Community Service

Community Service Guidelines

Community Service Coordinators,

Patricia Bellahrossi and Victoria Perez


UPDATED November 2, 2022

General Information

Community Service Graduation Requirement

All Students must complete 40 hours (10 for each year) of Community Service, with a federally recognized 501(c)3 organization, as a Graduation Requirement.

      Students are encouraged:

When can students earn their hours?

From the summer before their 9th grade year and May of their graduation year.

 What is the Student’s responsibility?

Logging and Tracking Community Service Hours

How are community service hours tracked at AHS?

At Arlington High School we track community service hours through a website called x2Vol.

  The x2Vol Process

 Should I keep a backup file of Community Service hours?

Yes!  We advise all students to keep a file folder with hard copies of evidence for your community service.  

How do I log my hours into x2Vol?

 If you regularly volunteer with an organization...

PLEASE save yourself and us time by grouping your hours by month, quarter, and/or semester.  

What Does and Doesn’t Qualify for Community Service

What qualifies as community service?

What DOES NOT qualify as Community Service?