These are OLD news updates from previous years

Thanks for VIewing/Reading


Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

Updated 5-22-2022

News for 2021/2022 School Year

5 Things in 5 Minutes (getting you ready for each week)

Read it or watch it (pick your flavor)

Sports Physicals (website)

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes]

[Week of May 23rd 2022]

  • May 27th-Hat Day $1. Fundraiser for end of the year activities (we moved it from last week)

  • May 26th-Choir Concert 7th and 8th 7pm WBHS Auditorium

  • May 26th-5th grade Chromebook Collection (need CB, Charger, and Case)

  • May 27th-6th and 7th Chromebook Collection (need CB, Charger, and Case)

  • May 27th- Physicals for 6th and 7th graders 8:30am and is FREE.

  • May 27th-7th Grade Dance @WBMS 7pm-9pm. $5 per ticket. Sold at lunch starting May 23rd.

  • May 31st Awards Assembly (times at bottom)

  • June 1st-Field Day (June 2nd as rain day)

#1 Hat Day this Friday -We moved Hat Day from last Friday to this upcoming Friday. Hat Day works as a fund raiser for some of the end of school activities. Students are encouraged to wear a hat for $1. The money will be collected this Friday in all students' homeroom.

#2 Chromebook Collection this Week-It is that time of year to collect students' school issued Chromebooks. Students need to turn in the Chromebook, Charger, and case. Please have students 'CLEAN' the Chromebooks at home so they are ready to be collected. The collection will be:

  1. Thursday May 26th 5th Grade collection

  2. Friday May 27th 6th and 7th grade collection

#3 7th Grade Dance-We are excited to hold the 2nd annual 7th Grade Dance. The dance will offer students a chance have fun and relax as a graduating class. We will sell tickets all week. The cost is $5. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.

  • Date: May 27th 2022

  • Place: WBMS (Courtyard)

  • Time: 7pm-9pm

  • Cost: $5 per student (sold at school)

  • Tickets sold at lunch starting May 23rd

  • Tickets MUST be purchased in advance

  • No Tickets at the door

#4 Awards Assembly-We will

Awards Assembly: May 31st in the WBMS Large Gym. Families Welcome. Times are Below:

  • 5th Grade=8:30am

  • 6th Grade=9:15am

  • 7th Grade=10:00am

*Parents/Guardians will enter the GYM by the GYM door and NOT in the front office

#5 Next Year-We will have a day in August for Orientation for incoming 5th graders. We will also have (same day) a day for students to come to get schedule and walk their schedule (try locker). This information will be communicated via the website and a ONE CALL text or Call to parents.

#7 Field Day: June 1st (Rain June 2nd) in the area outside by the MS. We have three zones. Each Zone has 5 stations in them. Station 1-4 will be 15 minutes each. Station 5 (of each zone) will be a longer games and is 30 minutes. In total, there are fifteen events students will particpate in during the day.

  • 7:30am-End of Day (Kona Ice after Lunch)


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 3740

MAD Club students provided Teachers with Cake/Cards

Students presenting Math topics in 5th Grade Math

Floor Hockey in 6th Grade PE Class

Sports Physicals (website)

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes]

[Week of May 16th 2022]

  • May 19th-Screening for physical that will be on 5-27-22.

  • May 20th-Hat Day $1. Fundraiser for 7th Grade Dance and Field Day.

  • May 26th-Choir Concert 7th and 8th 7pm WBHS Auditorium

  • May 27th-Chromebook Collection

  • May 27th- Physical for 6th and 7th graders 8:30am and is FREE.

  • May 27th-7th Grade Dance @WBMS 7pm-9pm. $5 per ticket. Sold at lunch starting May 23rd.

  • May 31st Awards Assembly (times at bottom)

  • June 1st-Field Day (June 2nd as rain day)

#1 Physicals for Athlete (current Grade 6 and 7) -WB is able to offer physicals. Parents should have received an invite for the event. There are two parts to the process. The first process is a screeing process. Screening is simply when students bring in forms (found in Final Form) on May 19th in order to provide basic metrics such as weight, height, etc. The actual physical will then happen on May 27th at school. The physical is free. Students need to take part in both the May 19th screening and the actual physical on May 27th.

#2 Chromebook Collection-As we move toward the end of the year, we have picked a date to collect student CBs. On Friday, May 27th...students will turn in their CB, Charger, and Case. All three items must be present at this time. Also, some students OWE A FEE for broken or damaged Chromebooks. It is key that students continue to safeguard CBs so that we can continue to utilize this important educational resources.

#3 End of the Year Discipline-Please take this time to have a conversation with your student(s) as some students take the pending 'end of the year' as an opportunity to mess around and get in trouble. We have great kids at WBMS, but some students find a way to make bad choices regarding how they treats others or just the negative effect of 'messing around'. Horseplay is the origin of much of the discipline. Our teachers are going to continue to teach and focus on expectations and goals of the class. Again, have a quick support conversation with your student(s) in order to let them know they will get in trouble at home and school. Thank you for the support.

#4 7th Grade Dance-for the 2nd year, WBMS will be holding a 7th Grade Dance to celebrate students' last year in the building (they move to the HS for grades 8 through grade 12). The dance will be held at the Middle School in the courtyard across from the library. The courtyard is a great place to get some fresh air while ensuring that students have a place to dance, hang, and socialize. The space also allows for nice supervision. We will have a DJ and food for students to consume. Students must buy tickets at school starting May 23rd.

  • Date: May 27th 2022

  • Place: WBMS (Courtyard)

  • Time: 7pm-9pm

  • Cost: $5 per student (sold at school)

  • Tickets sold at lunch starting May 23rd

  • Tickets MUST be purchased in advance

  • No Tickets at the door

#5 Summer School Info-West Branch Middle School/WBHS will be conducing a summer school again this year. The start date of Summer School starts on

Summer School provides students with an opportunity to recover lost skills in order to be promoted to the next grade. Summer School dates will be announced soon. Summer School lasts six weeks. The cost is $150 per yearlong course and $75 for semester long courses. Students will have to attend the lab each day as part of the program (Lab is located at WBHS). A district teacher will be in charge of the program and lab during the summer.

(Bonus) #6 End of the Year Activities-

Awards Assembly: May 31st in the WBMS Large Gym. Families Welcome. Times are Below:

  • 5th Grade=8:30am

  • 6th Grade=9:15am

  • 7th Grade=10:00am

*Parents/Guardians will enter the GYM by the GYM door and NOT in the front office

Field Day: June 1st (Rain June 2nd) in the area outside the MS.

  • 7:30am-End of Day (Kona Ice after Lunch)


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 3740

MAD Club students provided Teachers with Cake/Cards

Students presenting Math topics in 5th Grade Math

Goalie getting ready for Action

Floor Hockey in 6th Grade PE Class

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of May 9th 2022]

  • May 13th-Choir Concert for 5th Grade 6:30pm-7:15pm

  • May 13th-Choir Concert 6th Grade 8:00pm-8:45pm

  • May 19th-Screening for physical that will be on 5-27-22.

  • May 26th-Choir Concert 7th and 8th 7pm WBHS Auditorium

  • May 27th- Physical for 6th and 7th graders 8:30am and is FREE.

  • May 27th-7th Grade Dance @WBMS 7pm-9pm. $5 per ticket. Sold at lunch starting May 23rd.

  • May 31st Awards Assembly (times at bottom)

  • June 1st-Field Day (June 2nd as rain day)

#1 Structure of School Schedule Changes for Next Year-We are making some adjustments to maximize learning next year. Next year we will have 7 Periods instead of 10 Periods. All periods are (circa) 55 minutes next year. Math and ELA will NOT be blocked like it has been in the past. Lunches will now be 30 min. instead of 40 min as part of the new schedule. Students will NOT have study halls are part of their schedule. In general, the structure for students looks like this:

(Grades 5-7):

  • Four Core Classes, Lunch, and Upwards of Three Electives.

      • Four Core include: ELA + Math + Social Studies + Science (55 min. each)

      • Lunch (30 min.)

      • Up to Three Electives (some students will get two electives as data warrants some extra intervention and support) (those students will have two electives + support period) (55 min. each)

#2 Scheduling Paperwork + Discussion will happen this week in 6th Grade Social Studies (Hancock)-WBMS will focus on Schedule Info for next year; this will be conducted for current 6th graders in Social Studies class (Mr. Hancock). Miss Kamenitsa will be visiting Social Studies classes this Tuesday to provide info for students to take home. 7th Graders have the most choice in electives. Students can read about electives and pick choices based on order of importance (choice #1, choice #2, etc.). Incoming 5th and incoming 6th have limited choices that surround Band or Choir.

#3 7th Grade Dance Info-for the 2nd year, WBMS will be holding a 7th Grade Dance to celebrate students' last year in the building (they move to the HS for grades 8 through grade 12). The dance will be held at the Middle School in the courtyard across from the library. The courtyard is a great place to get some fresh air while ensuring that students have a place to dance, hang, and socialize. The space also allows for nice supervision. We will have a DJ and food for students to consume. Students must buy tickets at school starting May 23rd.

  • Date: May 27th 2022

  • Place: WBMS (Courtyard)

  • Time: 7pm-9pm

  • Cost: $5 per student (sold at school)

#4 MAP Testing-We are conducting round three of MAP testing in ELA (5-7), Math (5-7), and Science (5th only). MAP helps to show growth in order to collect data to inform future lessons and curriculum delivery (to include intervention support). Our teachers have collaborated in order to ensure that students only have one MAP test per day school-wide. Parent Reports will be sent home prior to the end of the school year.

#5 Summer School Info-West Branch Middle School/WBHS will be conducing a summer school again this year. Summer School provides students with an opportunity to recover lost skills in order to be promoted to the next grade. Summer School dates will be announced soon. Summer School lasts six weeks. The cost is $150 per yearlong course and $75 for semester long courses. Students will have to attend the lab each day as part of the program (Lab is located at WBHS). A district teacher will be in charge of the program and lab during the summer.

(Bonus) #6 End of the Year Activities-

Awards Assembly: May 31st in the WBMS Large Gym. Families Welcome. Times are Below:

  • 5th Grade=8:30am

  • 6th Grade=9:15am

  • 7th Grade=10:00am

*Parents/Guardians will enter the GYM by the GYM door and NOT in the front office

Field Day: June 1st (Rain June 2nd) in the area outside the MS.

  • 7:30am-End of Day (Kona Ice after Lunch)


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 3740

MAD Club students provided Teachers with Cake/Cards

Student Council Cleaned Up Courtyard on Friday

5th Grade Band Practicing some tunes for Spring

Having a great day at West Branch Middle School

In Mrs. Shreve's Independent Living elective class, students learn to check oil levels in vehicles.

Miss Ausnehmer conducting an interactive read aloud with 6th grade students.

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of May 2nd 2022]

  • May 6th-7:30pm Large Gym

  • May 13th-Choir Concert for 5th Grade 6:30pm-7:15pm

  • May 13th-Choir Concert 6th Grade 8:00pm-8:45pm

  • May 26th-Choir Concert 7th and 8th 7pm WBHS Auditorium

#1 Teacher Appreciation Week This Week-We are excited to celebrate our teachers this week. Teachers provide one of the biggest and lasting contributions to our kids. At school, we have some activities planned for them each day.

I'd love for you, as a parent or guardian, to drop a quick email letting a teacher or two know you appreciate the work they do. I will be sending out an text later with a link to help with emails. Thanks for considering this important gesture.

(Link to finding emails for teachers)

#2 Courtyard Clean Up Last Friday-Mrs. Criss' Middle School Student Council stayed for several hours after school to help pitch in with cleaning up the courtyard. Several parents as well as Mrs. Schlueter, Mrs. Erbs, Mr. McCracken, and Mrs. Criss pitched in to help beautify the open air courtyards. There were lots raking of leaves and pulling of weeds. I myself enjoyed working with the crew to make the area better. Thanks to all who helped out (SEE PICTURE ON THE SIDE).

#3 Scheduling Info-We will be scheduling for next year soon. To make it easy, incoming 7th grade is truly the only group that have some choice in the matter as there are electives to make a choice in. Incoming 5th graders will need to pick between choir and band. ALL students will have four core classes, lunch, and upwards of three periods for electives. Some students will have two electives if they are in a support class to bolster certain skill-sets. The overall concept will be below:

Incoming 5th: (classes)

  • Four Core Classes (ELA/Math/Science/Social Studies). (year round)

  • Lunch (year round)

  • Music (band or choir) (year round)

  • Warrior Way (transition class) + Independent living. (semester each)

  • PE/Computers/STEM/Art (9 weeks each)

Incoming 6th: (classes)

  • Four Core Classes (ELA/Math/Science/Social Studies). (year round)

  • Lunch (year round)

  • Music (band or choir) (year round)

  • PE + Foods (semester each)

  • Medical Detectives/Computers/STEM/Art (9 weeks each)

Incoming 7th: (classes)

  • Four Core Classes (ELA/Math/Science/Social Studies). (year round)

  • Lunch (year round)

  • Electives: Music (band or choir), PE, Health, Medical Detectives 2, Sports Psychology, STEM, Media, Art, Coding, Careers.

#4 Dress Code Reminders-With the weather getting nicer out, dress code needs as bit of a reminder. Students must wear appropriate clothing to school. For example, students are NOT allowed to wear headphones and hats during the school day. Other issues that tend to occur are wearing shorts that are too short. Shorts must be long enough to the be at least in line with the fingertips. Students are also not allow to wear tank tops or shirts with mid-drifts either. Please check these items with students to make sure they are in code for the rest of the school year.

#5 End of the Year Activities- A.

Awards Assembly: May 31st in the WBMS Large Gym. Families Welcome. Times are Below:

  • 5th Grade=8:30am

  • 6th Grade=9:15am

  • 7th Grade=10:00am

*Parents/Guardians will enter the GYM by the GYM door and NOT in the front office

Field Day: June 1st (Rain June 2nd) in the area outside the MS.

  • 7:30am-End of Day (Kona Ice after Lunch)


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 3740

Miss Millard dropping some equation knowledge

Warrior Washout Soap Sales during Lunch (STEM)

7th Grade STEM students with WB Board

Mrs. Johnson demonstrating an ART technique with 5th graders

Mrs. Egli (WB Superintendent) providing 'Warrior of the Month' to Stella Zippay (7th Grade)

Students advertising for STEM-created 'Warrior Wash'

Mr. Stehura rocking out with the 6th grade band...

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 4-25-2022]

*State Testing this week for Math/Science. Testing will be Tuesday and Wednesday. The school day will remain the same; WBMS will use our two hour delay schedule to provide students with time to take the tests.

*Thanks for the orders for Candles and PIE from Union House Boutique. The orders are being processed.

#1 State Testing (Math) (Science 5th Grade)-WBMS will be having state testing on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week (4-26, 4-27). We will start our testing directly after homeroom. There are two parts to the State Math Tests. We will be running a 2-hour delay schedue; however, our school day is the same as normal. We will be administering the test during the two hour delay. It is important that students attend WBMS both days in order to complete the manditory tests.

#2 Two Home Track Meets This Week (Mon.+Wed.)-The WBMS has two home meets this week (last home meets of the season). On Monday, WBMS will take on Salem at home. On Wednesday, WBMS takes on Canton South. The meets start at 4:30pm. Student-athletes will also have two away matches to round out the season. Come on our on Monday and Wednesday to cheer on the WBMS Track Team complete in various Areas.

#3 Lost and Found-It is that time of year already. I forgot to take snapshot of the 'Lost and Found' before leaving school on Friday. Trust me...the rack is packed with about everything you can think of. Although we call it a 'Lost and Found'...it seems to really just be LOST. Please encourage your students to review the rack to look for any lost items. Items will be donated again the day after the last day of school. Please let me know if you have any questions.

#4 Water Containers- As of now, we have not reopened the drinking fountains at school. There are lots of details to work out for the fountains to be prepped for usage. It is possible this won't be done until the summer. Also, we do NOT have more water containers (bottled water) for students. Students must bring containers to school and use the filling stations to fill up reusable containers.

#5 Awards Assembly Information-We will be having our Awards Assembly at WBMS Large Gym on MAY 31st. Parents are welcome to attend. I will be putting the award titles in a future weekly update.

5th Grade=8:30am

6th Grade=9:15am

7th Grade=10:00am

*Parents/Guardians will enter the GYM by the GYM door and NOT in the front office


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 3740

Mrs. Ginocchi and 7th Grade STEM students before presenting to the WB School Board for the April Meeting.

WBMS STEM made 3D printed nameplates for the WB School Board

Mr. Yaggi with his new GREEN 3D Nameplate

Mr. Courtwright and Mr. Fisher with repping nameplates too...

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 4-20-2022]

*Next round of tests are April 26th and April 27th (Math for grades 5, 6, and 7).

#1 Fundraiser for PIE/Candles Fundraiser April 22nd from 10am-6pm at Union House Boutique in Alliance Ohio-20% of all sales on this day will be donated to WBMS PIE. Please head out to the shop and check out what this local business has to offer. This is the same group who is providing us with support on our Candle Sale.

#2 Candle Sale Fundraiser Orders are Due on April 22nd 2022.-Since we were not in school due to Spring Break, please have your orders turned in during homeroom no later than April 22nd. We want to have orders done by then to ensure that orders can be timely filled.

#3 State Test Math-Grades 5-7 will have Math Ohio State Tests on April 26th and April 27th. We have students do the two parts on separate days in order to ensure that students are not fatigued. It is important that students are in class during this time so that they do NOT miss this important assessment. Remember, the tests measure where students are based on the benchmarks and content standards as per the Ohio Department of Education.

#4 Reading W/ Kids- Many times we hear that reading is important with kids. Of course, this is a true statement. However, many think that the only kind of reading is done with novels and short stories. Fiction is great, but the world of reading is much bigger. For example, magazines are awesome for kids. Are kids into farming, four wheelers, cars, fashion, and/or sports? It is a great activity to spend time with your kids by reading similar articles and discussing them. Find something you both enjoy and read together. Reading doesn't have to be formal or stuffy. The graphics, pictures, and pictorial representation is also reading and really helps to shape the content in a 'real-world' way. Grab something they like and read it...Try this too...Turn on captions while you are watching a family movie or series. This helps to show 'vocal inflections' that bring the words to life. This process will help with your students' fluency and how they approach voicing written language.

#5 Field Day and Awards Assembly-We will be having the WBMS Awards Assembly and Field Day during the last week of school. We are looking at customizing the Awards Assembly to make it more approachable and efficient for students, parents, and staff. The Awards Assembly will be live and in person this year in the MS Gym.

Mark your Calendars for the Awards Assembly (live and in person):

  • May 31st at WBMS Large Gym (Times to be shared soon).

Field Day at WBMS (outside):

  • June 1st (Rain Day June 2nd)


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 3740

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 4-11-2022]

*No School Friday, Monday, or Tuesday for Spring Break.

*ELA State Tests are done. We have some makeups due to sickness, vacation, and absences.

*Next round of State Tests is Math on April 26th and April 27th. This test, like ELA, is for grades 5, 6, and 7.

#1 Fundraiser for PIE/Candles -Here We have a Mother's Day Fundraiser. WBMS PIE has a new fundraiser to support our students, teachers, and building. A paper on this topic will go home Monday April 11th 2020. We are teaming up with Union House Boutique in Alliance, Ohio.

The start is April 11th 2022 and orders must be back by April 18th 2022.

Also, April 22nd...The Union House will donate 20% of all sales the entire day to WBMS PIE. See flyer on the left.

#2 Home Track Meet This Week-WBMS will have their first home track meet on Wednesday vs. Alliance. Come on out and cheer on the team. The 7th and 8th grade student athletes have been working hard and have already had two AWAY meets. Come on out and cheer the MS Warriors bring home a victory vs Alliance schools.

  • 4:30pm-Field Events

  • 5:00pm-Running Events

*If both teams are ready, the events might start a bit earlier.

#3 Getting Extra Help-We encourage students to ask for help. Getting help comes in different ways. The most important first step is to build in a student's ability to be his or her own advocate as we want students to make choices to improve and fill any learning or understanding gaps. Here are a few steps to find unique and meaningful ways to support student learning:

  1. Have specific conversations about assessments, assignments, and grades with students. Have a plan or schedule regarding this process. For example, each Sunday...log into Parent Access to review grades and days absent.

  2. Have your student(s) show you finished or 'in progress' work as part of a conversation.

  3. Ask about how Study Hall is working. Ask how he or she spend the 40 minutes each day. Ask if they have a pattern. See if the student asks the SH teacher questions.

  4. Email your student(s)' teachers to get direct support or to get questions answered. Here is a link to the teachers' email (Teacher Email List).

  5. Contact Miss Kamenitsa (maggie.kamenitsa@wbwarriors.org) or Mr. Yeagley once other areas are supported in order to provide you support with the concern or issue.

#4 Absence Tips- Many students continue to have issues or concerns with attendance. It is important to have students in school. In Ohio, schools keep track of hours. For example, each day that is missed is 6.75 hours. These hours add up. Early and late dismissals also add to this time too. Tardies contribute the same way. Students who go on vacation create other space to negative hours to be collected.

It is key to be in school. Please ALWAYS try to have appointments after school if possible. Next, if a student is out due to a appointment, please provide a DR Note upon returning. Many families are not including these notes and the hours add up. Providing a parent note alone is not nearly the same as a DR's note.

#5 PIE Replacements-Have an interest in contributing to the PIE? We have a few parents/guardians who are relieving the seat due to Their students moving on to 8th grade over at the HS. Please let me or Jamie Hirst (current PIE President) know if you have any question. Contact me with initial questions and expectations of the role.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 3740

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 4-4-2022]

*ELA State Testing Tuesday and Wednesday

*4th Nine Weeks Starts Monday. 4th Nine Weeks determines eligibility for the Fall Sports cycle.

*Reminder, Spring Break April 15th-19th 2022

#1 State Testing Starts This Week with ELA-WBMS Will be testing for ELA on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. These tests are very important and students need to be rested and ready to go the morning of. Of course, students are encouraged to eat breakfast either at home or at school. This test is for grades 5, 6, and 7.

Students will come to school at a normal time (starts at 7:30am). Even though our school day will start and end as normal, we will follow our 'TWO HOUR DELAY' schedule so that we can administer the test for all students during the two hours. Most students will test in their Homeroom...unless small group space is needed as per certain requirements.

#2 Math Acceleration Meeting- We had our Math Acceleration Meeting over Zoom on March 28th. Families were provided an overview of the process to move a student forward regarding the math content area. There were time for questions and a general overview and 'next steps' allowed guardians access to key points in order to make informed decisions on this topic. Here is a link to the 30 min. presentation for March 28th 2022. (Click Here). Please let me know directly if you have any problems.

#3 Recess-As the weather continues to warm, recess generally happens outside even more. There have been lots of discipline issues at recess. In the upcoming weeks, students will be provided with some renewed expectations and warnings about concerns at recess. The recess teachers will be also upping expectations regarding dangerous play and/or the results of not meeting expectations. It is VERY possible the recess will be taken away for individuals or groups of students (to include the entire grade) for failure to increase quality and behavior.

#4 Social Interaction and Conflict Resolution-It seems that students are having a hard time in learning how to resolve issues from name calling to social media concerns. Although we are planning a class next year (Called Warrior Way) for incoming 5th graders, we need to team up with how we discuss 'Rudeness, being mean, and bullying'. I hear the word bullying be used for almost everything. Bullying is a real thing for sure. It is something that can be physical or verbal and takes place consistently over a longer period of time. Being rude or mean is a different from bullying. Both are bad. Although also hurtful, one is quick and is ususally momentary. Students have a struggle in learning when to ignore and when to engage.

Social Media tends to AMP this entire concept. Many students use social media for sharing and spreading rumors or other pictures or stories that tend to shed negative light on other students. Of course, allowing social media is a family choice, but it is a choice that needs management by home My advice is to be HIGHLY engaged in their social media. Know their passwords and check all their accounts often. Kids can be sneaky and technology changes often. There are tons of sites to help you. Here is an example of one. Doing this takes a lot of effort, but the inability to regulate and manage students' social media is catastrophic in my opinion.

#5 Awards Assembly, Field Day, and End of the Year Preview-At the end of the year, we will be having our Awards Assembly LIVE during the school day. For me, this is the first time we have done it live. Since I have been the Principal, it has always been digital. I will be locking down the date. I am looking at the LAST week. I am learning towards Tuesday May 31st (the day after Memorial Day). Stay tuned as we plan this out.

Field day was a huge success last year. We will be partaking in this activity again. It looks like the best day will be June 1st (2nd to the last day of school). The only way I can have a rain day is the LAST Day of school. Let's cross our fingers and hope that all goes well with the weather so we are not doing it the last day.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 3-28-2022]

Welcome to April. Although it is still snowing, Spring is knocking on our door. The WB Calendar is on the left regarding days off.

*EndOf Nine Weeks is April 1st

*Spring Break April 15th-19th 2022

#1 Successful Family Fun Night-Thanks to all the students and their families who were able to attend the 'Family Fun Night in Salem'. A huge thank you to PIE for helping organize this event. I think everyone had a blast. I know that I enjoyed seeing the kids laughing and showing off skills OR learning new ones. I was impressed how many parents/guardians hopped on skates to share a little floor-time with loved ones.

Around 100 people attended and it was fun for our First Annual Family Fun Night. Check out some of the pictures that I snapped while skating with the kids.

#2 State Testing- Our State testings is starting after this upcoming week. This is an important time for students to show what they know for themselves, their school, and their school district. Students should not be stressed. Instead, they need to get great rest and understand how important it is to slow down, think, and apply what they have learned to measure their growth.

It is important that students DO NOT miss school during these tests. Although there are makeups, some students make that process challenging by missing too many days.

Students will be tested in:

  • 5th Grade Math + ELA + Science

  • 6th Grade Math + ELA

  • 7th Grade Math + ELA

    • ELA Test: April 5th and April 6th

    • Math Test: April 26th and April 27th

    • Science Test: April 28th-April 29th

#3 Lunch Meals- (April Lunch Menu Link)

Many students choose to eat the school's lunches each day. It has been very exciting this year as we are really getting some food diversity on the menu. Each morning during announcements, I read off the daily menu. I am always noticing new items and flavors for students to try. I have to shout out to our new Director of Foods, Bob Monter, for pushing the menu. Students have commented many times that they really love the new choices and flavors they are experiencing. Encourage your students to try new foods. This is a great conversation starter!

#4 Truancy/Tardies/Missing School- As we are now finishing the third nine weeks, truancy is really starting to rear its head. If a student hits a certain threshold of missed days (hours) out in a week, month, school year, House Bill 410 requires a local meeting and plan to stop the truancy. This plan is made during an official meeting with the WBMS Truancy team, A Guardian, and the student.

If the plan does NOT work and students continue missing school, students will be referred to Mahoning County for further actions through appropriate agencies.

Key Take Away--Students need to be in school. Vacations DO count against students for days as they are NOT excused and students are missing instruction. If a student has to be out for a Doctor's appointment, it is important to send in the Dr's note and ensure that your student turned it in. (Please track using Parent Access)

#5 First Track Meet Wednesday-Our 7th Graders (8th Graders too) will be competing on Wednesday for their first track meeting of the season. The first two meets are actually away. The first home one is Wednesday April 13th 2022 vs. Alliance. Please come out and enjoy the track and field activities and cheer on your WBMS Track and Field team. The schedule is on the left at the top.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 3-21-2022]

*Tuesday March 22nd is the Last CALL for buying tickets for the Family Fun Night. No tickets will be sold at the door. Event is March 26th from 4:30am-6:30pm.

#1 Family Fun Night Reminder TOMORROW- Last call for buying tickets is Tuesday March 22nd 2022 during the school day. NO tickets will be sold at the door.

Students who purchased tickets will be given tickets to students on March 24th 2022...Tickets are for UNLIMITED SKATING and LASER TAG (includes SKATE rentals)

Tickets will be sent home of Thursday March 24th 2022...The envelope sent home will include Wristbands for each individual attending as well as tickets for the skate rental.

  • Date: March 26th 2022

  • Time: 4:40pm-6:30pm

  • Who: 5th-7th Graders and their families

  • Where: Salem Skate & Fun Center in Salem, OH

#2 Dress Code as it gets Warmer- Reminder, as students start to collectively wear shorts and warmer-weather clothing, it is important to remind everyone of a few rules. Shorts must be finger tips length; holes in shorts or pants must ALSO be finger tip length too. These tend to be the main issues. Please let me know if you have any questions. Dress code violation starts with a warning and then builds toward detentions and other issues. I will be making announcements for students in the AM each morning to remind them.

#3 State Testing-State Testing is just around the corner. There seems to be an uptick on vacation requests.

At the MS, we have one test (Max) per day. I feel we do a good job to spread this out so that students have some norms. State tests are important as it shows the growth of the student as well as how the school is doing on a larger scale. I will have a feature on this next weekly update in order to provide more specifics.

#4 Spring Discipline Increase- Traditionally, there tends to be an uptick in detentions, ISS, and even OSS. The warm weather seems to bring out unwanted behaviors and choices. Please spend a little time speaking with your student(s).Teachers work to create an ideal learning environment. Often, it only takes one student to get the class moving in the wrong direction. Other students can also feed off of this action. Our staff works hard to be proactive and redirect students so that they do NOT get themselves into a bad spot. When the 'Warning' breaks down, discipline moves into action.


  • Tuesday/Thursday PM (after school until 3:30pm)

  • Thursday AM (6:45am-7:15am)

ISS (In School Suspension)=

ISS mostly takes place at the HS. Students stay at the HS (sometimes it is in our MS conference room). Students are in an alternative environment to be away from the student body AND complete school work in order to not 'dent' grades.

OSS (Out of School Suspension)=

OSS requires to stay at home during the discipline. Students MUST complete school work (found in Google Classroom) in order to not 'dent' grades.

#5 Lost and Found-I don't want to sound like a broken record, but lost and found is starting to fill up again. Please have your students see if any items have been left. There is an area in the front of the cafeteria where coats, hats, gloves, sweatshirts, and other items are stored.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 3-14-2022]

At this point, students who do not have physicals are NOT able to practice. This is a safety measure as well as a state-wide requirement.

*Track Schedule for 7th and 8th Grade on the left as it currently stands (left side of this page)

#1 Family Fun Night Reminder- Please consider attending this event (see the flyer to the left). A paper was sent home last week. It is key to know that students MUST have a parent/guardian with them during the entire night.

Tickets include skate rental and UNLIMITED SKATING and LASER TAG.

Tickets will be sent home of Thursday March 24th 2022...The envelope sent home will include Wristbands for each individual attending as well as tickets for the skate rental.

  • Date: March 26th 2022

  • Time: 4:40pm-6:30pm

  • Who: 5th-7th Graders and their families

  • Where: Salem Skate & Fun Center in Salem, OH

#2 See Something/Say Something Week- As part of the Sandy Hook Promise, schools around the United States want to bring attention to key ideas to continue to have a safe school system.

This week the IS and MS will be taking part in See Something/Say Something. As you can see from the info on the left, we have events that happen this week to bring a stronger approach to providing support and outlets to keep us all safe. See the plan on the left. Our School Counselors, Miss Kamenitsa and Mrs. Tayala will be leading this campaign.

#3 Working Towards Opening the Water Fountains-We are working and properly opening the water fountains for students. This is another step in the right direction. We have had some issues with students bringing 'inappropriate' drink in bottles. Students have, since the pandemic, been able to bring water (ONLY) to school in a reusable container.

There are some steps that need to be taken to 're-open the water lines' for the drinking fountains in the building. I just wanted to keep up in the loop on what we are working towards.

#4 Pink Forms Due Friday for 7th Graders Preparing for 8th Grade at HS- Last week, Mr. Yannon (8th Grade School Counselor) met with students during Mr. Falasca's Social Studies classes. Mr. Yannon spoke about the movement as well as some scheduling choices that will need to be made.

Pink forms are due Friday regarding current 7th graders to prepare for next year.

#5 Preview of Next Year's Schedule Structure at WBMS -We have shifted the structure of our schedule in order to futher support students in achieving goals and getting help where needed. Although not official yet, we plan on keeping the start and end time of WBMS the same for next year with a start time of 7:30am and an ending time of 2:45pm each day.

We are also going from 10 periods (currently 40 min. each period) to 7 periods (actually 8 periods as there will be a period over the lunch cycle.

ELA and Math classes will NOT be blocked next year. 5th Grade Science will also NOT be blocked. Students on an IEP as well as students who need extra help (based on data) will have a period in their day to get extra help without having to 'leave' a class and miss content.

I just wanted to give you a 'heads up' with some of the concepts; I plan to continue to provide more information as we get closer.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

This is a sample (from MAP website). Your results will look similar.

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 3-07-2022]

*Track Practice Starts Monday for 7th graders who have signed up. Students should have clothing that will work for being outside. Students must bring water and must have rides ready at 4:15pm.

#1 MAP Reports (Parent) sent home Monday-ELA (5-7), Math (5-7), Science (5) took a MAP test recently. This 'check-in' test is used to see how students have grown. We did our first round in October. Now that we have two rounds, you will be able to see where your students were and where they are now. This test helps to see where students are and where we need to go. Our teachers are using this data to adjust and make plans for better reaching students based on this updated data report.

Support on how to read the report Click Here for Report.

#2 Drinks at School (Water Only)- Since the water fountains are still blocked off, students are permitted to bring water to drink. Students are encouraged to bring things that can be refilled. It is important to note that ONLY WATER is allowed. Some are brining drinks that include juices, teas, and other drinks. Again, only water is permitted at school. We are hoping at some point soon, we can uncover the water fountains.

#3 IN Danger Letters sent & Summer School- Summer will be offered for those who have failed core subjects during the year as a way to fix learning loss and to prevent grade retention. The cost of summer school is $150 per class. The duration of Summer School is six weeks. Students who are failing classes are being sent home letters. It is not too late to make a plan and have them buckle down to avoid summer school, retention, and other concerns. Many students who are failing are failing for missing assignments, missing too much school (lost from being absent), and not studying.

#4 Family Fun Night Flyer coming home- Several Updates ago I shared some info about family fun night. We will be sending home information in the next couple of weeks. This is a great opportunity to share time with your kids and other WB families.

Students MUST have and parent or guardian with them the entire time. NO students will be admitted alone. See the flyer on the left hand side. Notice the cost of tickets based on the number of tickets purchased.

  • Date: March 26th 2022

  • Time: 4:40pm-6:30pm

  • Who: 5th-7th Graders and their families

  • Where: Salem Skate & Fun Center in Salem, OH

#5 Positive Comments Wanted?-I love hearing from parents with areas we need to grow and areas that you are happy with. I think sometimes good things get shoved down as more negative things are shared instead of positive. I'd love to hear what makes you happy...this could be a teacher, staff member, or program. Share and let me know what you are happy with as well as any concerns.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 2-28-2022]

*Attention-Track Signups for 7th graders (and 8th at the HS) are almost done. Soon, the coaches will be forming a plan based on students and numbers. Reach out to Coach Davanzo for more info.

#1 No More Masks Required on Buses- Based on CDC and Federal guidelines, Ohio-centric public schools are not requiring masks at this point (starting tomorrow). Students, of course, are still permitted to wear masks if they want. This is a family choice. Masks are NOT required now on school buses to and from school. Mrs. Egli (WB Superintendent) placed a ONE-CALL regarding the topic over the weekend.

Please let me know if you have any questions on this topic as we continue to adjust with the ever changing world-wide pandemic.

#2 Cell Phone Uptick Issues- We have witnessed a rise in Cell Phone issues. The rule is very simple. WBMS students must put cell phone in locker once they arrive in the building. Students are NOT permitted to have them within them during the day. This includes putting them in pockets, pencil bags, or even Chromebook bags.

Parents/Guardians-Please note that there are tons of ways to communicate with your student. Ever now and then I have a parent/guardian state "I gave them permission". We have school policy that needs to be consistent. If you need to speak to your student or visa versa, we have tons of phones. We can call the classroom, send a runner, use our radio system...just to name a few. If you student needs to call home, we will make that happen.

Our policy discusses what happens when caught. This ranges from a 1st time warning to detentions and parents picking up phones, in-school suspension, and beyond.

I will be making announcements all week in the Morning Announcements. I have also provided additional support info to the teachers in my weekly update. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.

#3 MAD Club- Our MAD Club is rolling through some upcoming plans for engaging with the student body. MAD is an acronym that stands for 'Make A Difference'. The club is an 'during school club' and works to find ways to improve the school and to help students interact with staff and students to make a positive different. Miss Kamenitsa runs the club and help design the 'T-Shirts' this year. T-Shirts are about to be provided to students (see a picture on the left hand side to catch a glimpse of the new T-Shirt for this year. Mad Club is for students in grades 5-7 at WBMS.

#4 Scheduling for Next Year-We are not to that point yet, but soon we will be providing information and taking steps to collect info on some courses that students might take next year. In general, students have more choices as they near 7th grade. We do have some changes for next year regarding how day looks. I will provide an update in future 'Weekly Updates'. We will start school and end school at the same time. Time is cut up a little different in order to increase our ability to reach kids in several different categories.

I will present information on here several times in order to make the transition to next year easier. Last week, I spoke of 'speaking with your kids' at home about school beyond just asking 'How was School'. Scheduling choices is a great topic to add to your conversations at home.

#5 M- Last week to buy Yearbook for $26-Starting March 6th, the price of the yearbook will rise to $28. The early-bird special will be over. How do you order? The answer is simply log into Josten's Website ( Jostens Website) and search West BranchMiddle School. Once you find WBMS in Beloit, Ohio...the next step involve creating an account and paying (directions are pretty easy)

If you have any questions, please call or email our advisor (Middle School Teacher) Miss Luncente (lisa.lucente@wbwarriors.org).


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 2-14-2022]

#1 Kindness Week This Week- Our School Counselor crew have put a schedule together to encourage kindness. Each day we will have a dress up theme as well as a theme for lunch.

  • Tuesday=Wear Tie-Dye and Bright Colors

  • Wednesday=Dress as your favorite Superhero

  • Thursday=Wear Workout Clothes

  • Friday=Dress in Western Gear

On the left, you will also notice that there is an activity to do at lunch too. We always want kids to pump up the kindness jam. This week, we are putting a direct spotlight on that goal. Be KIND!

#2 Important Dates Coming Up in the next two months- As we get ready to roll into March, we have lots of five day weeks coming up. Hopefully the snow will not be a problem any more. On March 21st, teachers have a professional Development Day. Students will not have school. On March 22nd, we have a two hour delay for students. See February and March on the left hand side of this website.

Our Spring Break is April 15th-April 19th. The year will go fast now. Our testing for the state is in April too.

#3 Post-Conferences and talking about school-We enjoyed speaking with parents and guardians both live and digitally last Thursday night. Educators were providing insight into improving understanding in classrooms as well has linking up that important communication.

Tip--Have a conversation a few times each week about school. As we all know, asking simple questions like "How was School" will only yield answers such as "Good" or "Fine" and so on. Ask more specific questions such as:

  • "Name one thing that was easy in Math Today!"

  • "What hands activity was the funnest so far this week?"

  • "What was one funny event that happened this week?"

  • "What did you and your friends talk about today?"

  • "What class is hard right now and why do you think that is?"

Asking specifics questions works well.

#4 Discipline Update- We have a great school! Of course, there are times that we have a few issues for sure. Please review the data on the left. We had a total of:

  • 11 Office Referrals

  • 39 Detentions

You can see that right now Homework (missing) is the number one issue (34%). Disrespect and class disruption come in quickly behind. Our goal is to continue to reduce these behaviors. Our PBIS crew is working to find ways to improve these areas.

#5 Middle School Yearbook- From now until March 5th 2022, the WBMS yearbook is $26. After March 5th, the cost will go up to $28 per yearbook.

Finally, at a certain point in the Spring, no more yearbooks will be able to be ordered. Go to Josten's website to order yours. For more information, please contact Miss Luncente (lisa.lucente@wbwarriors.org)

To order a yearbook, please visit the following website Jostens Website. Please do not send money into the school as all money is collected via the website.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 2-14-2022]

#1 No School Friday + Monday and Parent/Teacher Conferences this Thursday-

We do not have school We will have parent teacher conferences this Thursday (2-17-2022) from 3:00pm-8:30pm. Teachers will be eating dinner from 5:00pm-5:45pm.

Our time slots are filling up. If you are still interested in booking a spot for one or more of you student(s) teachers...please contact our school counselor Miss Kamenitsa. Her email is maggie.kamenitsa@wbwarriors.org. You can also call WBMS and ask for her to speak with her or leave a VM for this process.

#2 Family Fun Night Sponsored by WBMS PIE.

In order to provide a fun time for students and families to hang out, WBMS PIE team has provided a great family night in Salem at Salem Skate & Fun Center on Saturday March 26th from 4:30pm-6:30pm. I have the flier (will be sent home) on the left side under my video.

Because this is a family event, NO students will be admitted without a parent or guardian attending the entire event with them. The cost breakdown is on the flier and includes unlimited Skating and Laser Tag. Again, there will be more info and WBMS PIE will be providing info on their Facebook page too.

#3 WBMS Kindness Week-Teaming up with the Intermediate School, WBMS will have Kindness Week February 22nd-February 25th. This is from Tuesday to Friday (no school on Monday). Please see the flyer on the left for the details. We want to increase kindness and good choices as it fully matters how we treat each other. We'd love students to dress up each day to remind everyone to increase kindness!

#4 Bolstering Grades and Summer School- WBMS is in the process of not only prepping for our parent teacher conference, but also for making a game plan for students who are heading down the road of NOT mastering a class (AKA failing it). Students who fail a class will have an opportunity to sign up for summer school (usually 4 to 6 weeks in the summer). In the past, the classes were $150 per class. For example, if a student failed two classes...the bill would be $300 to take summer school. If a student did NOT pass the classes, the student would be retained in the grade level.

Here is the key thing...ALL students can still fix mistakes as we have two nine week left. Students need to be engaged in the process with support from home and of course the school. Please let me know if you have any questions.

#5 Reminder about Yearbook- This one will be on here for a bit so that everyone gets a chance to find out about the process and price to order a yearbook.

Miss Lucente has taken the opportunity to provide ways to purchase the information. The cost is $26 between now and March 5th. The cost goes up to $28 after the March 5th date.

To order a yearbook, please visit the following website Jostens Website. Please do not send money into the school as all money is collected via the website.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 2-07-2022]

#1 Making an Appointment for Parent/Teacher conference- We are sending home information on Monday February 7th 2022 about how to make an appointment to meet with one or more of your student(s) teachers on Parent/Teacher Conference night on February 17th 2022. The directions will be very simple, guardians will contact Miss Kamenitsa for an appointment slot. She will work with you on the time slot and delivery option (Live or Digital) to make sure the night is maximized. Miss Kamenitsa's email is maggie.kamenitsa@wbwarriors.org

#2-Charging Chromebook + Cost of New Charger

Students need to come to school with their CBs charged. The vast majority of students take care of this each and every day. There are a few that have an issue with this sometimes. There are others who often have issues with this (minimal). The easiest tip is to just plug in the CB at night before bed. There are not enough outlets or time to take care of this at school.

Many families decided to go with Chromebook insurance at the start of the year (for a minimal cost). This helps to ensure that a blunder or blip won't cost the family lots of money. Of course, a few students have broken their Chromebook 'MANY' times are have had to resort to an alternative pay-based approach.

Chargers themselves are not part of the insurance process. Broken and/or damaged chargers can't be repaired by our tech department. The cost of a new charger is $40.00. Of course, a lost charger will also need to be replaced too for the same amount of money

#3 Reminder about Yearbook- WBMS have once again teamed up with Jostens to offer our students yearbooks. Miss Luncente has taken the opportunity to provide ways to purchase the information. The cost is $26 between now and March 5th. The cost goes up to $28 after the March 5th date.

To order a yearbook, please vist the following website Jostens Website. Please do not send money into the school as all money is collected via the webiste.

#4 Future Snow Day information-We have had six snow days so far this school year. If we get to an 8th day, we will need to go into 'a remote learning' day for students. Teachers are preparing a single day lesson for students in each of their classes to have them ready in the event of an 8th (or more) snow day. If we get to an 8th day, our Superintendent (Mrs. Egil) will provide information. I will follow up with the specifics for WBMS. Basically, students will log in to their Google Classroom for each class and complete the assignment (and turn in in via Google Classroom). This assignment will be a grade an students must complete it for both the grade and attendance.

#5 Track and Springs Sports for 7th Grade- The Spring has one sport for MS students (7th and 8th Grade). The sport is Track and Mr. Davanzo is the head coach.

MS sports start in 7th grade each year:


  • 7th/8th Golf-(Coach Falasca)

  • 7th/8th Football-(Coach Adams + Sharp)

  • 7th/8th Cross Country-(Coach Cederbloom )

  • 7th/8th Volleyball-(Coach Woods)


  • 7th/Girls Basketball (Coach Adams/Lucente)

  • 7th/8th Boys Basketball (Coach Coe/Weaver)

  • 7th/8th Wrestling (Coach James)


  • 7th/8th Track (Coach Davanzo)


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 1-31-2022]

#1 New Nine Weeks/New Semester- WBMS will start a new nine weeks (nine weeks #3) tomorrow (Monday 1-31-2022). Grades from the 2nd nine weeks are closed. In fact, the first semester (which is the first and second nine weeks) is now over. We are compiling grades and prepping for report cards. Students will start new classes (a few) for the new nine weeks and/or new semester.

Students will be provided with a copy of his or her schedule during Homerook tomorrow, January 31st 2022.

We are preparing information for report cards (which will be on Parent Access) to be posted in the very near future. We are also compiling the names and classes of students who are not growing appropriately in order to let parents know (via letter) that Summer School is currently a possibility in order to fill academic gaps.

#2-Thank you for hat day fundraiser- We really came together as a school and a community. Between support from families from the Intermediate and Middle School, we raised nearly $3,000 for our two MS students/Family who recently suffered a loss.

That is awesome and thanks so much for all you do when we have a fellow Warrior in need. It's great to be part of such a supportive community.

#3 Yearbook Information for WBMS- WBMS have once again teamed up with Jostens to offer our students yearbooks. Miss Luncente has taken the opportunity to provide ways to purchase the information. The cost is $26 between now and March 5th. The cost goes up to $28 after the March 5th date.

To order a yearbook, please vist the following website Jostens Website. Please do not send money into the school as all money is collected via the webiste.

#4 End of the Winter Season is upon us-The wrestling and basketball teams are wrapping up the season with a few last competitions prior to end of the season activities. Thanks to all the support from families and extended families who came out to support their student(s) and the Middle School athletic department. Great work and we had a great season!

#5 Parent/Teacher conference- In order to keep you informed about the Feb. 17th Parent/Teacher Conferences, we wanted to note that we are currently building a schedule based on teacher-requested students. We are building the sessions in 15 minute increments. Some teachers are meeting more as a group and are building a longer session.

On Feb. 7th, studnets will bring home a paper that will provide directions how to request a conference with a teacher or teachers. There will also be a text letting people know the paper is being send home and other follow up directions. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 1-24-22]

#1 Hat Day on Thursday to Support two MS students who had their mom pass away recently-Students can wear a hat to school for a $1 donation for the Warrior family who recently suffered a loss. Students can wear a hat all day if they donate a $1 to their homeroom teacher this Thursday. Of course, feel free to donate additional money if you are so inclined to do so. Losing a parent is devastating; losing a parent as a kid is unthinkable. Thank you for any support you give in this matter and please let me know if you have any questions non this topic.

#2-No School Friday + End of the Semester-This Friday we have a PD day for educators. Students will not have school Friday. Of course, we want to make the most of this four day school week.

Also, we are on the heels of the end of the second nine weeks. Of course, that also means the first semester will come to an end. Student will get a few new classes and grades will be finalized. Encourage students (as I will on the announcements this week) to turn in any late work (even though there could be some penalties for late work). Zeros are the biggest destructive force in regard to grades. Getting some points on an assignment is better than no points at all.

#3 Parent/Teacher Conference-- Parent/teacher conferences are Feb. 17th. School is closed Friday Feb. 18th for students and staff. Setting up an appointment is key to working through concerns you might have for students in specific classes or content areas. Clear communication and a shared vision for a student creates the clearest pathway.

As of now, we are in the process of having teachers request conferences based on need. At this point, you too might want to meet with one or more of your student(s) teachers. Soon, there will be a paper sent home as well as a ONE CALL text expressing how to sign up. Parents can decide if an 'in person' or 'remote' meeting works best for them.

#4 Attendance and Tardies/Reverse Tardies-I know this has been discussed on my 'Five Things in Five Minutes' before, but attendance is important for so many reasons. Students must be in school. House Bill 410 firmed this up a few years ago. Students who have 'Excessive absences' or are deemed 'Habitually Truant' will need to have a meeting to create a plan so that further court-based actions do not occur. It is very important that students come to school consistently. Students need to bring notes from home and/or notes from medical personnel too. Regardless of the note, missing school hurts learning, grades, and connectivity/awareness to the school wholistically.

Tardies are when a student comes to school late (we start at 7:30am). Reverse tardies are when a student leaves school early (we end at 2:45pm). Many times these can be avoided by brining a note from the Doctor as many times leaving early is the result of an appointment of some sort.

These 'events' add up. WBMS tracks these events as per requirement. We give students and families a 'heads up' at five tardies (regardless of type of tardy). Students are issued a detention at six tardies (combination of tardy and reverse tardies). Tardies do not reset until the end of the year.

#5 Warrior of the Week-We have been enjoying continuing the tradition of Warrior of the Week. Teachers nominate a student based on actions that add positively to the classroom, school, or district. Teachers complete and nomination form and the data is reviewed to pick the best candidate each week. There is ONE Warrior of the Week for each grade level (so three per week). Students nomination paragraph is read over the morning announcements. Miss Kamenitsa and myself visit the student in a class and clap them out. In the hallway we provide them with a certificate, new Warrior of the Week T-Shirt, and a call home to let a guardian in on students success at school.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 1-17-22]

#1-Parent/Teacher Conference-I wanted to take a moment to share the parent/teacher conference time is Feb. 17th 2022 from 3:00pm-8:30pm (last conference starting). Parents need to express upon booking if it is a live (in person) or digital (Google Meet). I will send info home on a one call text and in the weekly update regarding how to sign up. Be on the lookout for these starting in February. After the this contact, I will send hom a paper with all students in grades 5 through 7. Please let myself or Miss Kamenitsa

#2 Snow and Recess-- All three grades have lunch and then go outside if weather permits. Our lunch periods this year are 40 minutes. Students, if possible, spend the last 10 minutes of the 40 minutes outside. Going outside is the only option for 5th grade as the MS and IS gyms are both used during thier lunch (5th period).

Students need to ensure they have proper gloves, hats, and coats of course as this are key on those days when we can go outside.

#3 Track Preview for 7th Grade MS-Coach Davanzo is preparing for a nice MS track season. Track in MS is part of OHSAA and offers this option for 7th and 8th grade students at WBMS.

Track is a wonderful way to get involved in the school. Not only are students competing in a healthy way, but also gain great social experiences with classmates from WB as well as other schools. I will have an update in this are as we closer to include some info from Coach Davanzo and 'need to know' things regarding the upcoming season to include any needed physicals (for those who did not play a sport this school year yet).

#4 Fees to include Chromebook-The year ticks on. Please ensure that fees are paid. Fees could include fees for a class/elective broken CBs.

Chromebooks are being used in many different ways (including some ways that are not desirable) (I am working a plan that hopefully will address this...TBD). Students need to take their CBs home and charge them each night. All CBs are filtered even when on a home network and away from the school.

#5 PIE Update-FYI. The MS PIE meet each month. We go over ideas and areas to add to the school year. Part of the mission is to find ways to raise money. We have a few things on the horizon. One of the events is a great one and if all things work out...will be a great family opportunity. Please check out the website for a few more ideas about PIE. We are working to switch our PIE website to a Google Site link. This should be seamless for the end user and the link will go to a different space.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 1-10-22]

#1-State Test Dates This Spring-I wanted to provide an update for State Testing. States tests are a part of school and helps to show where students are as compared to where they should be on a state level. Math, ELA, and Science are testing in the middle school. ELA and Math are tested grades 5, 6, and 7 each year. Science only takes place in 5th (8th grade too at the HS).

Students, building, and districts are all measured as per how students are doing with the state mandated benchmarks. Please note the dates below and ensure that students are not on any trips or anything during this time. We do have makeups scheduled too. Please see the info below.

  • April 5th-April 6th (ELA State Tests Grades 5, 6, 7) (Makeups 4/15)

  • April 26th and April 27th (Math State Tests Grades 5, 6, 7) (Make Ups May 6th 2022)

  • April 28th and April 29th (Science State Tests Grade 5 Only) (Makeup May 6th 2022)

#2-MAP Testing (round two)- Map testing is given for ELA, Math, and Science (grade 5 only) within our building. At the end of the month, we will have round two. Our first round provided our baseline data to see where students were as this test is new to our district. We are excited to do a round to in order to see how students have grown and what areas need to be adjusted.

#3 Parent/Teacher Conferences Feb. 17th-WBMS second round of Parent/Teacher conferences will be Thursday February 17th 2022. Our P/T Conferences will be live and in person this cycle. We will have information coming out soon regarding how to sign up for a slot with one or more of you student(s) teachers. The goal of the meeting is to express what is working and what needs adjusted. Teaming up with home is the number one way to ensure shared-goal continuity. WBMS wants to connect with you in order to come up with a plan that both can keep consistent in order to meet the needs of the our students.

#4 Contacting Teachers-There are many ways to contact teachers. Our teachers have a space on the website to get info on email and phone information. Contacting a teacher first works well as they know the situation, assignment, or issue. I am more than happy to help, but it makes sense to start with the educators and our educators are awesome and work so well with students and families in order to solve problems or be proactive on topics. (Link to WBMS Teacher Websites).

#5 Cell Phone Reminder-Cell phones can be brought to school each day, but they need to be kept in the locker each day. If you need to speak with your students to include giving them a message, please do not call or text the student. Instead, please contact the office and we can get it to them without an issues. We can call the teachers or send down the note. Several times, we have had students get in trouble due to a parent sending them info via cell phones...Please direct all this quick and timely information to the front office...we've got you covered in this area.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[FIVE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 1-02-22]

#1-Welcome Back-I hope all had a great Winter Break. Although we didn't see any snow to speak of, I am hoping families were able to safely gather to spend time and make memories. I am excited to see the students and staff back in the swing of things for 2022. We are all rested and ready to rock

Please continue to check 'Upcoming Events' for information on what is going on in the near and distant future. My goal with this page and the 'Upcoming Events' is to have all the info you need at your fingertips. My goal is to have this space a ONE STOP SHOP for all things MS so that you don't need to scan through social media spaces potential misinformation.

#2-Looking Forward for 2022- Our year continues to move forward in the face of continued pandemic limitations. I am happy that you have been able to remain in school all year as 'remote learning' does not work holistically with our students. We will spend all of January in the 2nd nine weeks. February will provide students with the entrance into the 2nd nine weeks. For 7th graders, that means a few different electives. For 5th and 6th grades, students will get new classes including a new nine weeks class as part of our current year rotation. I have put the district calendar on the side. Also, here is a link to the district calendar as well (click here).

Breakdown of the year:

  • End of 2nd Nine Weeks=January 27th (end of sem. 1)

  • End of 3rd Nine Weeks=April 4th

  • End of 4th Nine Weeks=June 2nd 2022

  • Last day of school=June 2nd 2022

  • January=19 School Days for students

  • February=18 School Days for students

  • March=23 School Days for students

  • April=18 School Days for students

  • May=21 School Days for students

  • June=2 Schools Days for students (last day 6/2/22)

#3 Recess Information-Recess happens with time left over after lunch. This year, our lunch periods are 40 minutes. Usually there are 10 or so minutes to go to recess. All lunch periods (grades 5, 6, and 7) go outside if weather permits (warm enough/dry enough). Grades 6 and Grades 7 can also go to the Big Gym (if outside is not an option) as there are no PE classes Period 6 and Period 7. Unfortunately, 5th Graders have Lunch during a period when PE is using the Big Gym (Little Gym is used by WBIS). There are PROS and CONS to Recess. One clear pro is to give students a little time to get some energy out and converse with friends. The cons, however, range from injuries to discipline due to 'rough play' or poor choices during 'unstructured time'. I will be reminding students of DOs and DON'Ts at Recess as we have seen a continued spike in issues during this 10 minute period.

#4 Parent Access/Student Handbook-Please contact WBMS if you can't get into your students' Parent Access (see picture on the right) (Link to Parent Access) Grades and Attendance are directly behind safety during the school day at WBMS. We want students in school. It is VERY challenging to stay on pace if students are out. Please do your best to schedule appoints after school when possible. If students must be out, please reduce the time out as much as possible. Students must speak with teachers and put in extra time in order to 'make up' for lost time. Grades and reciprocal of attendance. Generally, students who miss a lot of school tend to have a lower GPA. Grades represent knowledge or mastery of content. A 'C' in a class represents an average 'mastery' of the content. Students who earn a 'B' are above average in mastery of content in that class. And finally, an earned 'A' in a class represents outstanding mastery in that content area.

Please ensure that you review the student handbook with any questions. Please feel free to reach out to me as well if additional questions or clarifications on topics such as dress code or other key details. Here is a link to the student handbook for West Branch Schools (Click Here).

#5 Bus Tips and Drop off/Pick Up Tips-Please contact the transportation department with any questions. The supervisor of WB Transportation is Aaron Oblisk. He will be able to answer specifics. Please also know that you can contact me with additional questions and concerns as well. My email is below for easy access. I want to remind everyone that ALL school rules are extended to the busses during transport. At times, students have earned discipline to include temporary or permanent removal from the bus.

Car riders reminders-Drop off each morning is from 7:00am through 7:30am. It is important to note that students must be in their seat by the 7:30am bell. Students who are in the hall still or not in the building yet will be marked tardy. Students earn a detention after six tardies in a school year. Additional discipline happens with added tardies as well. Pick Up starts at 2:45pm in the back only. Guardians must wait in one of two lines (front gate or back gate line). This can be illustrated with picture on the left. This process is usually only a 10-13 minute process. Most days, all students are picked up by 3:00pm. Students are were not picked up by 3:00pm will be taken to the front office to call home. Students will wait in the front office until a ride arrives.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

Merry Christmas! Our little GoldenDoodle loves being under the tree

Link to the Document (Click Here)

[THREE Things in Five Minutes

[week of 12-20-21]

#1-Three days this week-students will be in class Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Students will return on Jan. 3rd 2021.

#2-Choir Concert for Grades 5 and Grades 6- Tuesday is the Choir concert for grades 5 and grades 6. The concert will be at WBHS in the auditorium.

  • 5th Grade report to the HS auditorium at 6 with the concert at 6:30

  • 6th Grade report to the HS auditorium at 7:30 with the concert starting at 8:00

#3 Great Warrior Explosion, 7th/8th Choir, and MS Band-Congrats to all the singers, dancers, and musicians. The concerts have been enjoyable and the spirit of Christmas has definitely dropped on the halls of WBMS. Great work and I know that parents and family have enjoyed that situation as well.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

Link to the Document (Click Here)

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 12-13-21]

#Middle School Christmas Store this week-Tuesday we will have out Christmas store at the middle school. The goal of the store is to provide students with some 'shopping options' at very affordable prices in order to lean into the 'giving' options for family and friends. Students will be able to visit the store (room off the cafeteria) this week during the lunch period. An educator or two will be posted in the room to ensure questions are answered as well as to check them out when they are done shopping. Items are arranged from $.25 all the way to $5.00 in cost. Please let us know if you have any questions or if you have any new items that you would like to donate.

#2-Busy Week this week- I wanted to leave the key dates up again this week as we are moving into the busy dates for activities this week. This is our last full week of school. Please review the dates below.

Key Dates:

  • 12 days of Christmas activities continue this week (see info on the left). Students also brought home a paper too.

  • December 14th-Dec 17th-Christmas Store at Lunch for Students to purchase gifts for family

  • December 15th- Choir Concert 7th and 8th grade at 7:00pm

  • December 17th-Band Concert Holiday @ 7:00pm

  • December 21st-Choir Concert for 5th grade 6:30pm-7:15pm

  • December 21st-Choir Concert for 6th Grade 8:00pm-8:45pm

  • December 22nd-Young and Alive (during school) at HS.

  • December 23rd-January 3rd- Winter Break

#3 Grades and Timelines-We are really working to ensure that parents and guardians are up on how to check grades. Parent Access is a great tool that my wife and I use for our kids. We know up to the minute how are kids are doing. As a parents/guardian, you are able to view the current reported grades directly. We encourage you to do this and to share the process with your student(s) as this will lead to a great conversation with them to acknowledge where they are as well as where they need to go.

#4-Chromebook Care and Updates As we move forward in the year, CBs are a daily help to students and teachers in regard to meeting the goals of classes. Having CBs also levels the playing field a bit as some households have 'home' computers and others do not (some focus more on the mobile end of technology). CBs are different than phones are the 'creation process is different and requires the diversity of a larger screen and keyboard. We do, however, want you to have a talk with students regarding charging them, keeping them clean, and using them for the proper reason. Please reach out to the middle school office if you have any questions. At this point, it is too late if you want to get insurance. We encourage you to get this at the start of next year to make sure you can offset any issues that might arise with accidents or other forms of abuse.

#5-PBIS and Rewards- PBIS means positive behavior intervention strategy and is required in Ohio public schools. At WBMS, we have a committee of 10 or so educators that meet once a month to review discipline and to plan reward info. For example, did you know that for three years in a row, missing homework detentions is our number one behavior issue? Other issues include 'rough housing', 'disrespect', and 'Vaping'. While WBMS has limited issues with discipline, we are always looking at ways to curb this behavior.

PBIS also focusing on rewards. In fact, at the end of the first semester we are looking at having a day for students to have a fun activity (TBA) for those who have not earned negative points (there is a threshold). We also do student of the week and students can earn Slushy tickets for following PRIDE.

We are always working with students to manage social issues and picking on each other or being rude. We do take all actions series and I do investigate and react properly to concerns. Please let me know if you have any issues or questions.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

Link to the Document (Click Here)

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 12-07-21]

#1-12 Days of Christmas Dress Up Days. Grades K-12 are doing the 12 days of Christmas to get into the spirit of the upcoming holiday events. We are sending home a RED paper that explains the events. I also have it on the side (left side) of this website. You can also click a link here too (click here) to find out more about what we are doing each day. Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope we can get as many as possible able to participate.

#2-Key Dates- December will go by quickly. We actually have four weeks (not full weeks) before the Christmas Break. Our Last day of School is Dec. 22nd 2021. Our first day back is January 3rd 2022. Please review some of these key dates.

Key Dates:

  • December 14th-Dec 17th-Christmas Store at Lunch for Students to purchase gifts for family

  • December 15th- Choir Concert 7th and 8th grade at 7:00pm

  • December 17th-Band Concert Holiday @ 7:00pm

  • December 21st-Choir Concert for 5th grade 6:30pm-7:15pm

  • December 21st-Choir Concert for 6th Grade 8:00pm-8:45pm

  • December 22nd-Young and Alive (during school) at HS.

  • December 23rd-January 3rd- Winter Break

#3 Young and Alive during School 12-22-21-As tradition goes, we will have the pleasure to be entertained by Young and Alive during the school day. This tradition has been around a long time. In fact, I remember watching this at Beloit Elementary in the 80s. We will have walk across the parking lot as a group and sit with our homeroom at the start of the day. After the program, we will walk back and have our school day (with 31 minute periods). Please note that the school day starts and ends at exact same time (7:30am start and 2:45pm finish).

#4-Winter Sports and Fans at WBMS Our winter sports are off to a great start. Sports include boys and girls basketball (7th and 8th grade teams) and Wrestling. Our teams play both home and away. We'd love to grow our student section as well as general Warrior fans. Games are $2 dollars for students (grades 1-12) and $5 dollars for adults. Please check the website for dates and times. This week, we have our Boys 7th and 8th Grade Basketball playing tomorrow night (Monday) at 5:00pm for 7th Grade and 6:00pm for 8th Grade. The girls Basketball teams play on Thursday night. (Link to WB Athletic Website).

#5-Covid-19 and Safety- Currently, there seems to be a bit of a spike going on regarding Covid-19 cases. Please ensure that you are keeping students home when they are sick. Please communicate concerns and pose questions to Mrs. Hall, our school nurse. Here contact information is as follows:

Clinic Nurse

330-938-4300 ext. 37420

email: elizabeth.hall@wbwarriors.org


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 11-29-21]

#1-Food Drive Success. Thanks to everyone for a great WBMS food drive. We challenged the students and staff to really put their 'best foot' forward for a really great goal. I am happy to announcment that we were able to raise more food than we thought we could. Great work and keep it up. Between Monday and Friday, WBMS/IS raised a total of:

3,299 items

#2-December Key Dates- December will go by quickly. We actually have four weeks (not full weeks) before the Christmas Break. Our Last day of School is Dec. 22nd 2021. Our first day back is January 3rd 2022.

Key Dates:

  • December 14th-Dec 17th-Christmas Store at Lunch for Students to purchase gifts for family

  • December 15th- Choir Concert 7th and 8th grade at 7:00pm

  • December 17th-Band Concert Holiday @ 7:00pm

  • December 21st-Choir Concert for 5th grade 6:30pm-7:15pm

  • December 21st-Choir Concert for 6th Grade 8:00pm-8:45pm

  • December 22nd-Young and Alive (during school) at HS.

  • December 23rd-January 3rd- Winter Break

#3 Dressing for Success -Please ensure that students wear appropriate clothing to school. Although shorts are allowed, there is a bit of concern about wearing shorts when the temps drop. Remember, we go outside for recess each day. We want to make sure that students are dressed for going outside. Students should wear coats to school so they have them in the event of a breakdown of road issue that would require them to be in the elements. Having a coat and appropriate clothing is also key for recess time too.

#4-Lost and Found Our lost and found is spilling over. It is hard to believe that this rack was empty when school started. Right now, it seems as if many students are missing tons of items. Please have your students check this rack as soon as possible. Soon, we will have to donate items as per our policy. There are lots of nice coats, hats, and all things in between ready to be reunited with their student and family. Check out the picture on the side to see if anything looks familiar.

#5-Bussing and Car Rider Tips- In order to make sure that transportation is as smooth as possible, remember that students need to be at their bus stop as per their designated time. If there are any issues with pickup times, please contact WBMS to let us know. Also, all school rules apply on the bus...so students need to follow the same guidelines they have here in the building. For car riders, students need to remember that drop off must be done in the back only starting at 7:00am. Students can be dropped off until school starts. Reminder, students must be in their seats for Homeroom at 7:30am. At the end of the day, we have two pick up areas in the back. One area is for the back gate and one area is for the front entrance. We have cones set up so that things don't cross 'pollinate' and bottleneck the process.

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 11-15-21]

#1-PIE WB Apparel Sale. Our Middle School PIE sale is rolling. Stock up on your WB Gear and help support PIE (who supports the MS). This sale runs from 11/8/21-11/19/21. All items are ordered online. Items will be delivered the week of 12/13/2021. See the website below to order. Hurry though...you only have until 11/19/2021.


#2-WBMS Food Drive Our food drive is this week. Our goal is to to support those in need with specific items. In order to make it a bit competitive we have built a 'VS' aspect each day. Each day there is a 'specific supply need suggested'.

#3 7th Grade and OK Inc. 7th Grade Health is having OK Inc. coming this week. WB has used this organization for several years with students to discuss important health topics to include positive relationships. OK inc will also return in May to work with the 7th grade students who have Health during 2nd semester. Students brought home permission slips to give parents a choice as to attend this week long class or to refuse this option (students be in a study hall working thorough healthy material).

#4-Attendance Tips: We want kids in school. As the year goes on, attendance becomes a challenge for some students. House Bill 410 was passed several years ago to firm up compulsory (meaning it is a requirement and must be followed) education in Ohio. Truancy can include missing days of school as well as being late too many times. If a student is late six or more times in a SCHOOL YEAR...there are disciplines such as detention and so-forth. Reverse tardies are when a study is tardy because they leave school too many times early. Please also note that when a student is absent, a student must bring a doctor's note and/or parent note based on the situation. Please note, parent notes in excess will not excuse the student based on rules of HB410.

#5-WBMS MAD Club- Miss Kamenitsa will be working through re-enrolling students into our MAD club if they are interested. For our 5th grade students, this is the first option for them to be involved in a 'service' oriented group within the context of the school day. MAD stands for 'Making A Difference' and encourages students to be part of helpful activities.

MAD Club is a great 'My First' student-centric group that meets during school in order to help and support school related activities. Please contact Miss Kamenitsa if you have any questions about this group. Again, this activity group happens fully during the school day with NO after school commitments.

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

Food Drive Nov. 15th-Nov. 19th

Resources on the School Counselor Website (click here)

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 11-08-21]

*Book fair will be extended Monday and Tuesday due to getting additional books (restock)

#1-New Nine Weeks and New Classes. We are starting a new nine weeks. Report cards will be posted soon

New Classes For 5th and 6th grade, this means we will start one new 'quarter class' elective. This is the first year we have tried nine weeks classes in order to see if they translate for students; nine week classes also help use help students experience more.

#2-WBMS Food Drive On the week of November 15th-November 19th, WBMS has plans (see picture on this page) to raise lots of food items for those in need. Thanks to student council, there are items planned each day of the week with VS activities each day. For example, Monday is Boys vs Girls and Tuesday is Middle School vs Intermediate School. This worthwhile activity comes in time for the Thanksgiving Season.

#3 Adult Education option with 22+ West Branch has a new option for adults who did not graduate. There are a few qualifying data points:

  1. 22 years or older

  2. Live in Ohio

  3. No Diploma or GED

  4. Finished at least two years of High School (circa 10 credits).

You do NOT have to live in the West Branch School district. WB teamed up with ODE to offer this option. Do you know someone who meets the options above? Please have the adult visit our website to learn more. (Click Here)

#4-Warrior of the Week: We have officially started our Warrior of the Week. We will update this each week on this site too. Each week we have one student from each grade level honored. On Friday, we read the teacher write up on the announcements, deliver a certificate, call home to notify mom and dad, and provide a Warrior of the Week T-Shirt.

Last week we honored:

  • 5th Grade: Jaimi Mossgrove:Jaimi is a very hard worker. She is helpful to her classmates. She brings a positive attitude to class each day :

  • 6th Grade: Dezaray Pugh:All around good character traits. Very kind to peers. Helpful to adults

  • 7th Grade: Anshu Patel: Anshu Is doing really well in science class! He always comes prepared and participates in class discussions. Anshu is willing to help with anything that is needed, whether it be cleaning up or helping another student.

#5-WBMS 'Key Dates'/SC Resources- I wanted to remind everyone to review upcoming timelines and events that are coming up. I work hard to keep this updated. Please check out these two sites:

  1. Upcoming dates (click here)

  2. School Counselor Site (click here)

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 11-01-21]

#1-Picture MakeUp Nov. 3rd. Lifetouch will be at WBMS on Wednesday Nov. 3rd 2021. Students will be given forms to fill out if they want 'retakes'. This will done in the AM at the start of the day. Right now, WBMS will start pictures at 7:45am and will not take much more than 30-45 min. to complete. Please make sure that you have your student at school at the start for 'retakes'.

#2-Last Week of Nine Weeks It's hard to believe, but this is our last week of the nine weeks. Please stay tuned to Progress Book to see the final grades. We encourage students to finish work that is missing to gather the most of the points. Teachers will express to students when assignments are due for turn in (late work and whatnot).

#3Winter Sports Open Gyms (B-ball/wrestling) Open Gym is underway for Basketball at the MS. Students were told about Open Gym for basketball. Wrestling is also underway. Please contact me if you need information on times and dates. We want everyone who wants to come out to have an opportunity.

#4-Final Form and Fees: We still need families to complete final form. We want to have the most up-to-date information in order to serve students. It is also important to get caught up on any fees associated with classes and/or fees for missing or broken school items. This information can be viewed on Final Form; WBMS can also help you with the process.

#5-Contacting Students during the day- We want your student to feel safe; we also want families to understand the process for communicating with students. Please DO NOT text students and put them in a position to get in trouble. Cell phones are NOT allowed during the school day. I just wanted to express how good of a job we do as a school and didn't want to see an uptick in this.

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

Independent Living Students Learning to Wash Cars

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 10-24-21]

#1-Mask Mandate Lifted-West Branch Local Schools have officially removed the mask mandate. Students MUST still wear them on school buses as this is a Federal requirement that is STILL mandated. Students are encouraged to wear masks when working in groups or in close proximity. As always, we want to keep kids safe and in school learning. Please let me know if you have any questions. West Branch Local School will keep you updated on this information.

#2-Red Ribbon Week West Branch Middle School will be speaking on Red Ribbon Week Topics. Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. We will participate by wearing red on Monday; Our School Counselors will be speaking with the students at lunch to discuss the issues with high risk activities.

#3-Costume Dress Up Friday Oct. 29th 2021 Fall is a great time of the year. We are celebrating with the traditional cosutme and dress up activity this Friday. Students and Staff are encouraged to participate in order to have a little fun while showing your creative side. ***Please no masks, hoods, blood, or weapons.***

#4-Homework Protips: Homework is a part of school. Homework is used to introduce new ideas, practice current studies, or prep for an upcoming assessment. Homework provides a chunck of students' overall grade. However, the idea of homework can have larger sweeping positive or negative effects. In order to increase grades (due to not losing points for homeworok) AND increasing mastery level, students should:

  1. Have a schedule or plan for homework at home

  2. Have a dedicated spot for doing homework at home

  3. Have a parent or guardian check in with the HW process

  4. Ask teachers BEFORE leaving school if there are any unclear aspects of the assignment (HW). This helps for frustration at home

  5. Have grades checked often (at least weekly) by a guardian using Parent Access (Call Middle School for Help getting set up for this process)

  6. Check his or her OWN grade on Parent Access. Many times students have NO idea what this or her grades are.

#5-Contacting Teachers and Communicating- We are excited about this year and we feel we are off to a great start. We just had parent/teacher meetings and we are moving towards the end of the first nine weeks. Please know that communication is key on both sides of the educational isle. You can easily set up a call or provide a meaningful email to your students' teachers. We are here to help make this two way conversation easier. Please let me know if you need help in this process. Also, here is a link to the teachers website with contact information. FYI-During the school day, the phones do NOT ring in the classroom in order to not interrupt the teaching and learning process. However, you can leave a voicemail for them to listen to later on. Here is a link to the teachers' website (Click Here).

*****From Mrs. Criss and Student Councel******

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

More than 245,000 women in the US get breast cancer each year. Most breast cancer is found in women ages 50 and older, with about 11% in women under age 45.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the US. While very rare, men can develop breast cancer too.

To support Breast Cancer Awareness, wear pink Wednesday, 10/27.

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 10-18-21]

#1-Two Hour Delay-We are having a two hour delay Monday October 18th 2021. Our two delay is a professional development day for teachers and staff. The times are exactly 2 hours different from a regular school day. Please see the 'red' times below:

  • Car Riders can enter the building @9:00am (in back)

  • Bus Riders enter the building @9:15am (front)

  • Tardy Bell rings @9:30am

  • School Starts @9:30am

  • School Ends as usual @2:45pm

Wondering what the bell schedule looks like? Here is a link to the bell schedules we have. This lists ranges from 'regular' bell schedule to 'two hour delays' and everything in between.

(click here)

#2-Parent/Teacher Conference We are happy to offer time for families to meet with teachers. We are doing 'virtual' conferences this year again. This method actually seems to provide more families with the ability to make appointments without having to deal with travel, childcare, and other issues. Teachers have reached out to our front office about students' families they want to meet with. Those are being scheduled. Also, students will bring home a document that provides instructions to 'book' a parent/teacher conference. Basically, the letter asks you to email our school counselor (she is the single point of contact for this). Her name is Maggie Kamenitsa and her email is maggie.kamenitsa@wbwarriors.org. You can speak with her by phone too. Please call West Branch Middle School to speak with her by phone (if email is not your go-to communication).

#3-No School Friday Due to Parent/Teacher Conferences, we will NOT have classes for students and staff on Friday Oct. 22nd (this Friday).

#4-Spirit Week: Hot off the press! Taking lead from the HS, we are partaking in a spirit week. Please encourage your kids to take part in this activity. We have a four day week this week, so there are four days of 'themes'. The days are:

  • Monday-PJ Day

  • Tuesday-Twin Day (dress up like someone else)

  • Wednesday-Crazy Sock/Hair Say

  • Thursday-West Branch School Spirit Day

  • Friday-NO SCHOOL

#5-Fall Costume Dress-Up Friday. Oct. 29th 2021- WBMS will have a Fall Costume Dress Up day next Friday. We are excited to see all the creative ways students will express themselves. There are a few key concepts to consider:

  • No Masks

  • No Blood

  • School Appropriate short/dress length.

I will be announcing these expectations over morning announcements. If you have any questions if a costume will work or not, please call or email me OR have your student ask.

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 10-11-21]

#1-Lunch Room Changes-We have made some changes in the lunchroom (so far we have switched grade 5 and grade 6 and grade 7 is happing Monday/Tuesday). Our changes are based on spacing for students. We want students in school and we feel that spreading them out will help so students do not have quarantine. Grade 5 and Grade 6 lunch was a bit easier to do as the Intermediate does NOT have lunch at the same time. We took the table of eight students and split them in to two seperate tables of four students (staggered). Grade 7 is a bit more of a challenge. 7th Grade will need to have an 'A' Lunch and a 'B' lunch. Group A will eat lunch first and have recess second. Group B will be the opposite and will have recess first and will have lunch second. We will also have to have to add another bell half way through 7th grade to help signal the change each day.

#2-Map Testing Info You might have had your student come home and say that he or she took a 'map' test. Map tests are new this year at West Branch and help to gauge where students are. This powerful (and popular) testing series is fast and efficient in providing data to drive instruction, interventions, and enrichments. Map testing also provides meaningful reports and benchmarks to 'check in' with students throughout the year. Although Map Testing is new to us, we have found the initial data and information to be impressive; we are excited about the future!

#3-CPM Math (grade 6 and 7) and Everyday Math: CPM Math was adopted years ago for Grades 6, 7, and 8 at West Branch. This problems-based math curriculum provides students with a new and more meaningful entry into state benchmarks. 5th grade, however, does not have CPM (the company does not include 5th grade in material). We wanted to find a way to take 5th Grade math curriculum (Everyday Math) and funnel it into a CPM style delivery model in order to get students to early adopt ideas so that the practice of CPM is already in their academic-zeitgeist prior to officially starting CPM Math in 6th Grade. We have put our Math Liaison and 5th Grade teachers into positions to learn and blend the curriculum to make 5th grade a transition year.

#4-Playground/Recess Info Recess is held out behind the cafeteria. Students have a blacktop area to roam and play in on days we can go out. Masks are optional while they are outside. Students are free to remove them until we go back in the building. Many students talk, run, jump, and play quick games such as 'jackpot'. We have recently added some new balls (footballs, Basketball, Four-Square Balls, etc.). WBIS PIE actually added a 'GaGa Pit' that MS students can also use (Thanks IS PIE). WBMS PIE have committed to adding an in the group basketball hoop to continue to provide students with things to do.

#5-Absences and Tardies- House Bill 410 and common sense require students to be at school as much as possible. Students struggle when they miss lots of days of school. It only makes sense to be there except when sickness and medical needs arise. If a student is out, he or she should bring in a note from parents. If a student is at a medical appointment, students should also bring in a note the next day to help use record to keep a clear record of absences. Regarding tardies, students only get FIVE tardies before starting to earn detentions, Saturday School, and other disciplines. Remember, a REVERSE TARDY count too. A reverse tardy is when you leave the school day early.


Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[Five Things in Five Minutes

[week of 10-4-21]

#1-Grades, Mask Update, and Quarantine/Sick/OSS Work

Grades: Please check parent access. As a guardian, we want to team up with you to ensure that learning and grades do NOT get lost in the mix. Please let me know if you need Parent Access Credentials.

Mask Update: Students are doing a great job as a whole. Students have masks up when in doors (except when they eat lunch). We are looking at an option to spread students out more during lunch. When students go outdoor to recess, they can put their masks in their pockets and keep them there until they come in. A few students have earned a detention for not keeping masks up (even after lots of reminders) over mouth and nose. Masks are required while on the bus and when in the building. Please contact me with any questions.

Quarantine Work/Sick Work/OSS Work: Students must always go to their Google Classrooms to get work. Teachers will be reaching out with an email. Guardians and Students must reach out to teacher if work is confusing OR you can't seem to find work. Students should be working at home (unless sick in bed) to stay up with the class. Please reach out the me (Yeagley) if you have any questions.

#2-No School on Friday On Friday, students will not have classes as teachers will be doing some training for NEOEA Day. This day could really help some students who are behind or need extra time to study for upcoming tests or activities. As a guardian, please review grades on Parent Access and have a conversation with your student based on grades in order to best utilize the day out of school.

#3-Chromebook Upkeep: Students are using Chromebooks for school activities at school and home. Students must take care of Chromebooks while not a school too. Students must safeguard and charge them so they are ready for each day. Many families have chosen to purchase the optional insurance. . Please talk with the students in order to take of the chromebook in and out of school. Please contact the Tech department for more information on cost. Also, students were given a data sheet at the start of the year with common costs.

#4-Detention, Saturday School, ISS, OSS- Hopefully this is never an issue, but discipline is the result of not following procedures. Our biggest discipline over the last few years is failure to complete HW.

Detentions: There are two per week at the Middle School. Teachers/Educators assign detentions and will reach out to parents via phone to confirm detention and date. Tuesday MS detentions are after school until 3:30pm. Thursday MS detentions are AM and start at 6:45am-7:25am. Students who miss/skip a detention will get a warning and a reschedule (one freebee per year). The next miss/skip will result in additional discipline. Students should work on school work during this time (not sleep or play around on CB).

Saturday School: At WBHS from 9:00am-11:00am. It is held in the HS Library. We have this two times a month. The date will be established with me (Yeagley) during the time of the booking.

ISS: In school suspension is each day at the HS. Middle school students who earn ISS will be walked across to the HS by an MS Educator. The student will remain in ISS the entire day at the HS and will work on assignments. Student will eat lunch and leave from the HS.

OSS: Out of School Suspension. Students are not allowed on school grounds during this time (during school or after school). Students can not participate in after school events related to the school. Student will stay home and will have work to do. Note, students ARE supposed to be working on makeup work.

#5-Upcoming Winter Sports Info- We have had a great season (FALL) and we are already looking towards to Winter sports season. In the winter we have Basketball and Wrestingling. On my page (upcoming events) there will be information about open gyms, tryouts, and other practice related activities.

Click Here for the upcoming events page for all things including sports: (Click Here)

*We had a great Stay After and the kids were really enjoying the weather and social time to just hang out and be kids. Thanks to WBMS PIE and MS Educators who helped. We had 180 WBMS take part in the activities.

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

[Five Things in Five Minutes for the week of 9-27-21]

#1-Masks are now REQUIRED for students and staff-Starting Monday September 27th 2021, all students are staff are required to wear a mask at all indoor events. This approach is to keep students in class as the uptick in quarantine cases has become disruptive with the educational process. Students must continue to wear them on the bus as well. I understand that many people are on one side of the issue or the other, but keeping kids in school and avoiding remote learning is key.

#1.5-Start with Hello this Week-Our School Counselors have set up some great activities for students to get to know each other. Please see the events on the left. Students will grow by a simple group of activities.

#2-Stay After On Friday Oct. 1st, WBMS' PIE will be hosting a STAY AFTER. We are excited to enjoy this outdoor activity. We sold tickets on Thursday and Friday last week. We will sell tickets on Monday and Tuesday as well. Tuesday will be the last day to purchase tickets. Wristbands will be placed on students' wrists on Friday. There will be two color wrist bands. One band will be for Stay After only (Pick up student in back of schools @6:30pm). The other color will be for students staying for the HS Varsity Football game against Carrollton High School. We are excited and so far we have 120 students how have turned in the permission slip with the money.

Cost=(you will need the )permission slip at the time of paying

  • $6 with a ticket to the HS Football game

  • $4 without a ticket (Stay after only)

  • 2:45pm-6:30pm if NOT going to game (pick up in back of school

  • 2:45pm-End of Varsity Game if going to game

#3-Homework: We at WBMS feel that we have a healthy approach to Homework. The goal of HW is to prep for something not taught, practice something taught, or finish something started. These general concepts will give you guidance as a guardian. Students should easily be able to tell you if they have HW. Math, for example, tends to have a few problems every night. Review your students' teacher-sites in order to see if there was HW. Also, have a conversation about this as well with your student. Please use Parent Access in order to gain and understanding of where you student sites academically. Have a question about HW? Please contact your child's teacher(s).

#4-Getting Involved- We encourage your student to get involved. The Fall sports are heading towards the end. If you have a 7th grader, consider some of the Winter activities including Basketball and Wrestling. We also have Mrs. Edie's Environmental Club (see picture on the side) (grades 5-7). We also have the MADD Club (grades 5-7) for students (see Miss Kamenitsa) who are just getting their feet wet in clubs.

#5-Questions or Concerns or Ideas- Please contact me directly as I would love to hear from you. Sometimes I hear people seek answers on social media. I Instead ask that you contact the school directly and/or use the resources I have provided for you. If you need or want an additional approach form me, please let me know and I listen to your idea. I want you to feel comfortable about our approach to keeping your child safe while educating him or her within the scope of the state benchmarks. Please contact me via email or phone. I can also schedule a Zoom meeting too.

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School


14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

Click on 'Parents' and the 'ParentAccess Grades'

Spartan Invitational September 19th 2021

End of Stay After from 2019 (last time we had one)

[Five Things in Five Minutes for the week of 9-20-21]

#1-Picture Day Monday September 20th/Spirit Week-We have picture day Sept. 20th during the school day. The rest of the week we will be having a spirit week. Our week is similar to the HS, but we are one day off due due to the picture day. This is a fun way for students to enjoy the week by wearing some different clothes. We encourage students to participate.

    • Monday=Dress up Day (it is picture day)

    • Tuesday=Jersey Day

    • Wednesday=PJ Day

    • Thursday=Fun socks and hats day

    • Friday=Hawaiian Day

#2-Stay After On Friday Oct. 1st, WBMS' PIE will be hosting a STAY AFTER. This optional activity is a tradition and helps students to celebrate the new year while getting to have fun while socializing with each other. There will be different activites.


  • $6 with a ticket to the HS Football game

  • $4 without a ticket (Stay after only)

#3-Pep Rally with the High School on Friday: We are happy to be part of the High School Pep Rally this Friday. Students will be able to be part of the event. The Pep Rally will take place in the HS Football Stadium. Studnets will be back at the MS before the end of school; our end of day dismissal will not change for this event. The bell will still ring at 2:45pm and students will follow the same procedures for heading to the bus or heading out back for car pickup.

#4-Study Hall 2.0 We are being more intentional for students regarding study hall. Teachers are checking grades each Monday to see where students are (academically). The teacher will start making a plan. Students play a role too. Students have to login each day on a paper log they keep in the studyhall classroom. Students will put down what they need to do during the SH period and will sign off if they got it done. This process will help with the tracking process in order to support students more.

#5-Checking Students' Grades- Please check grardes often. Are you able to log in to Parent Access? If you aren't or are having problems, please contact WBMS so we can help you correct this. It is important that we all team-up to support students in academic gains or deficiencies.

(updated Sunday 09/12/2021)

#1-Pick UP Tips for Car Riders (PM for after School) In order to get cars moving quicker out of the back, please remember that you can use the front loop or the back loop. We will have cones up in order to ensure that people are not cutting across with really cuts in to the speed of getting out. We used this approach all last year and pickup took an average of 10-12 minutes.

#2-Being Tardy and Absent It is important that students to not miss unnecessary school. I spoke to students in the class meetings about the importance of being at school. A few reminders: Students only get 5 tardies (for the year) before getting a detention on the 6th. I call home and make not in the students' account when the student reaches his or her 5th Tardy. After that, there are detentions associated with being tardy.

Regarding absences, it is important that the guardian calls in and sends a note when the student is out. This should also include doctors' notes too.

Finally, students should work (when at all possible) to keep up with work that has been shared on Google Classroom..

#3-Warrior Explosion Tryouts: If you are in choir and want to try out for the Warrior Explosion for this year please note that Tryouts for Warrior Explosion will be Thursday, September 16th in the middle school choir room right after school until 4:30pm. Any choir student grades 5-8 is eligible to audition. Parents should pick up students in the back no later than 4:30pm.

#4-Student Council September 14th-Student Council Meeting (After School until 4:30pm in Mrs. Criss' room) (Organizational Meeting). Please be here at 4:30pm to pick up your students.

#5-Masks Issues- Please note that students are allowed to wear masks if required by parents. Please contact me directly if there are any issues with other students giving masked students grief from wearing a mask. I have not had anyone express this to me, but I am asking that you reach out if this is happening. These are challenging times and we don't want to create more issues or concerns for any families or students.

Jayson A. Yeagley

Principal-West Branch Middle School

14409 Beloit-Snodes Road

Beloit, Ohio 44609

Phone: 330-938-4300 ext. 37404

(updated Monday 09/6/2021)

#1-First Day of School-Sept. 8th 2021 For the Middle school, the day starts at 7:30am each day and ends at 2:45 each day. Drop off is in the back. The earliest time to drop off is 7:00am each day. Students will go directly to the cafeteria. The busses line up in the front of the school and the bus opens the bus doors at 7:15am. Both car riders and bus riders will be able to eat prior to the start of the school day at 7:30am. The warning bell is at 7:27am each day. Student who are not in class in his or her seat at 7:30am will be tardy. After being tardy six times, students earn a detention to hopefully

Homeroom=Homeroom is the same as the student's first period class (same teacher).

#2-Schedules provided again in Homeroom Day #1 Each student will get a new copy of his or her schedule in homeroom on day one. The schedule will be on green paper. The students' locker number and combination will also be on the new schedule. There are several teachers in each hallway who have a key in case a student can't get his or her locker open at the start of the year.

Some students had missing studyhalls on the first round of schedules that were passed out. This issue should have been corrected.

#3-Final Form: It is key that parents/guardians complete the final form as it has key information to include emergency information. Please click here is you have not filled this out (https://westbranch-oh.finalforms.com/)

#4-Masks are up to the individual at this current time Students have the option, based on parent/guardian choice at this point for masks. If this choice changes, our superintendent will provide a district-wide update on this information and I will follow it up on this page.

#5-Back to School Bash-This Friday (September 10th) we will be having our back to school bash. The time is 4:30pm to 6:30pm before the home football game. After the bash, we encourage you to support the HS Football team. The Varsity game starts at 7:00pm. Come on out and spend the night at West Branch and be part of this wonderful community celebration.

I'd like to invite you to come out for this great family event to celebrate the new school year and Warrior Pride. Everything is free of charge as many groups (including MS PIE) have provided support, material, and supplies in order to ensure this event.

Summer Update 06/25/2021)

#1-First Day of School and Key Dates-We are already preparing for the first day of school this year. Students first day is September 8th 2021. June 2nd is the last day for students this year. Thanksgiving this year is November 24th-November 26th. Christmas Break is from December 23rd through January 2nd (classes resume on January 3rd).

#2-Forms and Key info For the Start of School-

Supply List-(click Here)-This information is also listed below.

5th Grade Orientation and New Students is set for August 25th in the evening from 5:00pm-7:00pm. We will have schedule pickup for grades 6 and grades 7 on August 25th from 9:00am to 11:00am to allow students to pick up their schedules and walk the halls in order to familiarize themselves with the new routines.

#3-Fees and Forms--Students need to complete

(coming soon)

#4-Fall Sports-Students in grades 7 and grades 8 can consider being part of the following teams. There are practices in the summer and some sports even have 'try-outs' please contact myself or one of the coaches if you have any questions. All 7th and 8th grade athletes will need to have a physical and complete several forms.

  1. Cross Country (Coach Cedarbloom) cedarbloomsa@gmail.com

  2. Football (Coach Adams) Chris.Adams@WBWarriors.org

  3. Golf (Coach Falasca) Mike.Falasca@WBWarriors.org

  4. Volleyball (Coach Woods) Sis.woods@wbwarriors.org

  5. Cheerleading (Coach Rockwell) Candy.rockwell@wbwarriors.org

#5--Additional Information: Getting ready for school includes remembering or learning how to do combination locks. There are several APPS that simulate a lock for students to practice on smartphones and/or tablets.

WBMS Supply Lists 2021/2022

News for 2020/2021 School Year

Picture one displays the zones and stations for June 2nd WBMS Field Day

Picture two displays students participating in Right To Read Week (Pirate theme).

(updated Monday 05/31/2021)

#1-Returning Chromebooks June 1st-We will be collecting in-building students' Chromebooks on Tuesday June 1st.

We will be collecting Warrior Academy Chromebooks on June 9th.

Grades 5, 6, and 7 In-Building student Chromebooks will be collected Tuesday June1st. Students will need to have all of the following:

  • Chromebook

  • Charger

  • Case (if issued one)

Grades 5, 6, and 7 Warrior Academy Students will have Chromebooks collected on June 9th at West Branch High School from 8:00am-12:00noon. All Non-WB students please have an ID to enter the building

  • Chromebook

  • Charger

  • Case (if issued one)

#2-Field Day This week on June 4th-Students will have a Field Day at WBMS June 4th. This was event was changed to the 4th due to rain prediction on June 2nd and June 3rd. This event is for grades 5, 6, and 7 students (In-Buidling and Warrior Academy Students). WA students will enter the building in the back and will go to room 807 to wait further directions. WA students will be picked up in the back 2:45pm at the end of the day. Our Field day will have 15 events throughout the day. Students will move with teachers and classmates in small groups. The events range from water balloon tossing, frisbee golf, relays, and other larger games. Students will also be treated to Kona Ice (Paid for by WBMS P.I.E.) and a visit with some 4H animals. The entire staff will be pitching in to make sure this is a fun event!

#3-7th Grade Dance June 4th (buy tickets this week at lunch): We will be selling tickets at 7th Grade Lunch from 11:13am-11:53am. Tickets are $5.00 and will only be sold at lunch. Warrior Academy students are the only students allowed to bring the $5.00 to the dance. We will keep a list of the students who paid. The dance is June 4th from 7:30pm-9:00pm at WBMS in the first courtyard on the MS Side. Students will enter the building at the 2nd entrance in the front. Students need picked up at 9:00pm in the front of the school.

#4-Summer School-Summer School will run from June 14th-July 9th. Summer school is for students who did not pass two or more classes. The cost of Summer school is $150 for year long courses. For those who failed a semester class (this year that is Social Students), the cost is $75 per class failed.

#5-Last Week of School-The last day for students is June 8th. Students will need to have fees and all items turned in. I will update on my next update if anything changes.

(updated Sunday 05/23/2021)

#1-Right to Read Week this week-(May 24th-May28th)-We are celebrating Right to Read week this week. In collaboration with Ms Woods, we have five days of activities to celebrate reading. The Middle School will operate on a PM schedule all week. We still start and end school at the regular time. We have an hour at the end of the day to do activities each day. For the days this week we have:

  • Monday-Wear an Eye Patch
  • Tuesday-Bandana Day
  • Wednesday-Talk like a Pirate
  • Thursday-Dress like a Pirate
  • Friday-Dress Like a Pirate

#2-Field Day Next Wednesday June 2nd-All students (including Warrior Academy Students) will be partaking in field day. This year, we will celebrate summer and the end of the school year with Three Zones visited throughout the day. Each zone has Four Activities that are fifteen minutes each. Each zone also has one longer activity that is 30 minutes in length. We will also be eating lunch outside. Additional activities include a Kona Ice Truck visit (one per student) paid for by the WBMS PIE. Finally, we are even looking to have some animals from a 4H group for the students to visit with an enjoy! Again, we are excited about Field Day 2021.

#3-Physicals and Form Share This week: All current 6th and 7th grade students interested in playing sports for one of our school sponsored sports (see below) next year needs to have a physical. Students will need to complete the form. At WBMS, Wednesday will be the screening process followed by the actual physical on Friday.

WB Sports Site (click here). If you have any questions please call the athletic office at (330)-938-4408.

Sport Options

  1. Yearlong-7th and 8th Cheerleading (tryouts already occured)

  2. Fall-7th and 8th Volleyball

  3. Fall-7th and 8th Golf

  4. Fall-7th and 8th Football

  5. Fall-7th and 8th Cross County

  6. Winter-7th and 8th Wrestling

  7. Winter-7th and 8th Basketball

  8. Spring-7th and 8th Track

#4-Thank You for Hat Day and Family Support-We at WBMS are very happy at the level of participation that happened on Friday at both the Intermediate and Middle School. Students and Staff donated $1 or more for wearing a hat to support one of our Warrior Families who had a recent house fire that was a total loss. Through your generosity, we were able to present over $2,000 to the family for direct and speedy help. Awesome Stuff!

#5-7th Grade Dance-7th Grade (only) (In-buiding and Warrior Academy) are invited to consider attending our end-of-the-year 7th Grade Dance on Friday June 4th. DJ Libb will be spinning the wheels of steel to help us reflect on a great year. The dance will be $5 and tickets will be sold starting next week at 7th grade lunch. Tickets will not be sold at the door. The dance will be in the courtyard across from the Library and will take place from 7:30pm-9:00pm. Studnets are NOT permitted to bring a guest. All students must be current West Branch Middle School Students (yes, Warrior Academy students should come as WA students are WBMS students).

The pictures are from 7th Grade Science during Rocket building...

(updated Sunday 05/16/2021)

#1-Great Band Concert on Friday-Mr. Stehura and Band really rocked the Large Gym at the MS on Friday. I have been able to be part of three concerts this year and I have really enjoyed seeing the progress. The 5th graders have really grown and I can't to see them show out by their 7th grade year. 6th grade really seem like they are ready for the next level that 7th grade will provide...and 7th grade and Jazz band really sounded tight. I especially liked the Mission Impossible theme.

#2-Warrior Academy Application Due by May 21st-All students interested in being considered for enrollment in Warrior Academy for 21/22 school year must apply on the Warrior Academy website by the 21st. There is a matrix to see if students' grades, attendance, homework history, etc. warrants enrollment. Most students are planning on returning as 'in person' learning provides the highest level of success.

#3-Covid-19 Adjustments: We will continue to take guidance from governing bodies on how to adjust to the pandemic. At the Middle School, we took down the lunch room plexiglass dividers. We are also taking down the plexiglass in the classroom. I will also be providing an optional barrier usage in the classroom starting next week. We are still wearing masks when we are not eating. Stay tuned for additional information.

#4-Right To Read Week-We will be conducting a right to read week starting the week of May 21st through May 25th. We will have an event or two each day for students to partake in. We will have more information on this in the future.

#5-Awards Update from Last Week-This year we will be having the awards in students' classrooms. We will not be holding an assembly. We are hoping that next year we will be back to allowing parents to be part of this process in a live assembly.

(updated Sunday 05/09/2021)

#1-Make Up for Math and Science this week-As you know, we are in the middle of state testing. Last week we had Math for grades 5, 6, and 7. We also had Science for 5th grade (only). This week, we have A LOT of make up tests for student who missed Math and/or Science (5th grade only). It is important that students take the state tests. These tests are required for all students.

#2-Warrior Academy Students Must Apply for Next Year/Fill out Mrs. Patti's scheduling info sent home-Students must complete the Google Form to be considered for next year for online Warrior Academy. Due to the pandemic, WB offered this option for the 20/21 school year with little limitations. As we move forward, we are looking to have students return to school. Recently, we have board approved some 'requirements' for students to be able to remain or go online. Please fill out this form as soon as possible (please click here). We will use data to see if this is a good fit moving forward. This is due by May 21st 2021. MORE INFO--Click Here

#3- 7th Grade Dance Info: In order to celebrate the year for 7th graders (as they prepare to move to the HS for 8th grade), WBMS is holding a dance on June 4th. The time will be from 7:30pm-9:00pm. The dance will be outside (in one of your enclosed courtyards to increase safety). We will have a DJ for students to enjoy a fun and lively time with friends. The cost of the event is $5 per student. This is NOT a formal event. Student should NOT dress up; student should wear what they do to school. We will be selling Pizza and Drink at the event. We will be selling pre-sale tickets prior to the event. We will NOT sell tickets at the door. All tickets must be purchased in advance.

#4-Right To Read Week-We will be conducting a right to read week starting the week of May 21st through May 25th. We will have an event or two each day for students to partake in. We will have more information on this in the future.

#5-Awards Assembly-We will have holding an awards assembly (students only) this year in a scaled back way. Last year we had VIDEO awards and housed it on YouTube. This year, we will be having each grade go to the Cafeteria in order to celebrate students who have: All As in Math and/or Science and/or ELA. We will also recognize Perfect Attendance, Office Aides, and Honor Roll for 3 or 3. Teachers who wish to recognize students in other areas (AKA Choir, Band, or Electives) will do so within the classroom setting during the regular school day.

***clothing/items in the lost and found has been really increasing. Please enure that your students are taking home these items.

(updated Sunday 05/02/2021)

#1-Teacher Appreciation Week-I want to send out shout out to all teachers and all staff members who work with our kids! This has been a year like no other and the teachers/educators have been top notch. Through caring and professionalism, our educators have made lemonade out of lemons for our students. Great work...Thank you! We all appreciate and commend you for your careless actions

#2-Round Two of State Testing this Week-Grades 5, 6, and 7 will have the Math State Tests on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week (May 4th and May 5th). 5th Grade ONLY will have science tests on Thursday and Friday (May 6th and May7th).

#3-Student Council Cleans Up Courtyards-A big thanks to Mrs. Criss' Student Council Crew for spending multiple days clearing up the courtyards at WBMS. Tomorrow, students will glove up and spend one more day picking up leaves and pulling weeds in order to make this space beautiful.

#4-Upcoming Events-We are working to continue to finalize our awesome upcoming field day on June 2nd 2021 (Make Up on June 3rd). This event will be for ALL students in grades 5, 6, and 7. This include Warrior Academy Students too. Also, we are looking to plan an end of the year Good Luck 7th grade dance. This dance is NOT a formal dance. We will announce more details including the date and times. This dance will be outside. Right now, we are aiming at our courtyard area near the 7th grade hall.

#5-Warrior of the Week-It has been a treat having educators nominate students for being awesome in some way in the school day. Each week, Mrs. Patti gathers nominations from the three grade levels. At the start of each Friday, we announcement one student from each grade as Warrior Student of the Week. We read read a quick mini-paragraph for each of the students. Next, students get a Warrior of the Week T-Shirt, A certificate, and a Call home letting the parents know the awesome work the students are doing. I am excited next year to add a picture and bio of each kid!

***Bonus--STEM Night Prep Video-The video on the left was played at STEM night on April 19th 2021. The video is six minutes long and it highlights STEM at the WBMS.

(Updated Sunday 04/11/2021)

---Five Things in Five Minutes------

#1 STEM Night for the Community- Monday April 19th 2021 from 6:00pm-8:00pm in the Old Gym at the High School. STEM Community Night is an exciting evening celebrating the science, technology, engineering, and math offerings available at West Branch. Special thanks to all the local businesses and individuals who help to support our students.

#2-Home Track Meets-(7th and 8th Grade)-WBMS only has two home meets this year. The first one is tomorrow vs Marlington. Free to get in. Come out and cheer on WMBS Track as they take on the Dukes of Marlington. (full schedule on the left)

  • April 12th Home Track Vs Marlington

  • April 21st Home vs Carrollton/Minerva

#3 Field Day- June 2nd 2021 (MakeUp will be May 3rd). We are excited to provide students with a chance to enjoy some fun mixed activities. Soon, I will provide an overview of what field day will look like as we are in the final stages of planning it.

#4-Testing-No Approved Vacation during State Testing season is upon us. Please review the dates on the left. Students should get a great night's sleep in order to come to school prepared and rested to focus. State tests help to measure where students are and helps WB know where we need to go next.

#5 Masks, Covid, and Safety-We have had a great year. As the weather gets nice and safety fatigue sets in...we want to remind everyone that proper mask wearing (mouth and nose) in school and to and from school (Bus) is key. Make sure you continue to switch out or wash masks to ensure

(Updated Sunday 03/28/2021)

(Spring Break-No school Friday, Monday, and Tuesday)

---Five Things in Five Minutes------

#1 Upcoming Special Days at WBMS: This week

  • Monday March 29th-Mismatch Day

  • Tuesday March 30th=Cowboy/Cowgirl Day

  • Wednesday March 31st=Warrior Wednesday

  • Thursday April 1st= Hawaiian Day

  • Friday April 2nd= No SCHOOL

#2-Spring Pictures on Tuesday-On Tuesday March 30th, the WBMS will have Spring Picture Day. This is only an option for students. We have already sent home information

#3 Congrats-Congrats to 7th Grade Elaina Eichner for finishing in 7th place (out of 70 students from 30 districts) in the writing competition known as 'Power of the Pen'. 7th Grade Educator Miss Wilhelm and her students have had a great season. Elaina was able to move forward in some powerful post-season writing. Great work Elaina. You make WBMS proud.

#4- Testing Information for the Ohio State Tests-Students learn content based on state standards/benchmarks. The state test helps to show growth as well as provide important data points to help educators find ways to grow students based on strengths and any deficiencies. As we get closer to the testing, focus and consistant attendance plays an important role. Also prior to tests, we ask guardians to pay special attention to students getting a great night rest as this helps with all parts of the teaching and learning process and really helps during 'state testing cycles'.

#5 Scheduling:Students will being getting some information about scheduling. We are excited to be offering Social Studies classes next year as a year long course again. Incoming 7th grade students will have some election options including a new Sports Psychology class. We are also excited for a new approach to electives in a nine weeks cycle vs semester. The benefit to nine week electives allows students to be exposed to more classes. Middle school is a great time for students to try courses and content areas out as the move forward toward high school and post secondary options.

Have Questions, Concerns, or Ideas? We are always happy to help out our students and families. If you have a question in your students class. Please reach out to the teacher first so that he or she can provide you direct support and answer any questions. The staff websites provide emails (click here). If you have concerns after talking to the teacher OR something else within the school, please contact me at jayson.yeagley@wbwarriors.org or by calling the school and asking for me. If I can't pick up live, please leave a detailed message as the VM also goes to my email for quick access. Finally, I'd love to hear any ideas you have for students and/or the building. It takes a village and we all want what is best for the kids.

(Updated Sunday 03/21/2021)

(LINK FOR PIE Appeal STEM Fundraiser)

#1 Upcoming Special Days at WBMS: This week

  • Monday March 22nd-Pajama Day

  • Tuesday March 23rd=Red, White, and Blue Day

  • Wednesday March 24th=Warrior Wednesday

  • Thursday March 25th= Tie Day Thursday

  • Friday March 26th= Flannel Friday

#2-Warrior Academy Testing information-Our Middle School (Grades 5-7) Warrior Academy students will be testing in the building in during the state test cycle. Students will end the back of the school on the dates listed by 7:35am. Students will test in a room with other WA students from his or her grade level (each grade has under 20 students in WA). Students will need to be picked up by 8:45am each day in the back of the school as well. Students need a charged CB and a Mask.

#3 PIE Apparel Fundraiser for STEM- (Click Here to Order) Only One more day for the PIE apparel sale. PIE is raising money for WB STEM. Check out these classes choices. Must order by the end of day on Monday March 22nd.

#4 A Big WBMS congrats to the following students:

  • Luke Curry (6th Grade)-Luke wrote an awesome essay. Luke has been winning for his 'Americanism' essay he wrote of the Elks. His well written essay just won regions and now it will compete at state.

  • Gavin Clay (7th Grade)-Gavin, received from the United Way of Greater Stark County. He was chosen as their 2021 Inspired Youth Award recipient. This award is given to one student who lives in Stark County and is under the age of 18.

#5 -Fun Field Day Coming in MAY or June-We are in the planning stages, but we are excited to dream up a great day for the students and staff to celebrate a really awesome year. Nobody knew what to expect prior to the first bell ring. The students and staff have really risen to the occasion. In a safe way, we are planning a field day mixed with other fun activities so that all students will enjoy the day. We will have more information coming soon!

(Updated Sunday 03/14/2021)

(LINK FOR PIE Appeal STEM Fundraiser)

#1 Upcoming Special Days at WBMS: This week

  • Tuesday March 16th=Twin Day

  • Wednesday March 17th=St. Patty's Green

  • Thursday March 18th=Bikers vs Beaches

#2-Tutoring available soon-Using state-sourced funding, WBMS will be utilizing after school tutoring in the very near future in order to address shortfalls and/or LAG in student learning due to the pandemic. Teachers will be compiling a list of students who would benefit. If you are interested in the after school activity (schedule coming soon), please contact me or Mrs. Patti to enroll. Right now, we are looking at the time of 3:00pm-3:45pm. Again, we are working on a nightly schedule.

#3 PIE Apparel Fundraiser for STEM- (Click Here to Order) WBMS Pie is looking to support West Branch's STEM program with a fundraiser. We will be sending home a flyer for students on Monday (3-8-21) in order to advertise. The sale is for a few clothing items which sport an OLD SCHOOL West Branch feel. Between the cause and the style of the shirt, we ask that you consider support this cause.

#4 Mask Protocol

  • Students will continue to wear masks properly

  • Masks should fit and must always cover mouth + nose

  • Continue to wash and/or swap out clearn masks

#5 -Need Some Support with your student in the social/emotional? Mrs. Patti is available for a discussion in order to see best next steps. We also are fortunate to have Pathways Counseling in the building in order to make it easier for parents and students to get timely support without students having to miss school. With everything going on, we are here to listen and react to any issues or ideas you have to support your student

Winter Sports Trophies for Wrestling and 8th Grade Boys and Girls BB

(Updated Sunday 03/07/2021)

(LINK FOR PIE Appeal STEM Fundraiser)

#1 State Testing dates are provided

  • ELA- (Grades 5, 6, and7)-April 20th and April 21st (first two hours)

  • Math-(Grades 5, 6, and7)-May 4th and May 5th (first two hours)

  • Science-(Grade 5 and Grade 8)-May 6th and May 7th (first two hours)

#2 Spring Picture information Building and WA Students (See below)

  • Date=March 30th 2021

  • Form-Sent home. Digital version (click here) (coming soon)

  • Middle School begins at 7:35am (building students)

  • Warrior Academy (k-12) will be from 4:00pm-4:30pm at MS

#3 PIE Apparel Fundraiser for STEM- (Click Here to Order) WBMS Pie is looking to support West Branch's STEM program with a fundraiser. We will be sending home a flyer for students on Monday (3-8-21) in order to advertise. The sale is for a few clothing items which sport an OLD SCHOOL West Branch feel. Between the cause and the style of the shirt, we ask that you consider support this cause.

#4 Cell Phone Reminder for WBMS-Students can bring their cell phone to school; however, students should store the cell phone turned off in his or her locker until the end of the school day. Parents and guardians can contact the Middle School if a message or desire to communicate is needed.

#5 Chromebook Repair information-Broken Chromebooks are on the rise. Students must go to Mr. Yeagley's webpage on the WBMS website. Next, students must click on the 'Chromebook Repair' red rectangle on Mr. Yeagley's page. Students will be called down when there is a 'same model' swap available so that students get a loaner that will work with their existing charger.

(Updated Sunday 02/21/2021)

#1 Cell Phones-Students can bring cellphones to school, but they should be put in the locker for the remainder of the day. We are starting to see an increase of issues with cell phones.

#2 State Testing-We will have state testing this year (last year we did not. We have dates set. We are also working on how this will look for Warrior Academy students. Dates are:

  • ELA-Grades 5, 6, 7=April 27th and April 28th

  • Math-Grades 5, 6, 7=May 4th and May 5th

  • Science-Grade 5=May 6th and May 7th

#3 Scheduling-We are working on next year's schedule. I will have an update soon regarding some electives that students can take and how that will work.

#4 Track Sign Ups are underway-I'd like to encourage as many 7th graders as possible to consider track. Track is a great 'first sport' that might open up some additional future doors. We love when kids get involved. Please contact Coach Davanzo with any questions. Track is for current 7th grade students (8th too). carl.davanzo@wbwarriors.org.

#5 Homework-Please consider checking in with students on homework. Many students suffer lower grades because homework is not completed. Homework helps to extend ideas while providing practice on subjects tackled in the classroom.

#6 Questions?-I'd love to hear from you directly if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns. Our goals is to provide a safe environment for you student(s) while helping them reach potentials as they work towards high school. jayson.yeagley@wbwarriors.org

(updated Tuesday 02/16/2021)

#1-MAD Club-The MAD club will be wearing their shirts tomorrow (2/17) and passing out candy and Valentine's Day cards in Homeroom on (2/17).

#2-Power of the Pen (POP)-Our 7th Grade did well. Two 7th grade students, Elaina Eichner and Amanda Strong qualified for the regional tournament.

#3-Math Focused Rewards Presented at lunch. (see to the left). Using the space in the cafeteria, the 5th grade team conducted the annual 5th grade auction and rewards day.

#4-5th Grade Rewards Auction-Please review the pictures below and encourage your student to check out the lost and found as it is full of clothing that students left at school.

#5-Congrats to the WBMS Wrestling Team for Winning the League and EOWL (see picture and info to the left)

#6 Track Sign Ups are underway-Please contact Coach Davanzo with any questions. Track is for current 7th grade students (8th too). carl.davanzo@wbwarriors.org

2min 30 second Update from Mr. Yeagley,

WBMS Principal


(updated Sunday 02/07/2021)

#1-Student Council Meeting-Monday February 8th 2021 after school until 4:00pm in room 702

#2-Congrats to the WBMS Wrestling Team for Winning the League. End of the season update coming soon.

#3-Parent Teacher Conference on Thursday-Call the school for appointment or email amber.patti@wbwarriors.org

#4-No School on Friday-Warrior Academy students can always use this time to get ahead.

#5-Mask Reminder-Please ensure that students not only have a mask, but have a clean mask. If a student needs a mask, please contact me at jayson.yeagley@wbwarriors.org

#6-Lost and Found-Please review the pictures below and encourage your student to check out the lost and found as it is full of clothing that students left at school.

(updated Monday 02/01/2021)

#1-New Semester Starts today, February 1st 2021. Welcome back to the building Warrior Academy Students (returning) (22 students).

#2-Winter Sports is nearing completion. The teams have done really well this Winter. We have some tournaments. Stay tuned to see how we did

#3-Virtual/Phone Parent/Teacher Conferences on February 11th 2021. Please call the school to schedule a conference. Conferences are from 3:00pm-8:15pm.

#4-Students will go to their new homeroom in the morning IF their 1st period class was a semester class and it changed.

#5-Have a discussion with your student about he or she uses study hall time. Many students take huge advantage of this time while others do not.

#6-Conversation starter with your students after school. We have all been there..."How was school?" "Good"--End of conversation. Instead, try to ask more specific questions like, "What happened that was funny today?" "Who did you talk to the most today?" or "What class surprised you today and why?"

#7-Missing Clothing-Our lost and found area is bursting with 'Lost' (not found) items. Please take a quick look at these pictures. Are you missing a coat or sweatshirt? It is possible it is hangin on the lost and found rack in the cafeteria. We will be making announcements during lunch starting Feb. 2nd 2021.

#8-5th Grade Auction-February 11th will the annual rewards auction. 5th Grade Students need to bring into three items. These items should not be expensive. Gently used items are okay too.

(updated Sunday 01/17/2021)

#1-No School Monday January 18th for MLK Day

#2. MS Band Concert on January 22nd @ MS Large Gym. 7:00pm=5th Grade. 7:30pm=6th Grade. 8:00pm=7th Grade. Each musician gets two guests. We will empty and fill gym after each performance.

#2-WA Students Important Dates (more info is on Warrior Academy)

We will reach to the guardian for info on: Transportation, Schedule, and Locker Info. ***Emergency Medical Form Online (click here). ***Supply List (click here)

  • Jan. 29th 2021 (5th Grade Orientation) 1:00pm

      • Tour + Schedule Pick Up + Practice Locker + Locate Classroom

  • Jan. 29th 20201 (6th and 7th Grade Open House) 1:00pm-3:00pm

      • Schedule Pick Up + Practice Locker +Locate Classroom

#3-End of the Nine Weeks/Semester-Semester 2 will start on February 1st 2021.