Retell Lecture


Time 35 Seconds

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In this lecture, the speaker clearly explains ----------------------. Overall, the discussion is valuable for the novice audience. The topic ------------- takes the central stage in this discussion. Moreover, from this spoken discourse, we understand the role and function of ---------------------------. By the end of the lecture, he tries to conclude his idea while suggesting -----------------------.

In this lecture, the speaker clearly explains the advantages of Universal philosophy. Overall, the discussion is valuable for the novice audience. The topic of human rights takes the central stage in this discussion. Moreover, from this spoken discourse, it is evidently clear that the benefits of this development is in the favour of more than 205 countries under the umbrella of UNO. further why everybody plays football. In the end of the lecture, the speaker tried to culminate his discussion on the point of football sports of different countries for example Brazilians Japanese Italian all are different.