Speaking Part 1 possible questions

Following is the list of common topics which could be asked in the first part of IETLS Speaking test: 

Arts related questions  

Q:1- Are you good at art?

Answer:- I can make good sketches of people, but honestly speaking I have not learned this skill from a teacher or an institute. I have been trying to draw faces since my childhood and in running days I am being highly appreciated in my social circle because of this skill. 

Q:2- Did you learn art at school when you were a child ?

Response 1:- Yes it was my golden era, when we spent loads of time in drawing different landscapes, pictures of fruits, and animals. I was in 2nd standard when I won the prize on my painting. My art teacher and parents were very delighted at that time. 

Response 2:- No i did not learn art in my school life. I received my early education from conventional school system and in those days such activities were not the part of curriculum. On few bold students participated in some arts competition however I was a good player of school's cricket team.

Q:3- What kind of art do you like?

Frankly Speaking, I am a very busy person work 24-7 and hardly have a time to spend on some recreational activities but I love to write poetry. Chaoucer and Keats are my ideal poets who interwoven different stanzas in heavenly style which always mesmerized me whenever i read them. 

Q:4- Is art popular in your country?

My country is fertile to produce good names in different genera (Yanra) of arts. Nusret Fateh Ali Khan is knwon as the legend in Quwali. Further, it is worth to mention Gul jee and Ameen Gul jee the icons in Calligraphy. Muniba Mazri is another emrging female and the most resilient artist. She is highly applauded in her social circle and is representing the brave women of Pakistan.  

Q:5- Have you ever been to an art gallery?

It was the conducted by one of the well renowned calligrapher Gul jee, the star student of Ameen Gul jee. Those who had a delicate sense of art were strongly amused by his work. The artist was famous in abstract art and his work is beyound an appreciation.   



Q:1- Do you enjoy your birthdays?

In all honesty, I always enjoy my date of birth. This day, I invite my friends and family member on dine and we arrange different games such as musical chair and exchanging of best jokes etc for the participants.  

Q:2- Do you usually celebrate your birthday?

I am not frequent in celebrating my birthdays because I am thirty years old and at this stage of life celebrating birthdays is not very common in our society. Yes children and teenagers in my family regularly celebrate this day.

Q:3- What did you do on your last birthday?

Frankly Speaking, it was a big day. I and my close friends made it memorable day. we were gathered at 'sea view' Karachi and arranged the function. Fast wind was blowing which made it difficult for us to hang balloons and to set fire but some how we managed. The plan was to cut the cake inside the cruiser. On one side we were enjoying to and fro motion of tides and on the other hand we were gossiping each other. Overall it was a one of the happiest days of my life. 

Q:4- Can you remember a birthday you enjoyed as a child?

Q:5- Do most people celebrate their birthdays with a party in your country?

Q:6- Which birthdays are considered important in your country?


Clothes by Haseeb Asif

Q:1- Are clothes important to you?

A: Yes! Clothes are important to me because it reflects individual’s personality and culture. Apart from this, it helps to intensify one’s personal appearance and protects from various climate change.

Q:2- What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

A: I habitually wear an informal dress. In my assortment of clothes, I got few jeans pants of blue and black color which I used to wear more often. I got few dress shirts which I used to wear on some occasion and least but not last I got many T-Shirts. At home, I prefer to wear shorts and a T-shirt and on some occasion I might wear a dress shirt.

Q:3- Do you ever wear the traditional clothes of your country?

A:  Yes! Traditionally I wear the national and traditional dress of Pakistan which is Salwar Kameez. The alternative for salwar kameez is Kurta salwar. The Salwar Kameez is every s Pakistanis first choice. The clothing tends to be quite comfortable and light weight. Everyone in Pakistan whether he’s business man, a student or a teacher wear Salawar Kameez.

Q:4- Where do you usually buy your clothes?

A: Honestly speaking, I don’t like to shop or be a part of a big crowd. In Pakistani Baazar, there’s a great crowd of people rushing here and there to get the things. So, my parents are the one who goes to Baazar and shop for me. But few days ago, I went to Shirt and Tie store and bought the 4 latest fashion dress shirts.

Q:5- Have you ever worn a uniform?

A: Yes! I was a student of Garrison Boys High School and Punjab College. Their uniform is fixed and person without the uniform was fined. In Garrison boys High School, the dress code was black trousers and a white dress shirt with a monogram on the front pocket of “GBHS”. Similarly, in Punjab College, we used to wear grey trousers and blue dress shirt.

Q:6- Do most people in your country follow fashion?

A: Not most of the people in my country follow fashion. According to my observation, the people who thinks have a class are more often close to fashion. There’s no limitations to the fashion but according to our religion if it goes beyond the limits then it is prohibited. Women now a days are more often fashionable. Fashion doesn't only include clothing but also the makeup. Honestly speaking, women are one step ahead in the fashion.⁠⁠⁠⁠

Daily routine by Ghufran Ali.

Q:1- When do you usually get up in the morning?

A: I wake up early in the morning. I am a quintessential Muslim and, it is a primary obligation of all the Muslims to offer prayer five times a day. After offering Fajar prayer, I visit to a public park to do some exertion.

Q:2- Do you usually have the same routine everyday?

A:  I have the same routine every day wake up early, pray and then go for a morning walk but sometimes I skip the exercise if I have to check in early at my office. It also get changed on the weekends. On weekends I use to go out with friends to have a nice breakfast.

 Q:3- What is your daily routine?

A: My daily routine is almost same like mostly working people have these days. Everyday, I rush to office, work consistently, take same meal in the office and then return home. In weekends, I hang out with my friends and call to my parents and enjoy talking with them.

Q:4- Do you ever change your routine?

A: Not really but I usually try to have a different breakfast. On weekends, I try to cook something delicious. The remaining activities remain same, working, relaxing and doing normal house chores.

Q:5- Is your routine the same today as it was when you were a child?

A: No, absolutely  not. When I were a kid my mother used to take care of me and now I have to do all activities by myself including cooking the breakfast. Those were the old good days. Sometimes I miss my childhood. Back then I had no responsibilities.

Q:6- Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?

A: The question is context relevant.It varies person to person by having  everyday routine one can save time because he knows what he has to do next. For some people, having a daily routine is boring.They feel more energetic and alive if they have something new to experience.


Q:1- Do you often use a dictionary?

Q:2- What do you use dictionaries for?

Q:3- What kind of dictionaries do you think are most useful?

Q:4- Do you think dictionaries are useful for learning a language?

Q:5- What kind of information can you find in a dictionary?


Q:1- What do you often do in the evenings?

Q:2- Do you do the same thing ever evening?

Q:3- Do you prefer to spend your evenings with family or friends?

Q:4- Do you ever work or study in the evenings?

Q:5- What is a popular activity for young people in your country in the evenings?

Q:6- Do you do the same thing in the evenings as you did when you were a child?

Family & friends

Q:1- Do you spend much time with your family?

Q:2- Who are you closest to in family?

Q:3- Do you prefer spending  time with your family or friends?

Q:4- Who is your best friend?

Q:5- Are you still friends with people from your childhood?

Q:6- Is family important in your country?


Q:1- What’s your favourite food?

Q:2- Have you always liked the same food?

Q:3- Is there any food you dislike?

Q:4- What is a common meal in your country?

Q:5- Do you have a healthy diet?

Q:6- What do you think of fast food?


Q:1- Do you have a hobby?

Q:2- What equipment do you need for it?

Q:3- Do you think hobbies should be shared with other people?

Q:4- Did you have a hobby as a child?

Q:5- What hobbies are popular in your country?

Q:6- Why do you think people have hobbies?


Q:1- How often do you go online?

Q:2- What do you use the internet for?

Q:3- How do you get online?

Q:4- Do you have your own computer?

Q:5- What’s your favourite website?

Q:6- Do you think children should be allowed unsupervised access to the internet? 

Leisure time

Q:1- What is your favourite leisure activity?

Q:2- What did you enjoy doing in your free time as a child?

Q:3- Do you prefer to spend your free time with other people or alone?

Q:4- What is a common leisure activity in your country?

Q:5- Do most people in your country get two days off a week?

Q:6- Do you think leisure time is important?


Q:1- Do you like music?

Q:2- What‘s your favourite type of music?

Q:3- Can you sing?

Q:4- Did you learn music at school?

Q:5- If you could learn a musical instrument, what would it be?

Q:6- Do you think music is important?

Neighbours & Neighbourhood

Q:1- Do you like your neighours?

Q:2- Are neighbours usually close to each other in your country?

Q:3- What is your neighbourhood like?

Q:4- Do you think your neighbourhood is a good place for children?

Q:5- How could your neighbourhood be improved?

Q:6- Do you think it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbours?


Q:1- How do you usually get your news?

Q:2- Do you often read the newspapers?

Q:3- What kind of news do you usually follow?

Q:4- How do most people get the news in your country?

Q:5- Do you think international news is important?


Q:1- Do you have a pet?

Q:2- Do you like animals?

Q:3- What‘s your favourite animals?

Q:4- What is a popular pet to have in your country?

Q:5- Did you have a pet as a child?

Q:6- Why do people have pets?


Q:1- Do you often read books or magazines?

Q:2- What is your favourite kind of book to read?

Q:3- Do you often read newspapers?

Q:4- Do you have any e-books?

Q:5- What books did you read as a child?

Q:6- Do you think it is important to encourage children to read?


Q:1- Do you like shopping?

Q:2- What ‘ s your favourite shop?

Q:3- Do you prefer shopping alone or with others?

Q:4- What kinds of shops are there where you live?

Q:5- Have you ever bought anything online?

Q:6- Do you think men and women have different opinions about shopping?


Q:1- Do you like sport?

Q:2- What’s your favourite sport?

Q:3- Do you often watch sport on TV?

Q:4- Did you play sport as a child?

Q:5- What is the most popular sport in your country?

Q:6- How do most people in your country keep fit ?

TV and TV Programmes

Q:1- Do you often watch TV?

Q:2- What sorts of things do you watch on TV?

Q:3- What is your favourite TV program?

Q:4- Do you watch foreign programs?

Q:5- What did think children should watch TV?

Q:6- Do you think should watch TV?

Transport System

Q:1- How did you get here today?

Q:2- What is your favourite mode of transports?

Q:3- Do you ever use public transport?

Q:4- Do you like the transport system in your country?

Q:5- What is the difference between taking a bus and taking a train?

Weather by Haseeb Asif

Q:1- What’s the weather like today?

A: Honestly speaking, I love summer season but these days weather is boiling hot and I don’t like such blazing weather due to skin burning and other factors like getting thirsty quickly or being drenched with sweat. It’s just start of such highly warm weather.

Q:2- What’s your favorite weather?

A: Actually speaking, talking about the favorite weather is little bit hard to explain, not because don’t have the words to explain but do have lots of stuff to share. As, in our country we find all four seasons namely summer, winter, autumn and spring. I do love all kind of weather because each of this brings some unique surprises with its arrival which makes everyone really happy. For example, telling about summer I could say that arrival of mangoes makes this season special. Similarly, the snowfall in various cities makes the winter season more significant.

Q:3- Do you like weather in your country?

A: Speaking about liking or disliking, we do like things within a limit. Yes! I do like weather in my country but within the boundary. This fact could be explain with an example, like in summer season if the weather goes extremely hot then nobody likes the weather and prefer to be in their house. During pleasant or sunny weather, people love to go to parks and enjoy such a beautiful weather. All the while, rainy days are the gift from Allah Almighty which changes the harsh weather to a really pleasant weather.

Q:4- Does the weather ever affect the way you feel?

A: According to my observation, now a days we compare the weather with a person’s emotion. Coming back to the point, yes! I agree with this fact that weather affects the way a person feel. Everyone may experience a thing normally in summer, people during hot weather are more often angry. In winter, we could experience dizziness in our behavior. I probably feel sleepy and inactive sometimes. I don’t like to leave my warm blanket during the frosty morning.

Q:5- Does the weather in your country ever affect transportation?

A: Well, I do think that the weather in my country affect transportation sometimes. During heavy storm, snowfall, fog and other alike weathers people might face difficulty during their travel. It has been observed that during fog or heavy storm mostly trains and flights get delayed. These all actions are taken for the sake of human life security. People might face issues but according to my point of view, it’s right thing to do so.⁠⁠⁠⁠