


What is Connections?

Hello dear community. I am the Human Development Teacher in Middle School. In my class, my goals are:

- that my students learn concepts and information that will make a difference in the choices they make on a daily basis and the big decisions for life

- that they develop skills for their academic, personal and social life areas to make the best out of each and the whole

- those skills and concepts are also meant to give them enough tools to deal with challenging situations through their life time in the most effective possible way

- to lead them to rise awareness on themselves and their environment

The main goal is they get to be the best version of themselves at every moment which makes them happy and successful people. Therefore, we contribute to our community and the entire world to be better day by day.

So, why do we call it Connections? Because it leads us to improve the connections we have with others, with our environment and with ourselves.

Where to find me?

Room 18 Middle School

Office Hours/Intervention Schedule

What are the main topics in each grade level?


  • Addiction Prevention Program- tobacco, alcohol, marihuana and cocaine. What are they? How do they affect the brain and body?

  • Bullying Prevention Program- What is bullying? Roles people play in a bullying situations; bystanders vs up-standers

  • Body Image Program: Healthy Habits- basics on nutrition; exercise; sleeping well; being happy

  • Identity- What makes you you? We all have things in common and each of us is unique. Celebrating diversity!

  • Anger management- the story of the two wolves; how can we feed the "good wolf" inside of us?

  • Assertiveness- what is it? how are people assertive? how can I cultivate my assertiveness?

  • Skills of a good student- which do you have? which do you need to cultivate/strengthen? How will you do this?

  • Conflict Resolution Class Meeting: (once or twice per year) Thanking, expressing conflict, celebrating/congratulating and apologizing to people in the group.

  • Multiple intelligences- what are they? what is each? what are your strongest intelligences? We are all intelligent in different ways. Celebrating diversity!


  • Addiction Prevention Program- Making smart decisions; keeping yourself safe; saying no in a direct and kind way

  • Bullying Prevention Program- How to be an upstander; types of bullying; group intervention;

  • Body Image Program- eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia and obesity) What are they? Causes and consequences? Healthy choices.

  • Identity- What makes you you? How are you the same and different from yourself a year ago? Celebrating diversity!

  • Effective communication

  • Identifying emotions and their effect on the body.

  • I- messages- A powerful tool to express how you feel in a direct and respectful way.

  • Anger and stress management- what makes you angry or stressed? How do you deal with it? Healthy ways to manage anger and stress

  • Conflict Resolution Class Meeting: (once or twice per year) Thanking, expressing conflict, celebrating/congratulating and apologizing to people in the group.


  • Addiction Prevention Program- Risky behaviors; good decision wall (what helps you make safe/healthy choices?)

  • Bullying Prevention Program- How to prevent bullying?

  • Body Image Program- Interpreting visual advertisements. What are they really saying with the images?

  • Conflict Resolution Class Meeting: (once or twice per year) Thanking, expressing conflict, celebrating/congratulating and apologizing to people in the group.

  • Stress management-What are good and bad stress? What happens to the body when stressed? Different relaxation techniques

  • Personal hygiene- teenage body and it´s changes. Habits that might need to change, your peers are going through something very similar.

  • Stereotypes- mental process of making categories; discrimination and its impact. Celebrating diversity and individuality!!


  • Addiction Prevention Program- Risky behaviors...what could you do if... to keep yourself safe and healthy?; anchors (what helps you make safe/healthy choices?); the basics about different drugs and substances: what are they? what effects do they have in the body? healthy choices; drugs and the brain

  • Bullying Prevention Program- Compassion, respect, kindness...

  • Body Image Program- Food, health and self-esteem

  • Conflict Resolution Class Meeting: (once or twice per year) Thanking, expressing conflict, celebrating/congratulating and apologizing to people in the group.

  • Sexual diversity- the main concepts of this concept according to the American Psychological Association (APA); a call for respect and inclusion

  • Healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships- characteristics of each; kinds of abuse; red flags

Material you must BRING TO EVERY CLASS:

5th and 6th

7th and 8th

  • Colors/markers

  • COMPLETE PENCIL BOX: pencil, pen, glue, scissors, eraser, sharpener and liquid paper.


  • A pencil or pen

  • YOUR OWN headphones