Department Master Syllabi and College Policies


Links to the department-approved syllabi are provided on this page. You are not required to use these syllabi, but your syllabi must include all of the items on the Department checklist

College Policies

Be sure to distribute the College Policies to all of your students. For in-person (F2F) classes, there is a program-specific statement added to the Campus Carry section.  These are included below.

Standard Definitions of Instructional Modes:

Extra Tools and Information

Master Syllabi for Physics

Complete templates with required changes (as of 01/06/2023 for Spring 2023

College Policies NOT included. As these are subject to change due to the changes of the pandemic,  a separate document is provided here so that changes can be made, and easily distributed to the students.

College Policies for F2F Physics classes (01/06/2023) 

College Policies MUST be made available to every student.

There is a program-specific statement added to the Campus Carry section for F2F classes

College Policies for Remote Classes

College Policies for Remote Classes - Word

College Policies for Remote Classes - PDF

Classroom Class Syllabi (F2F)

Synchronous Class Syllabi (DLS)

Master Syllabi for Astronomy

Complete templates with required changes for Spring 2023

College Policies NOT included. As these are subject to change due to the changes of the pandemic,  a separate document is provided here so that changes can be made, and easily distributed to the students.

College Policies for F2F Astronomy classes (01/06/2023

College Policies MUST be made available to every student.

There is a program-specific statement added to the Campus Carry section for F2F. 

College Policies for Remote Classes

College Policies for Remote Classes - Word

College Policies for Remote Classes - PDF

Classroom Class Syllabi (F2F)

Asynchronous Class Syllabi (ONL)

Synchronous Class Syllabi (DLS)

Master Syllabi for Engineering

Complete templates with required changes for  Spring 2023.

College Policies NOT included. As these are subject to change due to the changes of the pandemic,  a separate document is provided here so that changes can be made, and easily distributed to the students.

College Policies for F2F Engineering classes (01/06/2023

College Policies MUST be made available to every student.

There is a program-specific statement added to the Campus Carry section FOR F2F. 

College Policies for Remote Classes

College Policies for Remote Classes - Word

College Policies for Remote Classes - PDF

Classroom Class Syllabi (F2F)

Online Class Syllabi (DIL)

Addendums and Checklists

New! Addendum for the Change in Instruction for the Beginning of the Spring Semester  

For F2F classes that are meeting remotely for the first two weeks.

Already included in the sample syllabi, this is for those who write their own syllabus:


Want to make sure your syllabus contains all the required items? Here's a checklist you can use to be sure.