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NAVIANCE Student/Parent

Naviance is a comprehensive website for students and parents to use as a tool to organize personal data, create a post secondary plan, complete a many inventories, such as a personality profiler and learning style inventory, maintain a list of prospective colleges and track the application process. We are pleased to offer this resource as a complement to the series of guidance seminars and individual appointments with counselors. The school counseling office will periodically post information of interest to students and send group emails targeted to subgroups (for example, all registered students interested in applying to a particular college).  All students and parents will be given personal accounts.

Features to explore in Naviance:

Learning Style Inventory

This Learning Style report will help students to understand their learning style and preferences. Their Report is based on the students’ responses to questions about the kind of environment and methods they prefer when learning new or difficult material. From our research, we know that people prefer to learn differently from one another. Once students identify their preferences, they can be more productive and learn more easily and successfully.

MI Advantage

This survey helps students to uncover their intelligence profile by asking questions about their abilities and preferences in different areas. Students should be honest with their answers, because the results will help them make better decisions in the future!

Strengths Explorer

Strengths Explorer - powered by Gallup, will help uncover students’ talents and reveal their potential strengths to not only themselves but to the people in their world as well.  From there, they will begin a wonderful journey of discovery, and will have the tools they need to make the most of their talents.

Cluster Finder

The Cluster Finder will help student to learn which career clusters may be a good match based on activities that interest them, personal qualities that they have and subjects that they enjoy studying in school.

Personality Profile: “Do What You Are”

The personality questionnaire is designed to help students gain a better understanding of their interests and how these relate to future careers. The survey takes approx. 1 hour to complete and explore results.

Career Interest Profiler

This tool helps students to discover the types of work activities and careers that match their interests. The interest profiler is a series of 180 questions about work activities that people perform at their jobs.

College Lookup

This research tool provides comprehensive information on thousands of colleges. In addition to general and admissions information, further data is presented on academics, cost and financial aid, student body characteristics, extracurricular and athletic programs. A link to each college’s website is provided.

College Match

This tool provides an analysis of applications from thousands of high schools to determine which colleges are most likely to overlap with the colleges on a student’s list of desired colleges.

College Compare

This tool contains an analysis of applications from other students at AHS to find colleges that have accepted students with GPA & test scores similar to individual students.

College Search

Enter criteria such as size, location, cost, availability of specific majors or athletic programs, and students can produce a list of colleges that meet their criteria.

Acceptance History

This feature shows all colleges to which previous Arlington High students have been accepted.


A graphical view of application outcomes, (accepted, denied, wait listed), at a college for recent Arlington High applicants, using GPA and SAT scores. Students can gauge their chances of acceptance by comparing personal GPA/SAT numbers with those of successful applicants.

Visit Schedule

As college representatives schedule information sessions at Arlington High School, these are posted online. Click on visit schedule, or view the page for a particular college to see whether a session is scheduled. Juniors and seniors with personal accounts may sign up online. Others may sign up with the guidance secretary.


Naviance has a resume feature which can be used to compile at list of activities from 9th-12th grade.  It allows a student to download multiple versions of resume in different formats and many details can be added, such as extracurricular activities, community service, athletics, etc. 


Naviance also provides links to other useful websites relating to college information, financial aid, test preparation, NCAA eligibility, etc.

To access this resource:

Login at the website:

Students at AHS will need a personal code to create an account. These codes will be emailed to students during their freshman year. After receiving the code, students can log on to the website and create their own username and password.  Parents will be given access codes as well during sophomore parent night.