Testing Procedures

(for a test that takes the whole period)

Before the test, students are to

    1. Assemble, staple, and turn in review packet. (Ideally, these should be assembled before walking in the door.)
    2. Place backpacks, cell phones (turned off, not merely vibrating), smart watches, and any other mobile device in the front of the room.
    3. Retrieve anything needed for the test
      • Pencils
      • Straight edge
      • Approved calculator(s) if permitted
    4. Retrieve test from teacher. You may start immediately.
    5. Graphing calculators (if approved) are NOT to be in testing mode until testing mode is called for by the proctor.
      • The teacher may refuse to give a student a calculator on the testing period out of fairness to others. As such, a student must have a working calculator by the start of the test period.
      • Students may not plug calculators into the wall or a computer to charge during the test.
    6. Put calculator into testing mode only when requested by teacher.

Prior to turning in the test, students

    1. Check test for completion and check answers AT YOUR DESK.
    2. Make sure the name is on the test.

After finishing the test, students

    1. Quietly turn in the test to the teacher.
    2. Can retrieve non-technology related materials from backpacks or sit quietly.
    3. Work on or read something that does not require technology.
    4. Are not to share any information about the test they have just seen that could give another student an advantage. This is considered academic dishonesty.



Extended Time

  • All students must complete an assessment in the allotted time, unless that student is afforded extended time through documentation provided by the school to the teacher.
  • Students who are afforded extended time must consult with the teacher before the assessment in order to plan to complete the assessment on the day it is given.

Testing Room

  • The testing room may be utilized if agreed upon by the teacher and student.