the picture in cinema once in a blue moon.

13. I dread to think

I dread to think you can't go abroad next month.

14. I am easy

Order whatever you want tea or coffee. I am easy.

15. As a matter of fact

As a matter of fact, there are some considerable disadvantages of combine studies.

16. Easier said than done

You say that within days you will become billionaire. It is easier said than done.

17. Hit in the pocket

Last month electricity bill really hit in the pocket. Now I am broke. 

18. In any case

If you study in Pakistan or go abroad. In any case, you need to work hard.

19. Let us call it a day

We have been working on this project since last seven hours. Let us call it a day.

20. Go downhill

His business is going downhill these days.

21. That's a given

Elections will be held in March. That's a given.

22.  The glass half empty

The glass half full

23. Hamster on a wheel

Thinking that you are no more improving

24. Hedonic treadmill

Wishing to regain something you left in the past

25. Out of the blue

Unexpected/ Surprising 

She called me out of the blue

26. Pull your socks up

Make an effort to improve sth

It's time to pull your scoks up. The next Monday, you need to sit in the exam.

27. To keep your nose clean

Stay out of trouble

28. To see eye to eye

Agree with someone

They finally saw eye to eye on their business deal.

29.  To sit on the fence

Not taking one side and prefer to stay away from being a party.

To Prolong or delat sth.

30. Up your sleeves

To have secret plan or idea

31. White Elephant

Pakistan Steel mill is a white elephant. A possession that is useless

32. Head in the clouds

Be unaware of what's going on. You have your head in the clouds; I need your attention please

33. Get back to me

To communicate with someone at a later time or date regarding a specific issue. 

Can you get back to me on those figures by the end of the day? 

34. Get real

used for telling someone to start considering something in a sensible way and stop being silly or unreasonable about it 

Get real! He's never going to give you the money 

35. You are pushing your luck

to take a big risk by doing something that is likely to cause you trouble

I think you’re pushing your luck asking for another pay rise.

36. Let's get down to business

to start doing something that you need to do

I have a plane to catch, so let’s get down to business.

37. Good to know

 It usually is used when someone tells you something that isn't very important but might be useful to you in the future. It can also be used sarcastically to mean something is interesting information, but not actually useful. 

38. Peace out

I know it's weird to leave so early, but I've got a lot of homework to do. Peace out, my friend! 

39. Easier said than done

said when something seems like a good idea but would be difficult to do: 

"Why don't you just ask Simon to pay?" "That's easier said than done." 

40. Actions speak louder than words

said to emphasize that what you do is more important and shows your intentions and feelings more clearly than what you say 

Team USA is not expected to win, but they believe actions speak louder than words. 

41. In all honesty

Used to stress that statement is true

You can certainly apply or the job, but, in all honesty, I don't think you can get it.

42. How's it going

How are you

How's it going these days

43. Give or take


It's 300 Km to the city, give or take a kilometer or two.

44.You never know

You never know. Although you are not prepared well, but you will manage to get your desired score in IELTS.

45. There you go

There you go. At last you have passed the examination.

46. Get out of your comfort zone

If you want to become rich and seeking more financial opportunities, you need to get out of your comfort zone.

47. I can't put a face to the name

Yes! Mr. Zahid but honestly speaking I can't put a face to the name.

48. You are playing both side

The US authorities alleged that  Pakistan military was playing both sides during US Afghan War.

49. We need to talk

 It is usually said when one person is unhappy with the other. 

50 For Ages

Since long time

I haven't see you for ages

51. Jump the gun

Stop Jumping the gun means to do something too soon, especially without thinking carefully about it.

He reacted immediately, but when he understood the matter, he said, "I wish I hadn't jump the gun"

52. If the shoe fits (wear it)

To tell someone that they should accept the criticism that another person has made

53. Too many cooks spoil the broth

If too many people are involved in a task or activity, it will not be done very well.

54. when there is no wind row

if you are trying to do something worthwhile, and feels unattainable, don't panic. 

55. A Stitch in time saves nine

if you sort out problem immediately, it may save a lot of extra work later. 

56. Travelling broadens the mind

when you travel you learn things about people and places.

57. killing two birds with one stone

when you travel you learn things about people and places you see.

58. Never judge a book by its cover

Never judge people by their appearance.

59. Let's wrap it up

Let's finish it

60. it's a cinch

it's easy

Yep! it was a cinch. Anyone can do this task in no time.

61. Hit me up (informal)

Call me

After offering discount on these products, hit me up.

62. Catch Up or catch (someone) up

I am occupied at the moment. I will catch you up in the evening.

63. Have something on your plate

she's got a lot on his plate - 

64. I dig it

I like it

65. Beggars can't be choosers

When you're in a difficult situation, you must accept whatever help is offered. 

66. Cut to the chase

Come to the point

"cut to the chase—what is it you want us to do?" 

67. Go down the drain

Totally waste

Government must stop public money going down the drain

68. Curiosity killed the cat

being inquisitive about other people's affairs may get you into trouble. 

69. Better late than never

doing something late is better than not doing it at all. 

Example of Use: "Sorry I was late for the meeting today; I got stuck in traffic." Answer: "That's okay; better late than never." 

70. Wake up and smell the coffee

become aware of the realities of a situation, however unpleasant.

"keep an eye on your friends, who may be using you—wake up and smell the coffee!"

71. Up in the air

still to be settled; unresolved. 

"the fate of the power station is up in the air" 

72. Speak of the devil

used in speech to say that someone one has been talking about has unexpectedly appeared

"Well, speak of the devil! We were just talking about you!" 

73. The last straw

a further difficulty or annoyance, typically minor in itself but coming on top of a series of difficulties, that makes a situation unbearable.

"his affair was the last straw"

74. Like the wind

 very fast 

He grabbed the money and ran like the wind. 

75. under the weather

Unwell, feel slightly ill 

I was still feeling a bit under the weather. 

76. Add insult to injury

to do or say something that makes a bad situation even worse for someone. 

People were forced to work longer hours, and to add insult to injury, the company decided not to give pay raises. 

77. Barking up the wrong tree

78. Hold your horses

79. kick the bucket

80. Rip-off

something over priced

81. At the top of a hat

willing to do sth immediately

82. Break a leg

83. Bite the bullet

84. Jumping to conclusions

85. Hit the nail on the head

86. Every cloud has a sliver lining

87. Fit as a fiddle

in good health

88. In the heat of the moment

Overwhelmed by what you are feeling

89. Go the extra mile

90. Jumping to conclusion

91. Keep your fingers crossed

92. Let the cat out of the bag

93. Make a long story short

94. On thin ice

95. Over the moon

96. Pass the buck

97. Pull someone's leg

98. Read between the lines

99. see the light at the end of the tunnel

100. The ball is in your court

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