Classroom Policies

Teacher and Student Expectations

1. Be on time every class ready with all materials.

2. Be respectful. No one has the right to disrupt the learning process of other students.

3. Be positive community contributors.

4. Follow the ASFG honor code at all times.


1. No food or drinks. Water in a covered container is okay

2. No talking during instructions or demonstrations

3. Be kind and respectful

4. Conserve and respect all resources in the classroom


1. Students may have homework, or not in Activity classes. This depends on the individual teacher.

2. 5th & 6th Grade: Teachers will add homework assignments and due dates to Google Apps.

3. 7th & 8th Grade: Teachers will add homework assignments and due dates to Google Apps.

Tests & Quizzes

1. Students may or may not have tests or quizzes in Activity classes. This depends on the individual teacher.

2. If you are present the day a quiz/test is announced, but are absent the day of the quiz/test, you are responsible for taking the quiz/test the day you return to school.

Cheating &Plagiarizing

1. If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing:

a. First offense 5th – 7th Grade: Students will redo their assignments in a detention (hour long), receive a maximum of 50% for the redone assignment, have parents contacted, and have an incident registered in Power School.

b. First offense 8th Grade: Students will redo their assignments in a detention (hour long), receive a 0 for the redone assignment, have parents contacted, and have an incident registered in Power School.

c. Second offense 5th & 6th Grades: Students will redo their assignments in a detention (hour long), receive a 0 for the redone assignment, have parents contacted, and have an incident registered in Power School.

d. Second offense 7th and 8th Grades: Students will redo their assignments in a detention (hour long), receive a 0 for the redone assignment, have parents contacted, and have an incident registered in Power School and meet with an academic committee.

e. Third offense ALL GRADES: Students will redo their assignments in a detention (hour long), receive a 0 for the redone assignment, have parents contacted, and have an incident registered in Power School, meet with an academic committee and receive a letter in their file regarding their incidents of academic dishonesty.

Attendance & Tardies

1. You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. You will be asked to go to the office to get a tardy pass and each teacher has specific consequences that can be to deduct points or to give you an IRF for being late. 7th and 8th grade students will get one recess detention if they have two tardies on the same week.

2. If it is first period you should report to the middle school office to receive a pass before entering class. Unexcused tardiness will be reflected in your work habits grade and consequences from the office.

3. Each absence will result in the loss of 2 points for work habits.


If you choose to break a classroom rule:

· 1st: Verbal warning and loss of work habit participation point

· 2nd: Incident and Reflection Form will be filled out. Loss of work habits point.

· 3rd: Sent to the office