
About the Teacher

Hello. My name is Noel Portes and I will be the Choir middle school teacher at ASFG this year. I was born and raised in Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas. I started my musical journey at the age of 7 years old. Moreover, I decided to pursue music professionally at the aged of 15 years old when I decided to move to Morelia, Michoacán to study formally at the Conservatorio de las Rosas. After a year at Michoacán I decided to come back home and continue my music preparation in my city. Studying music has been the most amazing thing in my life, this is because I had the opportunity to study abroad in USA for almost 3 years at Eastern Washington University. Furthermore, I have B.A. in Artistic Education at the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas and recently studying a Master's Degree in the University of Guadalajara.

Teaching kids from all levels have been an amazing experience but I identify myself more with middle school kids. Let's have an amazing school year singing!!

Room Number: Choir room - Behind the auditorium, down the dark hallway, above the band room.

Office/Intervention Hours: during recess and after school by EMAIL CONFIRMATION ONLY


Course Description:

In choir, we will explore the wonderful art that is singing together in various styles and languages.

Topics to be covered:

- Breathing techniques

- Music Theory

- Learning different languages

- Applying music to other subject areas

- Learn about famous choirs and conductors

- Exposure to live singing (of classical and popular music)

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the Choir webpage! We are going to have a fabulous time singing in different styles and for different audiences! Singing can be pretty daunting but the wonderful thing about choir is that YOU HAVE TO SING TOGETHER! There will be opportunities for solos, or singing by yourself, if students are interested.

My goal for this year is to create a positive outlook on music and singing in general. We're going to work hard towards our performances with room for fun along the way!

I am looking forward to working with you and your students this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Noel Portes

On-line Resources Resource to find new music