New + 5th Grade Welcome

Welcome new students and 5th Grade students

Open House (for new and 5th grade students): August 25th 2022 from 5:00pm-7:00pm. Please show up ANY time between 5pm-7pm. You will need about a half hour. This is a scattered start event, so do not feel that you will need to be there right at 5:00pm. The event is over at 7:00pm. Tours start every 15 minutes are so! Contact me directly with any questions.

*If you can't make this event, you can pick up your schedule (etc.) each day Monday-Friday from 8am-3pm.

What to expect at Open House on August 25th from 5:00pm-7:00pm (come anytime between those times. you need 30min)

What to Expect

  • Get your Schedule

  • Get an overview

  • Take the tour

  • Try and Pack your locker

  • Walk the Halls to find your classes

  • After your night, go to the HS to get your Chromebook

All students get a Planner provided at no additional cost. Lost and damaged planners will cost $5.00. Student MUST have the planners for attendance, bathroom passes, and to help organize them.

Tour Stops (Stars are 5th Grade Classes)

  1. Front Office

  2. Nurse

  3. Cafeteria

  4. Drop Off/Pick Up Area

  5. Band (Choir is in room 210 across the building)

  6. Art Room

  7. Warrior Way, Independent Living, STEM

  8. Gym

  9. 5th Grade Hallways (to find and open locker) (can leave items)

  10. Go to High School Library when done to get Chromebook

Meet some of Your 5th Grade CORE Teachers

Miss Millard: 5th Grade Math

5th Grade Hallway in Room 603

Take a few minutes and get to know Miss Millard, her class, and expectations. Hang around long enough and you will find a few Pro-tips too.

Mr. Mccracken: 5th Grade Social Studies

5th Grade Hallway in Room 605

In his second year at West Branch, check out Mr. McCracken and his approach to reaching kids in the social studies area.

Mrs. Conaway: 5th Grade ELA

5th Grade Hallway in Room 604

'Going to the Beach Fan' Mrs. Conaway spends some time speaking about ELA in 5th grade and how textual evidence, good attendance, and a strong work ethic goes a long way.

Mrs. Edie: 5th Grade Science

5th Grade Hallway in Room 606

Hear about how this hands-on-teacher takes kids on a journey into the wild world of Science. Get ready to

Miss Daquelente: 5th ELA/SS

5th Grade Hallway in Room 601

Fresh off the heals of a Youngstown State University graduation, Miss Daq (her shortcut name) is excited and ready to great her 5th and 6th grade students in the world of ELA and SS.

Meet some of Your 5th Grade Elective Teachers

MRs. Ginocchi:STEM 5

Get ready to get your thinking caps blown right off your head in this hands out class that focuses students to solve problems as they become creators.

Ms Johnson: Art 5

Prepare the creative 'you' in check in Art 5. Through various projects and activities, grow you art skills while learning to appreciate composition and design.

Mrs. Rockwell-Warrior Way

Warrior Way is the class to make middle school a breeze. Learn everything from Locker management to digital citizenship in this no 'nonsense' transition class with a teacher that's ready to give you the cheat sheet on winning 5th grade.

MRs. Schlueter: Computer Apps

Get your typing fingers ready to dig into this digital class that treats tech like the tool it is in order to learn how to solve problems and create.