13.4 Print and download files

Print your file

To print your file, click FilePrint or click Print .

    • For documents and presentations: In the preview that appears, you can scroll through your document on the right, or choose print options on the left.

    • For spreadsheets: You can choose which sheets to print, what features to include, and which layout you want.

Download versions in other formats

To download your file so it can be opened by other programs, click FileDownload as and choose one of the following formats:


Microsoft® Word® (.docx)

OpenDocument Format (.odt)

Rich Text Format (.rtf)

Adobe® PDF (.pdf)

Text file (.txt)

Web page (.html, zipped)


Microsoft® PowerPoint® (.pptx)

ODP (.odp)

Text file (.txt)

Adobe® PDF (.pdf)

JPEG (.jpg)

PNG (.png)

Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)


Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

OpenDocument format (.ods)

Adobe® PDF (.pdf)

Comma-separated values (.csv)

Tab-separated values (.tsv)

Web page (.zip)

Make a copy

Copying a file is useful for creating templates. For example, if you write a lot of proposals, you can make copies of one proposal and then update each copy for a new project without having to format it again.

Make a copy of your document:

    1. Click FileMake a copy.

    2. (Optional) You can rename the copy, change where you save it in Drive, and share it with the same collaborators.

Email a copy as an attachment

If you need to collaborate with someone on your file in a different program or format, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF, you can email it as an attachment. However, this sends a copy of the document instead of sharing the original, so you won’t be able to use Google's collaboration tools. For more options, see Work with Microsoft Office files.

    1. Click FileEmail as attachment.

    2. Select a format.

    3. Enter the email addresses or Groups you want to send copies to.

    4. (Optional) Enter a message.

    5. Click Send.