General Math Resources

Mr. Taylor's e-Mail:

Mr. Taylor's Lesson Plans:

    • Traditional Classes - Planbook. Basic information on what was covered in class, supplemental materials, and assignment number. See specific course page or Google Classroom for assignment details.

    1. Algebra I

    2. Algebra II

    3. Calculus

    4. College Algebra

    5. Financial Algebra

    6. Geometry

    • Traditional Classes - Google Classroom. Contains assignment details and shared GoogleDoc resources.

    • Independent Study Classes - Pirate-Learning. Unit schedules are provided on the school's Moodle Site.

Getting Help: There are several avenues for students to obtain help with assignments.

    • Unit plans will list other resources that you may use to help explain concepts. Most of these resources are web-based. If you do not have internet access at home, see me to check-out a copy of the resources on CD/DVD so that you can view them on any computer.

    • Students are encouraged to work with one another outside the classroom. It is beneficial for students to find one or more study partners in the class that they can work with outside of class. Students should also use their study partners as resources during school absences.

    • I am available before and after school for additional help on most days (except for Monday mornings). If possible, please let me know in advance if you plan to come. If not, stop by anyway to see if I am available. I have morning hall duty once every five weeks and will not be available for assistance before school during these weeks.

  • Attend after school tutoring sessions, when provided.

How to Excel at Math:

    • Come to class every day. Math builds on itself like a story. Missing something can have negative consequences for a long time.

    • Always do all of your homework. Math skills are like basketball skills or baseball skills. You can be out of practice. The more you practice, the better, faster, and more accurate you will be. This will make it easier to learn new and harder concepts. You'll also remember concepts for a longer period of time and will perform better under pressure, such as on a test.

    • Check your answers (if given) as you do your homework. If you get a question wrong, then go back and solve it until you get it right. Be sure you understand what your mistake was.

    • Always show your work. Organized work leads to organized thinking. Plus, if you get a question wrong, you can go back and see why.

    • Do not just memorize concepts and formulas. Memorization can help with speed when answering questions. However, one should understand the “why” behind the items they are memorizing. If you “understand” the concept then you will be able to solve many problems even if you “forget” the applicable formula.