IELTS Book 6 Test 1 Section 1

Australia's Sporting Success

 Demolish (verb)                                                                                                   Synonym: Annihilate, Dilapidate

To pull or knock down a building                                                                                                                                               Source:, 2017      

 To show that an idea or theory is completely wrong

 To defeat somebody easily and completely                                                                                                                                           ·        


 Embed (verb)                                                                                                            Synonym: Enclose, Fix

To fix something firmly into a substance or solid object

 To send a journalist, photographer, etc. to an area where there is fighting, so that he or she can travel with the army and report what is happening


 Immune (adjective)                                                                                              Synonym: Invulnerable, Resistant

Immune (to something) that cannot catch or be affected by a particular disease or illness

 Immune (to something) not affected by something.

 Immune (from something) protected from something and therefore able to avoid it                                    


 Replicate (verb)                                                                                                                       Synonym: Copy 

Replicate something (formal) to copy something exactly                                                         


 Saliva (noun)                                                                                                                           Synonym: Drool

The liquid that is produced in your mouth that helps you to swallow food

 Swivel (noun)                                                                                                                        Synonym: Revolve

Often used as an adjective) A device used to connect two parts of an object 

together, allowing one part to turn around without moving the other

 Unobtrusive (adjective)                                                                                               Synonym: Unassuming

 Not attracting unnecessary attention

 Wring (verb)                                                                                                                             Synonym: Twist

Wring something (out) to twist and squeeze clothes, etc. in order to get the water out of them                                                    , 2017

Reference: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

For Free Pictures: :, 2017