Mrs. Flagg

My philosophy as an art educator is not necessarily to develop future artists but more to encourage students to develop a lifelong passion for appreciating art and the confidence to experiment in their individual art interests. All it takes is a little willingness to try and some practice to succeed.

"Creativity takes Courage"- Henri Matisse

My goal is to encourage students to find that courage and use it!

My passions in art are Drawing…Painting… and Art History

I first fell in love with drawing when I was in high school, right here at Anthony Wayne!

I had no idea how satisfying it could be to look at a finished drawing in awe that it was created by me. I love the feeling of completing a drawing or painting. The process requires a great deal of patience and persistence. There are not many tasks that we work through slowly in society. We have become less patient with results that do not come quickly. Few tasks are worthy of the time investment… art is worthy! Time invested in creating art is therapeutic. As my career developed so did my interest in experimenting in different media. Today I love to experiment in watercolor. Who knows what tomorrow's interest will be. That is the beauty of engaging in the world of art!

Here are a couple of my paintings:

Here at Anthony Wayne I teach:

Art Foundations

2D Design



AP Art History

For more information on the courses I teach see our link to COURSE DESCRIPTIONS.

Current students who need more information on coursework, see your Google Classroom for the course.