Mrs. Raymond ELD


Hello to all of my new friends! My name is Mrs. Raymond and I am new to Warm Springs K - 8, just like some of you. Our year is starting off a little strangely, but I am sure we will have lots of fun and learn so much. One thing I want to make very clear is this: I want to learn as much from you and your families, as you can learn from me. 😊 Here on our site you will find information about me, my direct contact information, the times you can best reach me, weekly updates, our calendar of events, and reminders of big projects coming up. I cannot wait to spend the next year as your new ELD teacher, getting to know each and every one of you!

How to Reach Me

Phone Number: 541-728-4412

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 2:25 PM to 3:05 PM and 4 PM to 7 PM


Our Procedures & Rules

As a class, we will come up with our agreed-upon rules and procedures. For now, these are the procedures and rules for us.

About Me

I am married to a wonderful man that takes very good care of me and our small family. We do not have kids at this time, but we do have animals that count as our children. One of them is our dog, LunaMay, who is a Boarder Collie, Labrador, and Husky mix. The other is my Bearded Dragon and her name is Finley. I love this little family of mine and don't know how my life would be without my incredibly hyper dog, adorable dragon, and loving husband. ❤️