
General Announcements

Freshman/Sophomore Planning Night, 2/8/24, 6:30pm, Auditorium

Junior Postsecondary Planning Night, 1/18/24, 6:30pm, Cafeteria

Financial Aid Night, 10/5/23, 6:30pm, Auditorium

Senior College Planning Night, 9/18/23, 6:30pm, Auditorium



Letters of Recommendation

To ensure the integrity of the recommendation with colleges, the counselor recommendation and some teacher recommendations will not be shared with students or parents. If a student needs a recommendation for other reasons than the college admissions process they can request one directly with their counselor.

Transcript Requests

In order to streamline the transcript ordering process for college applications, we are adopting a new policy. In the past, the school counseling department required a signed parent/guardian consent form to release transcripts to colleges/scholarships.  Moving forward, we will no longer require a signed consent form.  We will automatically send transcripts upon the student's request, unless you opt-out of this by contacting your student's counselor.  Keep in mind, their applications will not be complete without a transcript.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your student's school counselor.