General Q & A

What is the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence?

The Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence is designed to leverage the aligned curricula offered by regional school districts packaged with the support and dedication of our dedicated staff members.   As our mission statement says:  Our Students.  Our Teachers.  Our Schools.  Our Community.  Our Experience. 

How is the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence different than cyber charter schools?

The Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence utilizes staff of regional school districts to instruct synchronous (live) lessons for students while students learn from their home or location of their choosing.  The live sessions will focus on student engagement and are tied to the curriculum of our regional school districts.

Is this program the same program utilized by the region's schools during the pandemic?

No-This program began for the 2022-23 school year and is a collaboration of several school districts working together to offer instruction for students.

What calendar does the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence follow?

The calendar for the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence is separate and can be found below:

2023-2024 AKAE Calendar-with Specials

Do students of the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence have the opportunity to socialize with other classmates and peers?

YES!  Students of the Alle-Kiski Academy of Excellence are enrolled in their geographic home district and are eligible to be a part of field trips, sports teams, music programs, etc...