How to Join
ALCOSAR is now recruiting for our Basic Rescue Class 2026.
Please contact us to participate in one of our Orientation Meetings. Orientations are 1.5 hours in length and provide prospective applicants with unit information and requirements for joining and membership. You will get an overview of what ALCOSAR does, the schedule for training and have an opportunity to ask questions. Those who are interested may join our monthly General Meeting which occurs immediately after Orientation.
Orientations will be held this year in November, December, and January. Seating is limited, so please don't delay in letting us know that you're interested. Just send an email to for the dates and times of the orientations.
Thank you!
All prospective applicants must attend one of the orientation meetings to receive an application to join. These will be accepted starting on January 1st and close on January 31st. The application will only be available to prospective members who attend an orientation meeting. This is a one hour overview of the team and all dates trainees will be required to attend February through June.
Physical Abilities testing and Oral Board Interviews take place after all applications are processed. Basic Training Class will then begin in May.
Prospective members are welcome to contact us throughout the year and get on our interest list. Members on the interest list will receive updates and information on orientation dates and training schedule. In addition, they are welcome to attend our unit general meeting to find out more about the team and its activities.
During the Basic Training Class, attendance is mandatory for every class. Classes meet on Thursday evenings from 7pm-10pm and a few weekends. The unit has attendance requirements to maintain membership to the team. All members must participate in at least six hours per month of unit activities by attending unit training's, callouts, or public relations events.
Some of the skills you will learn in the Basic Training Class include: search techniques, survival skills, map and compass, patient packaging and transport, technical rescue, knots, lighting and generators, tracking, and more. But the training in the basic class is just the tip of the iceberg!
To receive more information about joining ALCO SAR, please contact the Deputy SAR Coordinator at (925) 803-7800 or email us at
Click here to view the INFORMATION on the application process and requirements