
Greetings from Mr. Peterson

My name is Christian Peterson. I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota. But I’ve been on the move since graduating high school. Living in England, Texas, Honduras, Japan and now Mexico has kept me and my family on the move. Life for me is a big adventure filled with family, art & design, travel, friendships, cycling and learning.

We are going to have a phenomenal year in art!

It will be full of creative problem solving, learning new art making skills, working with a variety of materials and investigating art in context from different parts of the world. It is my wish that all students feel confident, successful and believe in themselves as artists. I agree with what Pablo Picasso once said, "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.“

Art Class Description

Art class in the middle school will be a hands on exploration of materials, techniques and design. Creative problem solving and thinking imaginatively will be the force behind all the artworks we create together. We'll also be busy thinking critically about what art is, how to judge it and what can learn from studying it. All of this will happen once a week for 45 minutes. So be prepared to work efficiently and have fun!

Techniques we will investigate:

  • Observational, color pencil, & charcoal drawing

  • Pastels (Chalk & Oli)

  • Acrylic & Watercolor painting

  • Hand-built ceramics

  • Installation sculpture, soft-sculpture, multi-media Sculpture

  • Hand-forged wire jewelry

  • Printmaking

  • Cut paper design (2D & 3D)

Art Studio: second floor near the Language Institute.

Office Hours/Intervention Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:55 - 11:25am, 2:30 - 3:30pm


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