Program Details

What grade levels may participate in the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence?

The Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence is proud to offer core curriculum for students from Kindergarten through grade 8.

Are lessons synchronous or asynchronous?

Lessons are synchronous (live).  Upon enrollment, students will undergo an orientation where they will receive a schedule to follow as a student within the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence.  

What does a daily schedule look like?


The daily live instruction will occur between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. for core classes while the itinerant classes (specials classes) will be completed also as live instruction.  Music class is the only Specials class that is scheduled to be asynchronous (not live).  Students will have built-in times for their classes, much like they would have in the brick-and-mortar setting.


Students will follow a schedule mirrored to instruction occurring live in the classrooms of our network.  The instructors are dedicated instructors to online for the period of time of the classes, meaning there are no additional students in the classroom during the online instructional period.  Students move from Google Classroom to Google Classroom according to their schedule.

What does Kindergarten look like in the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence?

Kindergarten students will have live instruction classes throughout the day just like the rest of the grades within the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence.  

What materials do I need to be successful in the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence?

As part of this program, students will be provided with a technology package by the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence which includes chromebooks and traditional resources as picked by their teacher.

How are students evaluated in the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence?

Students in grades K-3 are evaluated on a Standards-Based approach, while grades 4 and above receive percentage grades.   Specials are evaluated using the Standards-Based Grading Scale.

Standards-Based:  (3-2-1 Scale) Percentage Based:  

3=89.5%-100% 100%-90%

2=69.5%-89.49% 80%-89%

1=0%-69.49% 70%-79%



The percentage earned in each course will be reported to the home district who may interpret the percentage using their own district grading policies. (Applicable for grades 4 and above)  

Can my child participate in district extracurricular activities as part of this program?

YES!  Students in our program are still enrolled in their home district and are eligible to participate in any extracurricular activities offered by their home district.

How can families monitor their child's progress in this program?

As part of orientation families will receive information regarding how to monitor grades in the Student Information System used by the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence (Skyward) as well as directions how to monitor student progress within Google Classroom (where work is actually completed and submitted)